Topraktan izole edilen aspergillus niger suşlarından Uv mutasyon ile yüksek oranda sitrik asit üreten mutantların seçimi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
III ÖZET TOPRAKTAN İZOLE EDÎLEN Aspergillus niger SUŞLARINDAN UV MUTASYON İLE YÜKSEK ORANDA SİTRÎK ASÎT ÜRETEN MUT ANTLARIN SEÇİMİ DİNÇER, A.Handan Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Adnan Ünlütürk Ağustos 1996, 91 sayfa Bu çalışmada denemeler yüksek oranda sitrik asit üreten Aspergillus niger suşları izole etmek için yapılmıştır. Yüksek oranda sitrik asit üreten A. niger suşlarının UV-ışınla muamelesinden sonra parental suşlara kıyasla daha yüksek oranda asit üreten 73 mutant seçilmiştir. Elde edilen 73 mutant sustan 7 tanesi çalkalamak kültürde daha yüksek sitrik asit üretimi göstermiştir. Mutant suş, A. niger 59-UV- 18, 30°C'de 10 günlük inkübasyondan sonra 140 g/l sakkarozdan parental susa göre % 22.6'hk bir artış gösteren 66.6 g/l (% 62.7 verim) sitrik asit üretmiştir. Modifiye Czapek Agar (MCZPA) besiyerinde suşların asit zon çapı ve üretilen sitrik asit miktarları arasında pozitif bir korelasyon elde edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, mutantlar arasından daha yüksek miktarlarda sitrik asit üretebilen bir susun MCZPA besiyerinde seleksiyon tekniği kullanarak seçilebildiğini göstermektedir. Tüm suşların kuru misel ağırlıkları ve sitrik asit verimleri arasında da negatif korelasyon elde edilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Aspergillus niger, UV-ışınlama, mutasyon, sitrik asit
IV ABSTRACT SELECTION OF CITRIC ACID PRODUCING MUTANTS OF Aspergillus niger FROM SOIL AFTER UV-MUTATION DİNÇER, A.Handan MSc in Food Eng. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Adnan Ünlütürk August 1996, 91 pages In this study, attempts have been made to isolate high citric acid producing strains of Aspergillus niger from soil. After UV-irradiation of high citric acid producing A. niger strains, 73 mutants were screened for increased acid production. The 7 mutants showed enhanced citric acid production in shake-cultures. A mutant strain, A. niger 59-UV-18, produced 66.6 g/1 (62.7 % yield) of citric acid from 140 g/1 of saccharose after 10 days of incubation at 30°C indicating a 22.6 % increase in citric acid production over the parent strain. A positive correlation was obtained between the acid zone diameter of the strains on Modified Czapek Agar (MCZPA) medium and the amounts of citric acid produced. These results indicate that by using selection technique on MCZPA medium, a strain yielding higher amounts of citric acid can be selected among the mutants. Also a negative correlation was obtained between the dry mycelium weight and the citric acid yield of all strains. Keywords: Aspergillus niger, UV-irradiation, mutation, citric acid.
IV ABSTRACT SELECTION OF CITRIC ACID PRODUCING MUTANTS OF Aspergillus niger FROM SOIL AFTER UV-MUTATION DİNÇER, A.Handan MSc in Food Eng. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Adnan Ünlütürk August 1996, 91 pages In this study, attempts have been made to isolate high citric acid producing strains of Aspergillus niger from soil. After UV-irradiation of high citric acid producing A. niger strains, 73 mutants were screened for increased acid production. The 7 mutants showed enhanced citric acid production in shake-cultures. A mutant strain, A. niger 59-UV-18, produced 66.6 g/1 (62.7 % yield) of citric acid from 140 g/1 of saccharose after 10 days of incubation at 30°C indicating a 22.6 % increase in citric acid production over the parent strain. A positive correlation was obtained between the acid zone diameter of the strains on Modified Czapek Agar (MCZPA) medium and the amounts of citric acid produced. These results indicate that by using selection technique on MCZPA medium, a strain yielding higher amounts of citric acid can be selected among the mutants. Also a negative correlation was obtained between the dry mycelium weight and the citric acid yield of all strains. Keywords: Aspergillus niger, UV-irradiation, mutation, citric acid.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus niger, Mutant, Mutant, Sitrik asit, Citric acid, Suşlar, Strains