Anneanne-anne-bebek bağlanmasının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu arastırma, kültürümüzde güvenli, saplantılı, kayıtsız ve korkulu baglanma biçimlerini saptamak ve 1?4 aylık bebegi olan annelerin ve onların annelerinin baglanma biçimleri ile maternal baglanma arasındaki iliskiyi saptayarak baglanmanın kusaklar arasındaki geçisini ve bunun maternal baglanma üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla gerçeklestirilmistir. Arastırmanın evrenini Manisa ili merkezine baglı 11 Saglık Ocagına kayıtlı 1400 anne olusturmustur. Arastırmanın örneklemi ise, Manisa İl Saglık Müdürlügü'ne baglı 11 Saglık Ocagındaki birey sayısı göz önüne alınarak Evreni Bilinen Örneklem Formülü ile belirlenmistir. Daha sonra Tabakalı Rasgele Örnekleme Yöntemi ile her bir Saglık Ocagından örnekleme alınacak birey sayısı belirlenmistir. Arastırmanın ilk asamasında 1?4 ay arası saglıklı bebegi olan, arastırma kriterlerine uyan ve arastırmaya katılmaya gönüllü olan 140 anne arastırma kapsamına alınmıstır. Arastırmanın ikinci asamasında, 1?4 ay arası saglıklı bebegi olan annelerin anneleri ile ev ziyareti yapılarak arastırma kriterlerine uyan ve arastırmaya katılmaya gönüllü olan anneanneler arastırma kapsamına alınmıstır. Arastırma verileri Mart-Haziran 2007 tarihleri arasında toplanmıstır. Veri toplama aracı olarak, annelerin sosyo-demografik ve diger degiskenlerin özelliklerini belirleyen ? Anne-Bebek Tanıtım Formu?, anneannelerin sosyodemografik ve diger degiskenlerin özelliklerini belirleyen ?Anneanne Tanıtım Formu?, ?Maternal Baglanma Ölçegi: Maternal Attachment Inventory (MAI)?, ?Yakın iliskilerde Yasantılar Envanteri (YİYE): Experience in Close Relationships Inventory? kullanılmıstır. Verilerin analizinde, sayı, yüzde, Student t testi, Mann-Witney U testi, Kruskal-Wallis varyans analizi, tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve korelasyon testi kullanılarak degerlendirilmistir. Annelerin, yas grupları, sosyal güvencesi olma durumları, aile tipi, eslerinin meslekleri, aile planlaması kullanma durumları, çocuk sayısı, çocukların cinsiyetleri, bir önceki çocuklarının yas grupları, bebeklerine bakım verirken destek alma durumları, bakım verirken destek aldıkları kisiler, esleri ile iliskileri, dogumdan sonra esleri ile olan iliskilerindeki degisim durumu, çocukluk döneminde ailelerinden uzak kalma durumu, çocukluk döneminde anneleri ile olan iliskileri, çocukluk döneminde babaları ile olan iliskileri, yetiskinlik döneminde babaları ile olan iliskileri ile maternal baglanma arasında iliski saptanmıstır. Anneannelerin, aile tipi, eslerinin ile olan iliskileri, genel aile iliskileri , çocukları ile olan iliskileri ile annelerin maternal baglanmaları arasında iliski saptanmıstır. Annelerin kaygı ve kaçınma baglanma biçimleri ile maternal baglanmaları arasında negatif yönde, orta düzeyde, anlamlı bir iliski oldugu belirlenmistir. Annelerin kaygı ve kaçınma baglanma biçimleri ile anneannelerin kaygı ve kaçınma baglanma biçimleri arasında pozitif yönde, güçlü ve anlamlı bir iliski oldugu saptanmıstır. Bu çalısmanın sonucunda; baglanma biçimlerinin kusaklararası geçis yaptıgı düsünülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bağlama, Bağlanma Kuramı, Maternal Bağlanma, Yetişkin Bağlanması, Anne-Anneanne Etkileşimi, Anne-Bebek Etkileşimi
This investigation was conducted with the purpose of detecting secure, obsessive, neglectful, and scary attachment types in our culture and to determine the transmission of attachment among generations and the effect of this transmission on maternal attachment through detecting the relationship between the mothers with 1- 4 months of baby and their mothers and maternal attachment. Universe of the investigation was constituted by 1400 mothers, who were registered at 11 Health Villages under the authority of Manisa City Center. The sampling however was determined via ?Sampling Formulation with Known Universe? by taking into account the number of people registered at 11 Health Villages under the authority of Manisa City Directorate of Health. Consequently, the number of participant individuals from each Village Clinic was determined with the use of ?Layered Random Sampling Method?. In the 1st phase of the investigation 140 mothers, who had a healthy baby with 1-4 months of age, met the eligibility criteria of the investigation, and were volunteer to participate in the investigation, were included in the context of investigation. In the 2nd phase grandmothers, who met the eligibility criteria and volunteer to participate, were included in the study context followed by home visits to the mothers of the mothers of healthy babies with 1-4 months of age. Data were collected between March and June 2007. As data collection tools, ?Mother-Baby Identification Form? that determined sociodemographic features and other variables of mothers, ?Grandmother Identification Form? that determined sociodemographic features and other variables of grandmothers, ?Maternal Attachment Inventory (MAI)?, and ?Experience in Close Relationships Inventory? were used. Data were analyzed by number, percent, Student t-test, Mann-Witney U test, Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance, one-way ANOVA, and correlation test. The relation between maternal attachment and the following was detected: age groups of mothers, the existence of social insurance of mothers, family type, occupation of spouses, use of family planning, number of children they currently have, sexes of their children, age group of their previous children, support situation in caring their babies, people that they receive support during baby care, relationships of mothers with their spouses, any change in the relationships with spouses after delivery, mothers? situation of being away from their families during the childhood period, relationships of mothers with their mothers during the childhood period, relationships of mothers with their fathers during the childhood period, and relationships of mothers with their fathers during the adulthood period. In addition, the relationship between maternal attachment of mothers and the following were detected: family type of grandmothers, relationships of grandmothers with their spouses, general familial relationships of grandmothers, and relationships of grandmothers with their children. A negative, moderate-level, and significant relationship was found between the attachment concern and avoidance of mothers and maternal attachment of mothers. However, a positive, strong, and significant relationship was detected between attachment concern and avoidance of mothers and attachment concern and avoidance of grandmothers. In the end of this research, it is thought that attachement styles is made transmission to generation. Key Word: Attachment, Attachment Theory, Maternal Attachment, Adult Attachment, Mother-Grandmother Interaction, Mother-Infant Interaction
This investigation was conducted with the purpose of detecting secure, obsessive, neglectful, and scary attachment types in our culture and to determine the transmission of attachment among generations and the effect of this transmission on maternal attachment through detecting the relationship between the mothers with 1- 4 months of baby and their mothers and maternal attachment. Universe of the investigation was constituted by 1400 mothers, who were registered at 11 Health Villages under the authority of Manisa City Center. The sampling however was determined via ?Sampling Formulation with Known Universe? by taking into account the number of people registered at 11 Health Villages under the authority of Manisa City Directorate of Health. Consequently, the number of participant individuals from each Village Clinic was determined with the use of ?Layered Random Sampling Method?. In the 1st phase of the investigation 140 mothers, who had a healthy baby with 1-4 months of age, met the eligibility criteria of the investigation, and were volunteer to participate in the investigation, were included in the context of investigation. In the 2nd phase grandmothers, who met the eligibility criteria and volunteer to participate, were included in the study context followed by home visits to the mothers of the mothers of healthy babies with 1-4 months of age. Data were collected between March and June 2007. As data collection tools, ?Mother-Baby Identification Form? that determined sociodemographic features and other variables of mothers, ?Grandmother Identification Form? that determined sociodemographic features and other variables of grandmothers, ?Maternal Attachment Inventory (MAI)?, and ?Experience in Close Relationships Inventory? were used. Data were analyzed by number, percent, Student t-test, Mann-Witney U test, Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance, one-way ANOVA, and correlation test. The relation between maternal attachment and the following was detected: age groups of mothers, the existence of social insurance of mothers, family type, occupation of spouses, use of family planning, number of children they currently have, sexes of their children, age group of their previous children, support situation in caring their babies, people that they receive support during baby care, relationships of mothers with their spouses, any change in the relationships with spouses after delivery, mothers? situation of being away from their families during the childhood period, relationships of mothers with their mothers during the childhood period, relationships of mothers with their fathers during the childhood period, and relationships of mothers with their fathers during the adulthood period. In addition, the relationship between maternal attachment of mothers and the following were detected: family type of grandmothers, relationships of grandmothers with their spouses, general familial relationships of grandmothers, and relationships of grandmothers with their children. A negative, moderate-level, and significant relationship was found between the attachment concern and avoidance of mothers and maternal attachment of mothers. However, a positive, strong, and significant relationship was detected between attachment concern and avoidance of mothers and attachment concern and avoidance of grandmothers. In the end of this research, it is thought that attachement styles is made transmission to generation. Key Word: Attachment, Attachment Theory, Maternal Attachment, Adult Attachment, Mother-Grandmother Interaction, Mother-Infant Interaction
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Bağlanma, Attachment, Bağlanma stilleri, Attachment styles