Uzman hekimler ile yapılan bir görüşme: Göğüs cerrahisi nelerle uğraşır?
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Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, hastanemizdeki çeşitli branşlarda görev alan uzman hekimleri esas alarak, bu hekimlerin göğüs cerrahisi ile ilgili bilgi ya da varsa yanlış anlama seviyelerini ortaya koymak, hastanemizdeki tüm hekimlere yardımcı olmak ve daha verimli bir çalışma ortamı sağlayabilmektir. Çalışma planı: Hastanemizde 31 farklı branşta görev yapan 97 uzman hekim göğüs cerrahisi ile ilgili anketi yanıtlamayı kabul etti. Hekimlerden anketteki soruları yanıtlamaları istendi ve elde edilen veriler, SPSS 10.0 versiyon yazılım programı ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: Uzman hekimlerin göğüs cerrahisinin ilgi alanı konusundaki bilgi düzeyleri spontan pnömotoraks, akciğer kist hidatiği, akciğer kanseri gibi konularda yeterli (%89-96) bulundu. Ancak bronşektazi, akciğere metastazlar, bölgesel hiperhidrozis ve interstisyel akciğer hastalıklarında cerrhi tanı gibi konulardaki bilgi düzeyi orta seviyede (%50) bulundu. Ayrıca hekimlerin üçte biri videotorakoskopinin, bronkoskopinin video yardımlı yapılan şekli olduğu ve lokal anestezi ile yapıldığı inancına sahip idi. Ankette torakal vertebra cerrahisinin göğüs cerrahisini ilgilendirdiği gibi yanlış bilgiler de vardı. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları, uzman hekimlerde dahi göğüs cerrahisi ile ilgili eksik ve yanlış bilgilerin var olabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Göğüs cerrahisi polikliniğine gelen hastaların neredeyse tümünün çeşitli branşlarca sevk edildiği göz önüne alınırsa, diğer branşlardaki hekimlerin göğüs cerrahisi hakkında mümkün olduğunca çok bilgi edinmek için çaba göstermelerinin sağlık kuruluşlarında daha etkin bir çalışma ortamı sağlayabileceği kanısındayız.
Background: The aim of this study was to determine the current level of knowledge or misunderstanding regarding thoracic surgery for specialist physicians who work in various fields in our hospital and to could help them have a more productive work atmosphere. Methods: Ninety-seven specialists from 31 different departments in our hospital gave their consent to answer our questionnaire concerning thoracic surgery. They were asked to answer the choices, and the data obtained was then analyzed using the SPSS version 10.0 software program. Results: The knowledge if the thoracic surgeons treat spontaneous pneumothorax, lung hydatid cysts, and lung cancer was correct (89-96%). However, they exhibited only moderate knowledge (50%) regarding bronchiectasis, lung metastasis, regional hyperhidrosis, and surgical diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases. Furthermore, one-third of the physicians believed that videothoracoscopy is a kind of bronchoscopy performed using video under local anesthesia. Also, some misunderstood that thoracic vertebra surgery is related to thoracic surgery. Conclusion: Our study results suggested that even specialists may have missing or wrong knowledge regarding thoracic surgery. Considering that almost all patients who are admitted to a thoracic surgery outpatient clinic are referred from other specialities, physicians from other fields should endeavor to learn as much as possible about thoracic surgery so medical facilities can provide a more effective working atmosphere
Background: The aim of this study was to determine the current level of knowledge or misunderstanding regarding thoracic surgery for specialist physicians who work in various fields in our hospital and to could help them have a more productive work atmosphere. Methods: Ninety-seven specialists from 31 different departments in our hospital gave their consent to answer our questionnaire concerning thoracic surgery. They were asked to answer the choices, and the data obtained was then analyzed using the SPSS version 10.0 software program. Results: The knowledge if the thoracic surgeons treat spontaneous pneumothorax, lung hydatid cysts, and lung cancer was correct (89-96%). However, they exhibited only moderate knowledge (50%) regarding bronchiectasis, lung metastasis, regional hyperhidrosis, and surgical diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases. Furthermore, one-third of the physicians believed that videothoracoscopy is a kind of bronchoscopy performed using video under local anesthesia. Also, some misunderstood that thoracic vertebra surgery is related to thoracic surgery. Conclusion: Our study results suggested that even specialists may have missing or wrong knowledge regarding thoracic surgery. Considering that almost all patients who are admitted to a thoracic surgery outpatient clinic are referred from other specialities, physicians from other fields should endeavor to learn as much as possible about thoracic surgery so medical facilities can provide a more effective working atmosphere
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cerrahi, Kalp ve Kalp Damar Sistemi
Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi
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