Post polio sendromu
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Post polio sendromu (PPS), akut paralitik poliomyelit enfeksiyonundan yıllar sonra ortaya çıkan yeni müsküloskeletal ve nöromüsküler semptomlarla karakterize bir sendromdur. En sık görülen semptomlar, yorgunluk, ağrı ve klinik olarak etkilenmiş ve/veya etkilenmemiş kaslarda ortaya çıkan güçsüzlüktür. Semptomların ortaya çıkmasına neden olan patofizyolojik mekanizmalar tam olarak açıklığa kavuşmamıştır. PPS ile ilişkili semptomların fonksiyonel durum ve yaşam kalitesi üzerinde olumsuz etkileri olduğu gösterilmiştir. Bazı rehabilitasyon yöntemlerinin yararlı olduğu gösterilmekle birlikte, sendromun spesifik tedavisi henüz bulunmamaktadır. Bu yazıda, sendromla ilişkili semptomlar, tanı kriterleri, patofizyolojik mekanizmalar ve tedavi yöntemleri gözden geçirilmektedir.
Post polio syndrome (PPS) is defined as new musculoskeletal and neuromuscular symptoms reported years after the paralytic poliomyelitis infection. The symptoms include fatigue, pain and weakness of either previously affected muscles or previously clinically unaffected muscles. The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the delayed symptoms are poorly understood. New symptoms associated with PPS have been shown to impact functional status and decrease life satisfaction. There is as yet no medication that specifically treats the syndrome, although some rehabilitation procedures may prove beneficial. In this paper, the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment of the syndrome are reviewed.
Post polio syndrome (PPS) is defined as new musculoskeletal and neuromuscular symptoms reported years after the paralytic poliomyelitis infection. The symptoms include fatigue, pain and weakness of either previously affected muscles or previously clinically unaffected muscles. The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the delayed symptoms are poorly understood. New symptoms associated with PPS have been shown to impact functional status and decrease life satisfaction. There is as yet no medication that specifically treats the syndrome, although some rehabilitation procedures may prove beneficial. In this paper, the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment of the syndrome are reviewed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiye Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi
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