Kala-azar'lı hasta serumlarında western blot analizi ile anti-leishmania antikor yanıtının değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Leishmaniasis, visseral, deri ve muko-deri gibi farklı klinik formlar ile karakterize olan subtropikal ve tropikal bölgelerde görülen bir hastalıktır. Leishmaniasis tanısı ve tedavi takibinde kemik iliği aspirasyonun invaziv bir yöntem olması ve gerek uygulanması gerekse incelenmesi için uzman kişilere gereksinim olması nedeniyle kısa süre içinde yanıt veren duyarlı ve özgül tanı yöntemlerine gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Bu araştırmamızda, tanıda ve tedavi takibinde kullanılabilen, parazitin immunodominant antijenlerine karşı oluşan spesifik antikorların saptanması temeline dayanan Western Blot yönteminin, ülkemizdeki leishmaniasisli hastalar üzerinde denenmesi ve diğer serolojik testlerle de karşılaştırmalı olarak tanıda kullanılma olanaklarının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. İki farklı Leishmania infantum susundan elde edilen antijenin kullanıldığı western blot testinde, visseral leishmaniasis (VL) şüpheli, kemik iliği aspirasyon preparatları da bulunan 37 kişiden, deri leishmaniasisi tanısı alan 9 hastadan, ve çapraz reaksiyon için 5 sıtma ve 5 toxoplasmosisli hastalardan alınan serumlar 1/100 sulandırımda kullanılmıştır. Aynı serumlara ELISA ve İFA testleri de uygulanmıştır. Western Blot ve diğer testlerle 30 kişinin serumlarında anti-Leishmania antikorları saptanmıştır. Hasta serumlarında moleküler ağırlığı 14 kDa ile 94 kDa arasında değişen çok sayıda bandın varlığı ortaya konulmuştur. VL hasta serumlarında elde edilen bantlar tek tek ele alındığında özgüllüğün hepsi için %100 olduğu, duyarlılığın ise %15 (14 kDa) ile %100 (94 kDa) arasında değiştiği görülmüştür. Deri leishmaniasisi hasta serumlarında ise bantların sayısı ve yoğunluğunun çok daha düşük olduğu bulunmuştur. Uygulanan her üç test arasındaki uyumun %100 olduğu görülürken, saptanan antikor titreleri ile Western Blot analizinde gözlenen bantların sayısı ve yoğunluğu arasında bir korelasyon bulunamamıştır. Çalışmamız sonucunda, western blot yöntemi, uygulanması için uygun laboratuvar olanakları ve donanımı gerektirmesine karşın visseral leishmaniasis tanısında ve tedavisinin takibinde güvenle kullanılabilecek bir test olduğu, diğer testlerin yanında rutinde uygulanabileceği görülmüştür
SUMMARY Leishmaniasis is a disease of the tropical and sub-tropical regions, which exhibits distinct clinical features, characterized by cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral forms. The bone marrow aspiration, which is currently used in the diagnosis and follow-up of leishmaniasis, is an invasive technique, which requires specialists to be performed and examined, hence, a more efficient diagnostic method with high sensitivity and specifity is needed. This study examines the Western Blot analysis, which depends on the detection of the specific antibodies against the immunodominant antigens, with respect to its competence in the serodiagnosis and follow-up of the patients with leishmaniasis in Turkey, in comparison with the other serologic tests. A total of fifty-six patients, of which thirty-seven suspected of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), whose bone marrow aspirates were also available, nine with cutaneous leishmaniasis, and for cross-reaction, five with malaria and another five with toxoplasmosis, were studied by Western Blot analysis, ELISA and IFA. Western Blot analysis was performed in the sera diluted at 1/100, by using antigens derived from two different L infantum species. By using Western Blot analysis, ELISA and IFA as well, anti-Leishmania antibodies were detected in the sera of the thirty patients with VL. A number of bands with molecular weigths varying between 14 kDa to 94 kDa were detected. In the present study, it appears that L infantum specific antigens were recognized with 100% specifity and, with special reference to molecular weights sensitivity varied between 15% for 14 kDa and 100% for 94 kDa antigens. There was no correlation between the number and intensity of bands in western blot analysis and I FAT and ELISA antibody titers, however the direct comparision of the sensitivity of the western blot analysis with ELISA and IFAT seem to be correlated. In this study, we concluded that, Western Blot analysis is a reliable test for the diagnosis and follow-up of VL, which can be used as a routine diagnostic tool, however, it requires suitable laboratory environment and equipment.
SUMMARY Leishmaniasis is a disease of the tropical and sub-tropical regions, which exhibits distinct clinical features, characterized by cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral forms. The bone marrow aspiration, which is currently used in the diagnosis and follow-up of leishmaniasis, is an invasive technique, which requires specialists to be performed and examined, hence, a more efficient diagnostic method with high sensitivity and specifity is needed. This study examines the Western Blot analysis, which depends on the detection of the specific antibodies against the immunodominant antigens, with respect to its competence in the serodiagnosis and follow-up of the patients with leishmaniasis in Turkey, in comparison with the other serologic tests. A total of fifty-six patients, of which thirty-seven suspected of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), whose bone marrow aspirates were also available, nine with cutaneous leishmaniasis, and for cross-reaction, five with malaria and another five with toxoplasmosis, were studied by Western Blot analysis, ELISA and IFA. Western Blot analysis was performed in the sera diluted at 1/100, by using antigens derived from two different L infantum species. By using Western Blot analysis, ELISA and IFA as well, anti-Leishmania antibodies were detected in the sera of the thirty patients with VL. A number of bands with molecular weigths varying between 14 kDa to 94 kDa were detected. In the present study, it appears that L infantum specific antigens were recognized with 100% specifity and, with special reference to molecular weights sensitivity varied between 15% for 14 kDa and 100% for 94 kDa antigens. There was no correlation between the number and intensity of bands in western blot analysis and I FAT and ELISA antibody titers, however the direct comparision of the sensitivity of the western blot analysis with ELISA and IFAT seem to be correlated. In this study, we concluded that, Western Blot analysis is a reliable test for the diagnosis and follow-up of VL, which can be used as a routine diagnostic tool, however, it requires suitable laboratory environment and equipment.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Parasitology