Investigation on catalytic effects of aromatic sulfonic acids in thermochemical conversion of agricultural wastes to valuable chemicals
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Dünyada yılda oluşan lignoselülozik biyokütlenin %97'ye yakın kısmı değerlendirilmemektedir. Bu büyük potansiyelden kimyasal ve biyokimyasal yöntemlerle sıvı ve gaz yakıtlar ile çeşitli kimyasalları elde etmek için laboratuvar ve pilot ölçekte yoğun çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Lignoselülozik biyokütleden üretilebilecek 12 önde gelen kimyasaldan (Building Blocks) oluşan bir liste 2004 yılında yayınlanmıştır. Bu kimyasallar çok yakın bir gelecekte petrokimya rafinerilerinin yerini alması planlanan biyorafinerilerin temelini oluşturacaktır. Bu 12 kimyasaldan biri de LEVÜLİNİK ASİT (LA)'dir. Bu tezde, ülkemiz için önemli olan biyokütlelerin atıklarından, aromatik sülfonik asit katalizörleri varlığında otoklav reaktör sistemi kullanılarak LA oluşum koşulları araştırılmıştır. Çevre dostu katalizörler olarak aromatik sülfonik asitler kullanılarak aspir sapından levulinik asit (LA) üretimi de araştırılmıştır. En yüksek ürün verimi için koşulları belirlemek için bir Taguchi deney tasarımı kullanılmış olup 5-HMF, formik asit ve asetik asit gibi değerli yan ürünlerin reaksiyon koşullarına bağlı olarak oluşabilecek varyasyonları da analiz edilmiştir. Maksimum LA verimi için optimum koşullar, 200°C sıcaklıkta 0.3 M konsantrasyonda paratoluensülfonik asit (PTSA) ve çözücü/biyokütle oranı 20 olarak bulundu. Optimum koşullar altında sülfürik asit (H2SO4) ile karşılaştırma deneyleri yapılmış ve LA verimi açısından PTSA'nın H2SO4'a alternatif bir katalizör olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Optimal koşullar altında farklı biyokütlelerle yapılan deneylerde en yüksek verim mısır koçanı kullanıldığında bulunmuştur. Varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılarak bulunan optimum LA verimini doğrulamak için deneyler de yapılmıştır. Optimum koşullar altında yapılan kinetik çalışmalarda ise reaksiyonv sabitleri belirlenmiştir. Bu sabitler ile hesaplanan ve deneysel olarak bulunan Levülinik asit verimlerinin 3. derece polinom modele uyduğu bulunmuştur
Nearly 97% of the lignocellulosic biomass produced annually worldwide is not utilized. Intensive studies are being conducted on a laboratory and pilot scale to extract liquid and gaseous fuels and various chemicals from this large potential using chemical and biochemical methods. In 2004, a list of 12 leading chemicals (building blocks) that can be produced from lignocellulosic biomass was published. These chemicals will form the basis for biorefineries to replace petrochemical refineries in the near future. One of these 12 chemicals is LEVULINIC ACID (LA). In this thesis, the conditions for the formation of LA using an autoclave reactor system in the presence of aromatic sulfonic acid catalysts from biomass waste were studied, which are important for our country. Production of levulinic acid (LA) from safflower stalk using aromatic sulfonic acids as environmentally friendly catalysts was also investigated. A Taguchi experimental design was used to determine the conditions for the highest product yield, and the variations of valuable by-products such as 5-HMF, formic acid, and acetic acid as a function of reaction conditions were also analyzed. Optimum conditions for maximum LA yield were found using para-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) with concentration of 0.3 M, solvent/biomass ratio as 20 at a temperature of 200°C. Comparison experiments were performed with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) under optimum conditions, and it was concluded that PTSA could be an alternative catalyst to H2SO4 in terms of LA yield. In the experiments with different biomasses under optimal conditions, the highest yield was found for corn cobs. Experiments were also performed to confirm the optimum LA yield found using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The reaction constants were determined in kinetic studies performed under optimum conditions. The yields of levulinic acid calculated with these constants and determined experimentally were found to fit the 3rd degree polynomial model.
Nearly 97% of the lignocellulosic biomass produced annually worldwide is not utilized. Intensive studies are being conducted on a laboratory and pilot scale to extract liquid and gaseous fuels and various chemicals from this large potential using chemical and biochemical methods. In 2004, a list of 12 leading chemicals (building blocks) that can be produced from lignocellulosic biomass was published. These chemicals will form the basis for biorefineries to replace petrochemical refineries in the near future. One of these 12 chemicals is LEVULINIC ACID (LA). In this thesis, the conditions for the formation of LA using an autoclave reactor system in the presence of aromatic sulfonic acid catalysts from biomass waste were studied, which are important for our country. Production of levulinic acid (LA) from safflower stalk using aromatic sulfonic acids as environmentally friendly catalysts was also investigated. A Taguchi experimental design was used to determine the conditions for the highest product yield, and the variations of valuable by-products such as 5-HMF, formic acid, and acetic acid as a function of reaction conditions were also analyzed. Optimum conditions for maximum LA yield were found using para-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) with concentration of 0.3 M, solvent/biomass ratio as 20 at a temperature of 200°C. Comparison experiments were performed with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) under optimum conditions, and it was concluded that PTSA could be an alternative catalyst to H2SO4 in terms of LA yield. In the experiments with different biomasses under optimal conditions, the highest yield was found for corn cobs. Experiments were also performed to confirm the optimum LA yield found using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The reaction constants were determined in kinetic studies performed under optimum conditions. The yields of levulinic acid calculated with these constants and determined experimentally were found to fit the 3rd degree polynomial model.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoteknoloji, Biotechnology, Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering, Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences