Suriye ve Türkiye'de üretilen bazı buğday çeşitlerinin ekmek yapımına "yassı-arap-tava ve serbest tipte" uygunluğunun belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
in ÖZET SURİYE VE TÜRKİYE'DE ÜRETİLEN BAZI BUĞDAY ÇEŞİTLERİNİN EKMEK YAPIMINA " YASSI- ARAP- TAVA VE SERBEST TİPTE " UYGUNLUĞUNUN BELİRLENMESİ SATOUF, Mustafa Doktora Tezi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr.S. Sezgin ÜNAL Eylül 1999, 158 sayfa Bu çalışmada Suriye ve Türkiye'de 1997 yılında üretilen bazı saf Tr.aestivum ve Tr. durum buğdaylarının özelliklerinin belirlenmesine, Bühler MLU 202 laboratuvar un değirmeninde öğütülerek elde edilen un örneklerinin fiziksel, kimyasal ve teknolojik özelliklerinin saptanmasına, aynı zamanda un örneklerinin hem tek olarak, hem de farklı oranlarda hazırlanan paçal şeklinde Arap ekmeği (2KE), T^a-ve serbest tipte ekmek yapımına uygunluklarının belirlenmesine ve gerektiğinde bazı katkı maddeleri ile iyileştirilmesine çalışılmıştır. Katkı maddesi olarak SSL, DATEM, a-amilaz ve C vitamini kullanılmıştır. Tava ve serbest ekmek, Detmold (1978) ekmek pişirme yöntemine göre yapılmışlar. Tr.durum unlarından yapılan tava ve serbest ekmekler, %0.5 DATEM + 40 ppm C vitamini + enzim ile diğer katkı maddelerine göre daha iyi sonuç vermiştir. Arap ekmeği, Qarooni vd (1987) ve Williams vd (1988) metodlarmdan faydalanarak yapılmıştır. 2KE'in % 0.25 SSL + 30 ppm C vitamini + enzim ile diğer katkı maddelerine göre daha iyi sonuç verdiği saptanmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Tr.durum, Tr.aestivum, Ekmek Katkı Maddeleri, Tava ve Serbest Ekmek, Arap Ekmeği (2KE)
rv ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF THE ABILITY OF SOME DIFFERENT WHEAT VARIETES WHICH ARE GROWN IN SYRIA AND TURKEY FOR MANUFACTURING OF FLAT "2LF' SHAMEY, PAN AND FREE BREAD SATOUF, Mustafe. Ph D in Food Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. S.Sezgin Ünal September 1999,158 Pages In this study, samples of pure Tr. aestivum and Tr. durum wheat varieties, product of 1997, from Syria and Turkey were obtained and tested for their properties. These different samples were milled by Bühler MLU 202 laboratory. The physical, chemical and technological properties of the resulting flour samples, both pure and mixed, were determined. In addition, the ability of these varieties for the production of different types of bread, namely Arabic bread (2LF), Pan bread and Free bread, was evaluated. Moreover, when it was necessary, some additives such as SSL, DATEM, a- amylase and vitamin C were added in different ratios, for improvement of the quality of the bread. For the production of Pan and Free bread the method adopted by Detmold (1978) was employed, addition of 0.5 % DATEM + 40 ppm of vitamin C + enzyme to Tr. durum flour gave the best results for producing Pan and Free bread. Arabic bread was produced with the help of methods adopted by Qarooni et al (1987) and Williams et al (1988). For the improvement of Arabic bread quality was obtained when 0.25 % SSL + 30 ppm vitamin C + enzyme was added. Key word: Tr.durum, Tr. aestivum, additives, Pan and Free breads, Arabic bread (2LF).
rv ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF THE ABILITY OF SOME DIFFERENT WHEAT VARIETES WHICH ARE GROWN IN SYRIA AND TURKEY FOR MANUFACTURING OF FLAT "2LF' SHAMEY, PAN AND FREE BREAD SATOUF, Mustafe. Ph D in Food Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. S.Sezgin Ünal September 1999,158 Pages In this study, samples of pure Tr. aestivum and Tr. durum wheat varieties, product of 1997, from Syria and Turkey were obtained and tested for their properties. These different samples were milled by Bühler MLU 202 laboratory. The physical, chemical and technological properties of the resulting flour samples, both pure and mixed, were determined. In addition, the ability of these varieties for the production of different types of bread, namely Arabic bread (2LF), Pan bread and Free bread, was evaluated. Moreover, when it was necessary, some additives such as SSL, DATEM, a- amylase and vitamin C were added in different ratios, for improvement of the quality of the bread. For the production of Pan and Free bread the method adopted by Detmold (1978) was employed, addition of 0.5 % DATEM + 40 ppm of vitamin C + enzyme to Tr. durum flour gave the best results for producing Pan and Free bread. Arabic bread was produced with the help of methods adopted by Qarooni et al (1987) and Williams et al (1988). For the improvement of Arabic bread quality was obtained when 0.25 % SSL + 30 ppm vitamin C + enzyme was added. Key word: Tr.durum, Tr. aestivum, additives, Pan and Free breads, Arabic bread (2LF).
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Buğday, Wheat, Ekmek, Bread, Ekmeklik buğday, Bread wheat, Katkı maddeleri, Additives, Suriye, Syria, Türkiye, Turkey