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Kooperatiflerin toplumun büyük bir bölümünü oluşturan ve ekonomik yönden güçsüz olan kesimin harekete geçirecek gelişmeye katkılarını sağlamada etkili bir araç olarak kullanılması giderek önem kazanmakta ve kalkınma planlarında yer almaktadır. Türkiye’de tarımsal amaçlı kooperatiflerin % 82.5’i tarımsal kalkınma kooperatifi ve sulama kooperatiflerinden oluşmaktadır. Küçük aile işletmelerinin tarımsal girdi temini, ürettikleri ürünleri değerinde bir fiyatta satılması, beklentilerin karşılanması ve bu işletmelerin devamlılığının sürdürülebilmesi için tarımsal amaçlı kooperatif çatısı altında toplanması ile mümkündür. Türkiye’nin en fazla milli gelirine sahip, Kocaeli ili ülke ekonomisinde sanayi ve hizmet sektörüne sağladığı katkı bakımından önemli yere sahiptir. Kocaeli ilinin ekonomisi sanayi ve hizmet sektörü ağırlıklı olmasına rağmen, tarımsal üretime uygun ekosistemi, hızla çoğalan kent nüfusunun temel ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması, nüfusun % 6.35’lik kısmını teşkil eden bucak ve köylerinin büyük bir kısmının tarım ve hayvancılıkla geçimini sağlamakta olması, tarımsal alanda sağlanabilecek, kalkınmada önemli bir yeri olan tarımsal kooperatiflerin durumunun ortaya konulması, konuyu önemli kılmaktadır Bu amaçla Kocaeli ili Derince ilçesine bağlı Çavuşlu Köyü Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi, kırsal alanda kooperatiflerin katkılarını ortaya koyabilecek bir örnektir. Çavuşlu köyü Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi çiğ süt ve büyükbaş hayvan yemi alanında faaliyetini sürdürmektedir. Çalışmada, kırsal alanda kalkınma kooperatiflerinin, işleyiş ve örgütlenmesinde karşılaştıkları sorunların tespiti ve bunların çözümü için kooperatifleşme yapısı ayrıntılı olarak incelenmesi, konuya ilişkin çözüm önerilerinin getirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
The use of cooperatives as a powerful instrument in setting the people who are in majority but economically weak in motion and enabling them to contribute to development becomes more important and is included in development plans. 82.5% of agricultural cooperatives in Turkey are agricultural development cooperatives and irrigation cooperatives. It is possible for family-owned enterprises to procure agricultural input, sell their products at reasonable prices, fulfill their expectations and be sustainable only by means of gathering under the umbrella of agricultural cooperatives. Kocaeli, which is a province with the highest national income in Turkey, has a significant place in national economy in terms of contribution to industry and service sectors. Industry and service sectors predominate the economy of Kocaeli. However, the province has an ecosystem suitable for agricultural production, the basic needs of her rapidly increasing urban population have to be met, and the majority of her sub-districts and villages - comprising 6.35% of the population – make a living from agriculture and stockbreeding. In addition to these, putting forth the situation of agricultural cooperatives, which play an essential role in agricultural development, for consideration makes the subject important. The Agricultural Development Cooperative of Çavuşlu village located in Derince district of Kocaeli province serves as a model in demonstrating the contributions of cooperatives in rural areas. Çavuşlu Agricultural Development Cooperative operates in the fields of raw milk and cattle feed. The purpose of this study is to identify the operational and organizational problems encountered by development cooperatives in rural areas, analyze the structure of cooperation in detail and propose solutions.
The use of cooperatives as a powerful instrument in setting the people who are in majority but economically weak in motion and enabling them to contribute to development becomes more important and is included in development plans. 82.5% of agricultural cooperatives in Turkey are agricultural development cooperatives and irrigation cooperatives. It is possible for family-owned enterprises to procure agricultural input, sell their products at reasonable prices, fulfill their expectations and be sustainable only by means of gathering under the umbrella of agricultural cooperatives. Kocaeli, which is a province with the highest national income in Turkey, has a significant place in national economy in terms of contribution to industry and service sectors. Industry and service sectors predominate the economy of Kocaeli. However, the province has an ecosystem suitable for agricultural production, the basic needs of her rapidly increasing urban population have to be met, and the majority of her sub-districts and villages - comprising 6.35% of the population – make a living from agriculture and stockbreeding. In addition to these, putting forth the situation of agricultural cooperatives, which play an essential role in agricultural development, for consideration makes the subject important. The Agricultural Development Cooperative of Çavuşlu village located in Derince district of Kocaeli province serves as a model in demonstrating the contributions of cooperatives in rural areas. Çavuşlu Agricultural Development Cooperative operates in the fields of raw milk and cattle feed. The purpose of this study is to identify the operational and organizational problems encountered by development cooperatives in rural areas, analyze the structure of cooperation in detail and propose solutions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İktisat, İşletme
Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri