Trizomi 21'li bireylerde dişsel gelişim defektlerinin görülme sıklığının ve olası etiyolojilerinin değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Otozomal kromozomal hastalıklar içinde en yaygın görülen, Trizomi 21 veya Trizomi G olarak da bilinen Down sendromunun diş bulguları arasında hipoplazi, hipokalsifikasyon ve mine defektlerinin yaygın olarak gözlendiği bilinmektedir. Araştırmacılar Down sendromlularda fetüsün fetal yaşam boyunca ve sonrasında bir dizi gelişimsel bozukluğa maruz kaldığı sonucuna varmışlar ve bu bireylerin neonatal adaptasyonda zorluklar yaşadığını belirtmişlerdir. Bunun sonucunda Down sendromlu bireylerde dentin ve minenin olgunlaşması sırasında oluşan, bir ağaçtaki büyüme halkalarına benzeyen inkremental çizgilerin arttığı, sağlıklı bireylere göre daha geniş ve koyu renkte olduğu bildirilmiştir. Erken yaşlarda antimikrobiyal kemoterapiye çoğunlukla gerek duyulması sonucu bu bireylerde tetrasiklin renklenmeleri de görülebilmektedir. Bazı araştırmacılar; hipoplastik defektlerin prenatal değişiklerden çok postnatal değişiklikler olduğunu vurgulamış, bu defektlerin önemli veya uzun süren ateşli hastalıkların sonucu olarak meydana geldiğini belirtmişlerdir. Literatürde Down sendromlu bireylerin dişlerindeki hipoplazi ve hipokalsifikasyon bozukluklarının prevalansıyla ilgili çalışma sayısı yok denecek kadar azdır. Çalışmamızda, Down sendromlu bireylerin dişlerindeki hipoplazi ve hipokalsifikasyon bozukluklarının prevalansının ve olası etiyolojik faktörlerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmamızda 50 Down sendromlu birey ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan 50 sağlıklı bireyin ağız içi muayenesi yapılarak hipoplazi ve hipomineralizasyon bozuklukları, bruksizm, dişlerde atrizyon, çapraşıklık, ön açık kapanış, derin damak, dil itimi, travma, çiğneme, yutma problemi ve çürük prevalansı kaydedildi. Aynı zamanda var olan hipoplazinin etiyolojisine yönelik velilere anket uygulaması yapıldı. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak Fisher's Exact Test , ki kare testi ve Mann Whitney-U testi ile değerlendirildi. Çalışma sonucunda Down sendromlu bireylerde hipoplazi prevalansı %6 olarak bulundu. Hipoplazisi olan Down sendromlu bireylerin hepsi erkek olarak tespit edildi. Down sendromlu bireylerde bruksizm, atrizyon, çapraşıklık, ön açık kapanış, derin damak, dil itimi, çiğneme ve yutma problemi kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu. Down sendromlu bireylerin dfs değerleri kontrol grubundan anlamlı derecede düşük bulunmuş olup, DMFS değerleri arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. Hipoplazi görülen Down sendromlu bireylerin diş fırçalama alışkanlığı hipoplazisi olmayan Down sendromlu bireylerden anlamlı derecede düşük, dfs ve DMFS değerleri anlamlı olmamakla birlikte yüksek bulundu. Çalışmamız Down sendromlu bireylerin diş yapısındaki hipoplazi prevalansı ve olası etiyolojik faktörlerle ilgili yapılacak diğer çalışmalara ışık tutabilir. Ancak daha fazla sayıda Down sendromlu bireyin dahil olduğu çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Anahtar kelimeler: Down sendromu; Mine hipoplazisi; Prevalans; Etiyolojik faktör
Hypoplasia, hypocalcification and enamel defects are commonly observed among dental findings of Down syndrome, which is the most common autosomal chromosomal disease, also known as Trisomy 21 or Trisomy G. The researchers concluded that the fetus was exposed to a number of developmental disorders during and after fetal life in Down syndrome and stated that they had difficulties in neonatal adaptation. As a result, it was reported that the incremental lines similar to the growth rings in a tree, which were formed during the maturation of dentin and enamel in Down syndrome, were larger and darker than healthy individuals. Antimicrobial chemotherapy in early ages may cause tetracycline discoloration. Some researchers; hypoplastic defects have postnatal changes rather than prenatal changes, and these defects occur as a result of significant or prolonged febrile diseases. In the literature, the number of studies on the prevalence of hypoplasia and hypocalcemia disorders in the teeth of individuals with Down syndrome is negligible. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the prevalence and possible etiologic factors of hypoplasia and hypocalcemia disorders in the teeth of individuals with Down syndrome. In our study, 50 patients with Down syndrome and control group consisted of 50 healthy individuals, hypoplasia and hypomineralization disorders, bruxism, attrition in teeth, crowding, anterior open bite, deep palate, infantile swallowing , erosion, trauma, chewing, swallowing problem, caries prevalence was recorded. At the same time, a questionnaire was applied to the parents about the etiology of hypoplasia. The data were statistically analyzed by Fisher's Exact Test, Chi-square test and Mann Whitney-U test. The prevalence of hypoplasia was found to be %6 in Down syndrome patients. All individuals with hypoplasia were identified as males. In the Down syndrome, bruxism, attriation, crowding, anterior open bite, deep palate, infantile swallowing, chewing and swallowing were significantly higher than the control group. The dfs values of Down syndrome patients were significantly lower than the control group and no significant difference was found between the DMFS values. Tooth brushing habits of Down syndrome patients with hypoplasia were significantly lower than those with Down syndrome without hypoplasia, whereas dfs and DMFS values were found to be significantly higher. Our study may notice the prevalence of hypoplasia in tooth structure of Down syndrome individuals and other studies on possible etiologic factors. However, more studies are required in which more people with Down syndrome are involved. Key words: Down syndrome; Enamel hypoplasia; Prevalence; Etiological factors
Hypoplasia, hypocalcification and enamel defects are commonly observed among dental findings of Down syndrome, which is the most common autosomal chromosomal disease, also known as Trisomy 21 or Trisomy G. The researchers concluded that the fetus was exposed to a number of developmental disorders during and after fetal life in Down syndrome and stated that they had difficulties in neonatal adaptation. As a result, it was reported that the incremental lines similar to the growth rings in a tree, which were formed during the maturation of dentin and enamel in Down syndrome, were larger and darker than healthy individuals. Antimicrobial chemotherapy in early ages may cause tetracycline discoloration. Some researchers; hypoplastic defects have postnatal changes rather than prenatal changes, and these defects occur as a result of significant or prolonged febrile diseases. In the literature, the number of studies on the prevalence of hypoplasia and hypocalcemia disorders in the teeth of individuals with Down syndrome is negligible. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the prevalence and possible etiologic factors of hypoplasia and hypocalcemia disorders in the teeth of individuals with Down syndrome. In our study, 50 patients with Down syndrome and control group consisted of 50 healthy individuals, hypoplasia and hypomineralization disorders, bruxism, attrition in teeth, crowding, anterior open bite, deep palate, infantile swallowing , erosion, trauma, chewing, swallowing problem, caries prevalence was recorded. At the same time, a questionnaire was applied to the parents about the etiology of hypoplasia. The data were statistically analyzed by Fisher's Exact Test, Chi-square test and Mann Whitney-U test. The prevalence of hypoplasia was found to be %6 in Down syndrome patients. All individuals with hypoplasia were identified as males. In the Down syndrome, bruxism, attriation, crowding, anterior open bite, deep palate, infantile swallowing, chewing and swallowing were significantly higher than the control group. The dfs values of Down syndrome patients were significantly lower than the control group and no significant difference was found between the DMFS values. Tooth brushing habits of Down syndrome patients with hypoplasia were significantly lower than those with Down syndrome without hypoplasia, whereas dfs and DMFS values were found to be significantly higher. Our study may notice the prevalence of hypoplasia in tooth structure of Down syndrome individuals and other studies on possible etiologic factors. However, more studies are required in which more people with Down syndrome are involved. Key words: Down syndrome; Enamel hypoplasia; Prevalence; Etiological factors
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Dental mine, Dental enamel, Diş anomalileri, Tooth abnormalities, Down sendromu, Down syndrome, Etyoloji, Etiology, Mine, Enamel, Prevalans, Prevalence, Trizomi, Trisomy