Değişik posterior kompozit materiyallerinin uzun dönemli klinik incelemesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
6.ÖZET Diş rengindeki restoratif materyallerin en gelişmiş örneği olan kompozit rezinler, günümüzde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Estetik özellikleri, diş yapılarına fizikokimyasal olarak tutunmaları ve hemen parlatılabilmeleri onları diğer restoratif materyallerden üstün kılmıştır ve tüm dünyada kullanımları hızla artmıştır. Buna karşın, klinik başarıları ve aşınmaya dirençleri büyük farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada; son yıllarda piyasaya çıkmış olan üç farklı gruba ait posterior kompozit materyali, 2 yıllık klinik takip sonucunda karşılaştırılmış ve amalgam dolgulara birer alternatif olup olamayacakları araştırılmıştır. Kullanılan materyaller Prisma TPHS Z100 ve Clearfil Ray-Posterior dur. Klinik başarıyı değerlendirmek amacıyla, materyal başına 40 olmak üzere toplam 120 adet restorasyon 38 hastaya uygulanmıştır. Bunların 89 adedi okluzal, 31 adedi ise iki yönlü kavitelerdi. Restorasyonlar, iki yıllık gözlem periyodu süresince, her 6 ayda bir, Ryge tarafından geliştirilmiş olan USPHS direkt değerlendirme kriterleri ile 3 gözlemci tarafından incelenmiştir. Her kontrolde, dişlerden vinll polisiloksan esaslı bir ölçü maddesi ile ölçü alınıp sert alçıdan replikalar elde edilmiş, anatomik form ve aralanma bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. 2 yıllık çalışmanın sonucunda; klinik değerlendirmede, kenar renklenmesi, sekonder çürük oluşumu, renk uyumu ve anatomik form kaybı açısından incelenen tüm materyaller değişmeden kalmıştır. Marjinal adaptasyon açısından Prisma TPH %83.3 ve Z100 %88.5 oranında başarılı bulunmuştur. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü açısından Clearfil Ray-Posterior, içeriğindekikuartz sebebiyle, uygulandıktarı 8 ay sonra pürüzlü hale gelmiştir (%97.3 oranında). Alçı modeller değerlendirildiğinde, anatomik form kaybı bakımından Clearfıl Ray-Posterior değişmeden kalırken, Z100 %88.55 Prisma TPH %91.6 oranında başarılı bulunmuştur. Diş -dolgu arasındaki aralanma dikkate.alındığında; Z100 %65.7, Clearfil Ray-Posterior %72.2 ve Prisma TPH %36.1 oranında başarılı bulunmuştur. Alçı modellerin sonuçları klinik gözlemlerle uyuşmamakta ve gerçek durumu tam yansıtmamaktadır. Buna karşın erken dönemdeki marjinal bozulmaları tespit edip klinik olarak önlem almamızı sağlamaktadır. Çalışmamızın sonucunda, kullandığımız tüm posterior kompozitier başarılı bulunmuştur. Klinik başarı açısından aralarında istatistiksel olarak fark tespit edilmemiştir. Her üç materyalde posterior restorasyonlarda amalgam dolgulara birer alternatif teşkil edebilecek düzeyde başarılı bulunmuştur
7 SUMMARY Composite resins, being the most developed tooth-colored restorative material, are widely used ali over the world in today's dentistry because of their superior esthetics! properties, ability to to bond physicochemically to tooth structures and possibility to be polished immediately. However, their clinical success and wear resistance had differences among the brands. In this study, three different new composite materials were compared after 2-years of clinical service and investigated if they could be alternatives to amalgam restorations or not. The materials used were Prisma TPH, Z100 and Clearfil Ray- Posterior. In 38 patients, a total of 120 composite restorations-40 for each material- were made. Eighty-nine of them were class I and 31 were class II restorations. During the 2-years observation period, the restorations were examined every 6 months and evaluated according to Ryge's USPHS direct evaluation criteria by three observers. At the recalls, impressions of the teeth were taken with a vinyl poiisiloxane impression material and die stone replicas were prepared and evaluated in respect of anatomical form and cavo surface margin gaps. At the end of the 2-years clinical study; cavo surface margin discoloration, seconder caries, color match and anatomic form were evaluated and it was found that all the materials had no changes. When marginal adaptation was evaluated; Prisma TPH had a success rate of 83.3%, Z100 of 88.5% and Clearfil Ray-Posterior 100%. 8 months after103 application, Clearfii Ray-Posterior, which contained quartz as filler, was found to have surface roughness at a rate of 97.3%. When stone models were examined for loss of anatomic form, it was found that Clearfii Ray-Posterior had no changes; while Z100 had a success rate of 88.5% and Prisma TPH of 91.6%. Results of the cavo surface margin.gaps evaluation showed that Z100, Clearfii Ray-Posterior and Prisma TPH had success rates of 85.7%, 72.2% and 23.1% respectively. The results of the die stone replicas evaluation did not correspond to clinical evaluation and didn't reflect the true situation. However, it can give us an idea for early marginal disintegration and we can be awared for the clinical restoration. At the end of our study, we found that all the tested materials were successful. There was no statistically difference between them in clinical success. The three materials can be alternatives to amalgam restorations In posterior teeth.
7 SUMMARY Composite resins, being the most developed tooth-colored restorative material, are widely used ali over the world in today's dentistry because of their superior esthetics! properties, ability to to bond physicochemically to tooth structures and possibility to be polished immediately. However, their clinical success and wear resistance had differences among the brands. In this study, three different new composite materials were compared after 2-years of clinical service and investigated if they could be alternatives to amalgam restorations or not. The materials used were Prisma TPH, Z100 and Clearfil Ray- Posterior. In 38 patients, a total of 120 composite restorations-40 for each material- were made. Eighty-nine of them were class I and 31 were class II restorations. During the 2-years observation period, the restorations were examined every 6 months and evaluated according to Ryge's USPHS direct evaluation criteria by three observers. At the recalls, impressions of the teeth were taken with a vinyl poiisiloxane impression material and die stone replicas were prepared and evaluated in respect of anatomical form and cavo surface margin gaps. At the end of the 2-years clinical study; cavo surface margin discoloration, seconder caries, color match and anatomic form were evaluated and it was found that all the materials had no changes. When marginal adaptation was evaluated; Prisma TPH had a success rate of 83.3%, Z100 of 88.5% and Clearfil Ray-Posterior 100%. 8 months after103 application, Clearfii Ray-Posterior, which contained quartz as filler, was found to have surface roughness at a rate of 97.3%. When stone models were examined for loss of anatomic form, it was found that Clearfii Ray-Posterior had no changes; while Z100 had a success rate of 88.5% and Prisma TPH of 91.6%. Results of the cavo surface margin.gaps evaluation showed that Z100, Clearfii Ray-Posterior and Prisma TPH had success rates of 85.7%, 72.2% and 23.1% respectively. The results of the die stone replicas evaluation did not correspond to clinical evaluation and didn't reflect the true situation. However, it can give us an idea for early marginal disintegration and we can be awared for the clinical restoration. At the end of our study, we found that all the tested materials were successful. There was no statistically difference between them in clinical success. The three materials can be alternatives to amalgam restorations In posterior teeth.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Dental materyaller, Dental materials, Kök kanal dolgu materyalleri, Root canal filling materials