Çine çayı sularında sedimentlerinde ve havzasında uranyum araştırması ve doğal radyoaktivitenin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Uranyum cevher yataklarının aranmasında kullanılan birçok yöntemler vardır. Bu çalışmada, bölgesel uranyum aramalarında kullanılan jeokimyasal ve hidrojeokimyasal yöntemler uygulanmıştır. Çine Çayı Muğla'nın batısındaki dağların eteklerinden doğar, Madranbaba ve Gökbel dağları arasından geçtikten sonra Çine Ovası havzasını yıkayarak Koçarlı yakınlarında Büyük Menderes'e dökülür. 99 km. uzunluğundaki bu çay, akıntısı boyunca metamorfik, leptit, şist, gnays gibi ana jeolojik yapılardan geçer. 1991 yılı sonbahar ayında çayın Büyük Menderes Nehrine döküldüğü noktadan başlayarak yukarıya doğru her 2 kilometre de bir ve çaya karışan her yan koldan, karışma noktasından 100 metre yukarıda sediment ve toprak örnekleri alınmıştır. Su örnekleri; çayın kuru olduğu yerlerde çay civarındaki çeşmelerden ve sondaj kuyularından, su bulunan yerlerde ise çay içindeki birikintilerden alınmıştır. Çine Çayı yol güzergahı üzerinde araç ile gama gözlem (12s), sediment, toprak ve su örneklerinin alındığı her noktada gama (cps) veya gama (mR/h) radyometrik ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Sediment ve toprak örneklerinde, 4 kanallı analizör ile Gama sayım (080 - 2.77 MeV) (cpm/gr), eU (ppm), eTh (ppm), ve % K radyometrik ölçümleri yapılmış ve elde edilen deneyler grafiksel ve tablo olarak deneysel bulgular kısmında verilmiştir. Sediment örneklerinin bazılarında asidik liçing yöntemi ile U (ppm) ölçümleri ve su örneklerinde kollektör yöntemi ile Ra-226 (Bq/l) değerleri ölçülmüş ve sonuçlar tablo halinde verilmiştir. Sonuçların birbiriyle olan ilişkileri tartışılmıştır. II
SUMMARY There are several methods used in uranium mining prospecting. In this work, hydrogeochemical and geochemical methods has been applied in the course of uranium prospecting at the Çine stream region. Çine stream originates at the mountains at the west of Muğla and passes through Madranbaba and Gökbel mountains, then reaches to the plain of Çine. After flowing on this plain and washing it, Çine stream reaches and joins to Büyük Menderes River near Koçarlı. The total length of the stream is about 99 km. Along the flow, it passes through the main geological structures of the region such as metamorphic leptite, schist and gneiss. In this work, the region of Çine stream and its environment has been investigated using geochemical and hydrogeochemical methods for uranium prospecting. For this purpose, in the fall of 1991, sediment and soil samples has been collected at the region with an interval of 2 km, starting at a point 100 m away from the junction to Büyük Menderes River. Water samples has been collected from the stream and from the drilled wells at its banks when the stream varries no water. Car-borne gamma radiometric survey has been performed along the Çine stream and at the sampling points. The collected samples has been measured with four-channel analyses and gamma scintillation counter and the results has been reported graphically and in tables. Furthermore, uranium measurements with acidic leaching method has been applied on some of the samples. Ra-226 concentration in water samples has been determined using collector method and the results are given in tables. The relationship of the results between each other has been discussed. Ill
SUMMARY There are several methods used in uranium mining prospecting. In this work, hydrogeochemical and geochemical methods has been applied in the course of uranium prospecting at the Çine stream region. Çine stream originates at the mountains at the west of Muğla and passes through Madranbaba and Gökbel mountains, then reaches to the plain of Çine. After flowing on this plain and washing it, Çine stream reaches and joins to Büyük Menderes River near Koçarlı. The total length of the stream is about 99 km. Along the flow, it passes through the main geological structures of the region such as metamorphic leptite, schist and gneiss. In this work, the region of Çine stream and its environment has been investigated using geochemical and hydrogeochemical methods for uranium prospecting. For this purpose, in the fall of 1991, sediment and soil samples has been collected at the region with an interval of 2 km, starting at a point 100 m away from the junction to Büyük Menderes River. Water samples has been collected from the stream and from the drilled wells at its banks when the stream varries no water. Car-borne gamma radiometric survey has been performed along the Çine stream and at the sampling points. The collected samples has been measured with four-channel analyses and gamma scintillation counter and the results has been reported graphically and in tables. Furthermore, uranium measurements with acidic leaching method has been applied on some of the samples. Ra-226 concentration in water samples has been determined using collector method and the results are given in tables. The relationship of the results between each other has been discussed. Ill
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Radyoaktivite, Radioactivity, Uranyum, Uranium, Çine Çayı, Çine Stream