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Türkiye'de sağlık reformları sadece sağlık hizmet sunumunda özel sektörün payının artmasına değil, kamu hizmetlerinin ticarileşmesine de neden olmuştur. Bu yazıda kamu ve özel sağlık hizmetleri kabaca tanımlanmış, Türkiye'de özelleştirme ve hizmetlerin ticarileşme sürecine kısaca değinildikten sonra kamu hastane hizmetlerinde özel sektörün varlığı ve özele sermaye aktarımının mekanizmaları gözden geçirilmiştir. Devlet, Türkiye'de sağlık alanındaki sorumluluklarını azaltmakla birlikte henüz oldukça büyük bir bölümünü üstlenmekte ama bunu özelden hizmet alarak sürdürmektedir. Bu süreç, 1982 Anayasası'nın 56. maddesinde yapılan değişiklikle devletin sağlık hizmeti görevinde değişiklik yapılmasıyla ve 1983 yılında 2907 sayılı döner sermaye hakkındaki kanunda yapılan değişikliklerle başlamıştır. Kamunun özel sektörden hizmet satın almaya başlaması özel sektör yatırımlarını en fazla arttıran teşviklerden biri olmuştur. Hizmet satın almanın kapsamı kamu hizmet sunumunda yapılan değişikliklerle, çeşitliliğin arttırılmasıyla genişletilmiştir. İhale, imtiyaz, şirketleşme, kamu özel işbirliği, kiralama gibi yöntemlerin çoğu Türkiye'de uygulanmaktadır. Bu yöntemler aslında birer kamu özel ortaklığı modelleridir. Türkiye'de özel sektör bu mekanizmalarla oldukça büyütülmüştür. Kamu neredeyse çalışan personel hariç bir özel sektör kurumu olma yolundadır. İmtiyazlar, kamu özel ortaklıkları ve bunun gibi bir çok yasa içeriği emekçilerle daha anlaşılmadan, sermayeye büyük olanaklar sağlamakta ve giderek taşeronlaşan bir sağlık sektörünü oluşturmaktadır.
Health reforms in Turkey have both caused private sector to have more allocation in the presentation of health services and contributed public services to commercialise. In this paper, public and private health services are identified briefly; the period for privatization and commercialization of health services is shortly mentioned and hereafter the presence of private sector in hospital services and private capital transfer mechanisms are reviewed. While government has decreased its responsibilities in healthcare field, it still undertakes a considerable part of them by receiving support from the private sector. This period started in Turkey with amendments such as 56th article of 1982 Constitution which changed the health service function of the government and 2907th law which made changes in circulating capital in 1983. With the initiation of service purchase from private sector, public sector has encouraged the investments of private sector at the utmost. The scope of service purchase has been extended by revisions in public service presentation and enhancement of variety. Most methods such as tender offer, privilige, incorporation, collaboration of public and private and hiring have been carried out in Turkey. These methods are primarily the models of the partnership of public and private sectors. The private sector in Turkey has been maximized by the mechanisms aforementioned above. The public sector excluding its working personnel gradually becomes a private sector establishment. Prior to any agreement with working class, many law contents such as priviliges, the association of public and private sectors and etc. enable capitals great opportunities and create a health sector with sub-contracts day by day.
Health reforms in Turkey have both caused private sector to have more allocation in the presentation of health services and contributed public services to commercialise. In this paper, public and private health services are identified briefly; the period for privatization and commercialization of health services is shortly mentioned and hereafter the presence of private sector in hospital services and private capital transfer mechanisms are reviewed. While government has decreased its responsibilities in healthcare field, it still undertakes a considerable part of them by receiving support from the private sector. This period started in Turkey with amendments such as 56th article of 1982 Constitution which changed the health service function of the government and 2907th law which made changes in circulating capital in 1983. With the initiation of service purchase from private sector, public sector has encouraged the investments of private sector at the utmost. The scope of service purchase has been extended by revisions in public service presentation and enhancement of variety. Most methods such as tender offer, privilige, incorporation, collaboration of public and private and hiring have been carried out in Turkey. These methods are primarily the models of the partnership of public and private sectors. The private sector in Turkey has been maximized by the mechanisms aforementioned above. The public sector excluding its working personnel gradually becomes a private sector establishment. Prior to any agreement with working class, many law contents such as priviliges, the association of public and private sectors and etc. enable capitals great opportunities and create a health sector with sub-contracts day by day.
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Sağlık Politikaları ve Hizmetleri
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