Hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarına ilişkin bilgi, görüş ve tutumlarının incelenmesine yönelik ölçek çalışması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
183 ÖZET Sokak çocuğu; uzun yada kısa dönem için "sokaklarda" yaşam süren çocuklardır. Sık sık evden atılan, evden kaçan, ailesi olmayan veya ailesi olduğu halde bütünüyle başıboş bırakılan çocuklardır. Sokak çocukları aynı zamanda, suça itilen çocuklar, istismar ve ihmal edilen çocuklar gibi risk altındaki çocuklar grubunda bulunmaktadır. Temel Sağlık hizmetlerinde, hizmet gruplarının seçiminde "herkese biraz, gereksinimi olana daha fazla" ilkesi ile risk yaklaşımı benimsenmektedir. Toplumdaki risk grupları arasında çocuklar önemli bir yer almaktadır. Halk sağlığı hemşirelerinin görevlerinden biri de risk gruplarının sağlığının korunması ve geliştirilmesidir. Bu bakış açısıyla; sağlık ekibi üyesi olan hemşirelerin, sokak çocuklarına ilişkin konulardaki bilgilerini incelemek, sokak çocuklarıyla ilgili görüş ve tutumlarını saptamak için ölçek geliştirmek ve geliştirilen ölçeklerle bağımsız değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri karşılaştırmak amacıyla bu araştırma planlanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı tipte bir alan araştırması özelliği taşıyan bu çalışma, Şubat - Haziran 2002 tarihleri arasında "T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Nevvar -Salih Işgören Alsancak Devlet Hastanesi'nde", "T.C. Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastalıkları ve Eğitim Hastanesi'nde" ve "T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Karşıyaka Devlet Hastanesi'nde" çalışan ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 208 hemşire ile yürütülmüştür.. Araştırma verileri anket yöntemiyle toplanmıştır. Veri toplamada; "Hemşireleri tanıtmaya ve sokak çocukları ile iletişim durumlarını saptamaya yönelik sosyo-demografik veri formu", "Hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarına ilişkin bilgi durumlarının saptanmasına yönelik" anket formu "Hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarına yönelik görüşleri" (HSÇYG) ölçek formu ve "Hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarına yönelik tutumları" (HSÇYT) ölçek formu kullanılmıştır.184.Araştırma kapsamına alınan hemşirelerin çoğunluğu (%33.7) 23-37 yaş grubundadır. Yaş ortalaması 30.23+6.29'dur. Hemşirelerin % 61.1'i evli olup, %76.8'inin çocuğu vardır ve % 96.6'sı 1 çocuk sahibidir. Hemşirelerin % 29.3'ü 8-11 yıl arasında hemşirelik mesleğini yapmaktadır. Hemşirelerin % 44.2 gibi büyük çoğunluğu sokak çocukları ile sohbet -konuşma tarzı iletişime geçmiştir. Hemşirelerin % 88.0'ı sokak çocuklarından herhangi bir konuda istek almamıştır. Sokak çocukları ile sorun yaşayan hemşirelerin oranı % 14.9 olarak bulunmuştur.. Hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarına ilişkin bilgileri incelendiğinde; hemşireler sokak çocuklarının; "psikolojik durumlarının bozuk olduğunu" (%39.6), "parklarda yaşadıklarını" (%31.5), "limon, mendil, simit sattıklarını" (%34.6), "ailelerinin sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel düzeylerinin düşük olduğunu" (%24.9), "ailesel nedenlerle sokakta yaşadıklarını" (%76.5), "barınma gereksinimleri olduğunu" (%32.4), "uyuşturucu ve uçucu madde bağımlısı olduklarını" (%18.5) düşünmektedirler.. "HSÇYG" ölçek formu ve "HSÇYT" ölçek formu için "içerik geçerliliği" ve "yapı geçerliliği" çalışmaları, güvenirlik çalışmalarına yönelik olarak ise; iç Tutarlılık (Madde -Toplam Puan Korelasyonları) ve İki Yarım Test Güvenirlik (Bölünmüş Test Çözümlemeleri) çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan "HSÇYG" ve "HSÇYT" ölçeklerinin toplam puanları arasındaki ilişki "Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyon Analizi" ile incelenmiştir.. "HSÇYG" ölçeğinin Cronbach Alfa değeri 0.88 olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. Spearman Brown ve Guttmann Split - half katsayılarıda yeterli oranda yüksektir (0.62,0.61). Bu alt ölçeğe faktör analizi yapılmış 2 alt ölçek elde edilmiştir. Birinci alt boyuta "hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarına yönelik hizmetlere ilişkin görüşleri" adı verilmiştir. Bu alt boyutun Cronbach Alfa değeri 0.88 olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. Spearman Brown ve Guttmann Split- half katsayıları da yeterli düzeyde yüksektir (0.78, 0.80). İkinci alt boyuta ise "hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarının genel görünümlerine yönelik görüşleri"185 adı verilmiştir. Bu alt ölçeğin Cronbach Alfa değeri 0.70, Spearman Brown katsayısı 0.79, Guttman Spilt-half katsayısı 0.75 olarak bulunmuştur. "HSÇYG" ölçeğinin toplam puan ortalaması 90.91±9.79 olarak saptanmıştır.. "HSÇYT ölçeğinin Cronbach Alfa değeri 0.70 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu ölçeğe faktör analizi uygulanmış ve 2 alt boyut elde edilmiştir. Birinci alt boyuta "hemşirelerin sokak çocukları ile ilgili olumlu tutumları" adı verilmiştir. Cronbach Alfa değeri 0.63, Spearman Brown Katsayısı 0.53, Guttmann Split - half Katsayısı, 0.51 olarak saptanmıştır. İkinci alt boyuta ise "hemşirelerin sokak çocukları ile ilgili olumsuz tutumları" adı verilmiş olup, cronbach Alfa değeri 0.56, Spearman Brown Katsayısı 0.52 Guttmann Split-half Katsayısı 0.52 olarak belirlenmiştir. "HSÇYT ölçeğinin toplam puan ortalaması 39.72±6.55 olarak saptanmıştır.."HSÇYG" ölçeği toplam puan ile alt ölçeklerinin toplam puanı üzerinde; hemşirelerin yaş gruplarının etkisinin olduğu bulunmuştur (F(10)=2.116; p<0.05). Hemşirelerin yaşlan arttıkça sokak çocuklarına ilişkin görüşleri olumlu yönde değişmektedir. "HSÇYG" ölçeği toplam puanı ile alt ölçeklerinin toplam puanı üzerinde, hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarıyla yakınlaşma durumlarının etkisi saptanmıştır (F(2)=2.,920; p<0.05). Sokak çocuklarıyla yakınlaşan hemşirelerin daha olumlu görüşe sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. "HSÇYG" ölçeği ve toplam puanı ile alt ölçeklerinin toplam puanı üzerinde hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarından istek alıp-almama durumunun etkisinin bulunduğu saptanmıştır (F(4)=2.510; p<0.05). Sokak çocuklarından istek alan hemşireler daha olumlu görüşe sahip olarak bulunmuştur."HSÇYT" ölçeği toplam puanı ile alt ölçeklerinin toplam puanları üzerinde; hemşirelerin çalıştıkları kurumların etkisinin olduğu bulunmuştur (F(4)=4.170; p<0.05). Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastanesi ve Karşıyaka Devlet Hastanesi'nde çalışan hemşirelerin, Alsancak Devlet Hastanesi'nde çalışan hemşirelerden sokak çocuklarını daha kabullenici tutuma sahip oldukları saptanmıştır.186."HSÇYT ölçeği toplam puanı ile alt ölçeklerinin toplam puanı üzerinde, hemşirelerin sokak çocukları ile yakınlaşma durumlarının etkisinin olduğu bulunmuştur (F(2)=21.577, p<0.05). Sokak çocukları ile yakınlaşan hemşirelerin daha olumlu tutuma sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. "HSÇYT ölçeği ve toplam puanı ile alt ölçeklerinin toplam puanı üzerinde, hemşirelerin sokak çocuklarından istek alıp-almama durumlarının etkisinin bulunduğu saptanmıştır (F(4)=1 0.567; p<0.05). Sokak çocuklarından istek almayan hemşirelerin daha olumlu tutuma sahip olduğu bulunmuştur.."HSÇYT ölçeği toplam puanı ile "HSÇYTG" ölçeği toplam puanı arasında zayıf bir korelasyon saptanmıştır (r=0.12, p<0.05)
187 A Study of Scale Aimed At Investigating the Knowledge, Sights and Attitudes of Nurses, Related to Street Children. SUMMARY Street children are children who keep on living in the streets for a short or a long term. These are the children who most frequently discarded from home, escaped from home, homeless or those who were allowed to wander by themselves despite they had families. Street children are also among the group of children at risk, such as children forced to commit crime, children abused and neglected. In basic health services and selection of service groups a risk approach that has a principle "less to everybody, more to those who needed" is adopted. In community among the risk groups, children occupy a significant place. One of the duties of community health nurses is to develop and maintain the health of risk groups. From this point of view; this research was planned to develop a scale which will investigate the knowledge of nurses, who are the members of health team, in issues related to street children, and will determine their sights and attitudes related to street children, and to compare the correlations between scales developed and independent variables. This study, which has a characteristic of a definitive type field research, was carried out with total 208 nurses who worked at the following hospitals between the months of January and June 2002 and accepted to participate in the study; "Turkish Republic, Department of Health, Newar-Salih Işgören Alsancak Government Hospital', "Turkish Republic, Dr. Behçet Uz Pediatrics Diseases Education and Research Hospital' and "Turkish Republic, Department of Health, Karşıyaka Government Hospital' Data of the research were collected by survey method. In collection of data the following scale and survey forms were used; "A sociodemographic data form aimed at introducing the nurses and determining their communication statuses with the street children", "A survey form aimed at determining the status of knowledge of the nurses related to street children", a scale form pertaining to "opinions of nurses related to street children" (HSÇYG) and a scale form pertaining to "attitudes of nurses towards street children" (HSÇYT).188 q Majority of nurses (33.7 %) included in the scope of research was in the 23 - 27 age group. Mean age was 30.203 ± 6.29. Of the nurses, 61.1 % was married, 76.8 % had children and 96.6 % had only 1 child. 29.3 % of the nurses were in nursing profession for 8 -11 years. Vest majority of nurses, such as 44.2 %, preferred a chat - conversation type communication with street children. 88.0 % of nurses did not receive any kind of demand from street children. The rate of nurses who had problems with street children was found as 14.9 %. a When the knowledge of nurses related to street children were evaluated the thoughts of nurses pertaining to children were as follows; " their psychological statuses are disordered' (39.6 %), "they live in parks" (31.5 %), "they sell lemon, tissue and simit " (34.6), "sociodemographic and cultural levels of their families are loW (24.9 %), "they live in streets due to familial reasons" (76.5 %), " they need accommodations" (32.4 %), "they are narcotics and volatile addicts" (18.2 %). a The "content validity" and "structure validity" works for "HSÇYG" and "HSÇYT scale forms; for "internal consistency" [Item-total score correlations] and "Two-half Test Reliability" [Divided Test Resolutions] works in regards to "reliability works" were carried out. The relationship between the total scores of "HSÇYG" and "HSÇYT" scales used in the research was studied by means of "Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation Analysis". a Cronbach Alpha value of "HSÇYG" scale was found as high as 0.88. Spearman Brown and Guttmann Split-half coefficients were also sufficiently high (0.62, 0.61 ). Factor analysis was performed for this subscale and 2 subscales were obtained. First subscale was called "Opinions of nurses related to services aimed at street children". Cronbach Alpha value of this subscale was found as high as 0.88. Spearman Brown and Guttmann Split-half coefficients were also sufficiently high (0.78, 0.80). Second subscale was named "Opinions of nurses related to general appearance of street children". Cronbach Alpha value of this subscale was 0.70, Spearman Brown coefficient was 0.79 and Guttman Split-half coefficient was 0.75. Mean of total score of "HSÇYG" scale was established as 90.91 ±9.79. a Cronbach Alpha value of "HSÇYT" scale was found as 0.70. A factor analysis was applied to this scale and 2 subdimensions were obtained. First189 subdimension was called "Positive attitudes of nurses related to street children". Cronbach Alpha value of this subdimension was found as 0.63, Spearman Brown coefficient 0.53 and Guttman Split-half coefficient 0.51. Second subdimension was called "Negative attitudes of nurses related to street children" and its Cronbach Alpha value was found as 0.56, Spearman Brown coefficient 0.52 and Guttman Split-half coefficient 0.52. Mean of total score of "HSÇYT scale was established as 39.72 ± 6.55. a It was found that age groups of nurses had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYG" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(10) = 2.116; p<0.05]. As ages of nurses increase, their thoughts related to street children vary in positive direction. It was observed that familiarization of nurses with street children had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYG" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(2) = 2.120; p<0.05]. It was also observed that nurses familiarized with street children had positive opinions. It was detected that the status of whether nurses get demands from street children, had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYG" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(4) = 2.510; p<0.05]. It was also observed that nurses received demands from street children had positive opinions. It was found that the organizations nurses work for, had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYG" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(4) = 4.170; p<0.05]. It was determined that nurses working for Behnçet Uz Children Hospital and Karşıyaka Government Hospital had attitudes more adoptive of street children than those working for Alsancak Government Hospital. q It was observed that nurses getting closer to street children had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYT" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(2) = 2.577; p<0.05]. Nurses getting closer to street children had more positive attitudes. It was detected that the status of whether nurses get demands from street children, had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYT" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(4) = 10.567; p<0.05]. It was also observed that nurses did not receive demands from street children had more positive attitudes. a A poor correlation detected between the total scores of "HSÇYT" and "HSÇYG" (r = 0.12 p< 0.05).
187 A Study of Scale Aimed At Investigating the Knowledge, Sights and Attitudes of Nurses, Related to Street Children. SUMMARY Street children are children who keep on living in the streets for a short or a long term. These are the children who most frequently discarded from home, escaped from home, homeless or those who were allowed to wander by themselves despite they had families. Street children are also among the group of children at risk, such as children forced to commit crime, children abused and neglected. In basic health services and selection of service groups a risk approach that has a principle "less to everybody, more to those who needed" is adopted. In community among the risk groups, children occupy a significant place. One of the duties of community health nurses is to develop and maintain the health of risk groups. From this point of view; this research was planned to develop a scale which will investigate the knowledge of nurses, who are the members of health team, in issues related to street children, and will determine their sights and attitudes related to street children, and to compare the correlations between scales developed and independent variables. This study, which has a characteristic of a definitive type field research, was carried out with total 208 nurses who worked at the following hospitals between the months of January and June 2002 and accepted to participate in the study; "Turkish Republic, Department of Health, Newar-Salih Işgören Alsancak Government Hospital', "Turkish Republic, Dr. Behçet Uz Pediatrics Diseases Education and Research Hospital' and "Turkish Republic, Department of Health, Karşıyaka Government Hospital' Data of the research were collected by survey method. In collection of data the following scale and survey forms were used; "A sociodemographic data form aimed at introducing the nurses and determining their communication statuses with the street children", "A survey form aimed at determining the status of knowledge of the nurses related to street children", a scale form pertaining to "opinions of nurses related to street children" (HSÇYG) and a scale form pertaining to "attitudes of nurses towards street children" (HSÇYT).188 q Majority of nurses (33.7 %) included in the scope of research was in the 23 - 27 age group. Mean age was 30.203 ± 6.29. Of the nurses, 61.1 % was married, 76.8 % had children and 96.6 % had only 1 child. 29.3 % of the nurses were in nursing profession for 8 -11 years. Vest majority of nurses, such as 44.2 %, preferred a chat - conversation type communication with street children. 88.0 % of nurses did not receive any kind of demand from street children. The rate of nurses who had problems with street children was found as 14.9 %. a When the knowledge of nurses related to street children were evaluated the thoughts of nurses pertaining to children were as follows; " their psychological statuses are disordered' (39.6 %), "they live in parks" (31.5 %), "they sell lemon, tissue and simit " (34.6), "sociodemographic and cultural levels of their families are loW (24.9 %), "they live in streets due to familial reasons" (76.5 %), " they need accommodations" (32.4 %), "they are narcotics and volatile addicts" (18.2 %). a The "content validity" and "structure validity" works for "HSÇYG" and "HSÇYT scale forms; for "internal consistency" [Item-total score correlations] and "Two-half Test Reliability" [Divided Test Resolutions] works in regards to "reliability works" were carried out. The relationship between the total scores of "HSÇYG" and "HSÇYT" scales used in the research was studied by means of "Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation Analysis". a Cronbach Alpha value of "HSÇYG" scale was found as high as 0.88. Spearman Brown and Guttmann Split-half coefficients were also sufficiently high (0.62, 0.61 ). Factor analysis was performed for this subscale and 2 subscales were obtained. First subscale was called "Opinions of nurses related to services aimed at street children". Cronbach Alpha value of this subscale was found as high as 0.88. Spearman Brown and Guttmann Split-half coefficients were also sufficiently high (0.78, 0.80). Second subscale was named "Opinions of nurses related to general appearance of street children". Cronbach Alpha value of this subscale was 0.70, Spearman Brown coefficient was 0.79 and Guttman Split-half coefficient was 0.75. Mean of total score of "HSÇYG" scale was established as 90.91 ±9.79. a Cronbach Alpha value of "HSÇYT" scale was found as 0.70. A factor analysis was applied to this scale and 2 subdimensions were obtained. First189 subdimension was called "Positive attitudes of nurses related to street children". Cronbach Alpha value of this subdimension was found as 0.63, Spearman Brown coefficient 0.53 and Guttman Split-half coefficient 0.51. Second subdimension was called "Negative attitudes of nurses related to street children" and its Cronbach Alpha value was found as 0.56, Spearman Brown coefficient 0.52 and Guttman Split-half coefficient 0.52. Mean of total score of "HSÇYT scale was established as 39.72 ± 6.55. a It was found that age groups of nurses had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYG" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(10) = 2.116; p<0.05]. As ages of nurses increase, their thoughts related to street children vary in positive direction. It was observed that familiarization of nurses with street children had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYG" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(2) = 2.120; p<0.05]. It was also observed that nurses familiarized with street children had positive opinions. It was detected that the status of whether nurses get demands from street children, had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYG" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(4) = 2.510; p<0.05]. It was also observed that nurses received demands from street children had positive opinions. It was found that the organizations nurses work for, had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYG" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(4) = 4.170; p<0.05]. It was determined that nurses working for Behnçet Uz Children Hospital and Karşıyaka Government Hospital had attitudes more adoptive of street children than those working for Alsancak Government Hospital. q It was observed that nurses getting closer to street children had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYT" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(2) = 2.577; p<0.05]. Nurses getting closer to street children had more positive attitudes. It was detected that the status of whether nurses get demands from street children, had an effect on total scores of "HSÇYT" scale and total scores of subscales. [F(4) = 10.567; p<0.05]. It was also observed that nurses did not receive demands from street children had more positive attitudes. a A poor correlation detected between the total scores of "HSÇYT" and "HSÇYG" (r = 0.12 p< 0.05).
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing