Identification of conditions in extraction of boron in colemanite by means of separate solutions with NaHCO3 and NaHCO3+Na2CO3 produced from trona
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET KOLEMANİT İÇİNDEKİ BORUN TRONADAN OLUŞTURULAN NaHC03 VE NaHCPı+NaıCOı ÇÖZELTİLERİ İLE AYRI AYRI ÖZÜTLEME KOŞULLARININ SAPTANMASI ÖĞÜT, S. İnci Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Danışmanı : Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Yıldıran Ağustos, 2003,20 sayfa Bu çalışmada,kolemanitin doğrudan CO2 ile tepkimeye sokularak, borik asidin yığın üretiminin gerçekleşmeyeceği hesaplamalarla gösterilmiştir. Tepkime kademelendirilerek önce, kolemanit,tronaya CO2 eklenerek oluşturulan \NaHC03\ = \M ve |Mx2C03| = \NaHC03\ = 0,5M ile ayrı ayrı 50-60 °C sıcaklık aralığında 6-8 saat tepkimeye sokulup istenilen saflıkta % 97 nin üstünde bir verimle NaBsOs ve % 96 nın üstünde bir verimle Na2B4Ü7 çözeltileri elde edilmiştir.NaHC03 kullanarak üretilen \NaB3O5\ = 0,ZM çözeltisine 10-15 °C ta 1-2 atm basınç altında CO2 gönderilerek oluşan katı borik asitin santrifüjle ayrılmasından sonra, çözeltideki NaHCÛ3 m ikinci partinin çözünürleştirilmesinde kullanılabileceği,trona kullanılmadan yalmzca CO2 ile borik asitin yığın olarak üretilebileceği sonucuna vanlmıştır.NaBsOs ve Na2B407Çözeltilerinin uygun elektroliz koşullarında, anot bölmesinde borik asit, katot bölmesinde NaOH üretiminin gerçekleştirilebileceği, Na2B4Û7 nin elektrolizinin, daha çok elektrik girdisi gerektirmesine karşın daha çok tronanm,anndınlmış NaOH e buradan da NaHC03 yada NaHC03+Na2C03 karışımı elde edilebileceği böylece kolemanitten CO2 ve elektrik kullanmak sureti ile borik asitin yığın olarak üretilebileceği sonucu çıkarılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Borun özütlenmesi, Trona, Kolemanit
vn ABSTRACT IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITIONS IN EXTRACTION OF BORON IN COLEMANITE BY MEANS OF SEFARETE SOLUTIONS WITH NaHC03 AND NaHC03+ Na2C03 PRODUCED FROM TRONA Ö?ÜT,S.İnci MSc. Thesis In Chemistry Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yıldıran August 2003,....pages In this study, it has been indicated bulk production of boric acid cannot be achieved through direct reaction of colemanite and C02.The reaction is gradated, after colemanite is involved in separate 6-8 hours reactions at 50-60°C with \NaHC03\ = \M and|Afa2C<93| s \NaHC03\ = 0,5M which are produced by addition of CO2 to trona first of all,NaB305 and Na2B4Û7 solutions of desired purity,efficiency rate of which are over %97 and %96 respectively, are has been concluded that following the centrifuged separation of solid boric acid,which is produced by permeation of CO2 at 10-15 °C and 1-2 atm pressure through |A^53O5|s0,8M solution produced by use of NaHCÛ3 NaHCCh in the solution can be used for leaching of following charge, which proves that boric acid can be produced in bulk by means of CO2 only and without making use of trona.NaB305 and Na2B4Û7 solutions under appropriate electrolysis conditions,boric acid can be produced in anode section and NaOH in cathode,electrolysis of Na2B4Û7 which is the output of the reaction between colemanite and the mixture of NaHC03+Na2C03 is method which is likely to be applied whenthe conversition of trona into NaOH or Na2CÛ3 purified in denied,it provides more electricity input so thus boric acid can be produced in bulks from colemanite by use of CO2 and electricity. Keywords: Extraction of boron, Trona, Colemanite
vn ABSTRACT IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITIONS IN EXTRACTION OF BORON IN COLEMANITE BY MEANS OF SEFARETE SOLUTIONS WITH NaHC03 AND NaHC03+ Na2C03 PRODUCED FROM TRONA Ö?ÜT,S.İnci MSc. Thesis In Chemistry Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yıldıran August 2003,....pages In this study, it has been indicated bulk production of boric acid cannot be achieved through direct reaction of colemanite and C02.The reaction is gradated, after colemanite is involved in separate 6-8 hours reactions at 50-60°C with \NaHC03\ = \M and|Afa2C<93| s \NaHC03\ = 0,5M which are produced by addition of CO2 to trona first of all,NaB305 and Na2B4Û7 solutions of desired purity,efficiency rate of which are over %97 and %96 respectively, are has been concluded that following the centrifuged separation of solid boric acid,which is produced by permeation of CO2 at 10-15 °C and 1-2 atm pressure through |A^53O5|s0,8M solution produced by use of NaHCÛ3 NaHCCh in the solution can be used for leaching of following charge, which proves that boric acid can be produced in bulk by means of CO2 only and without making use of trona.NaB305 and Na2B4Û7 solutions under appropriate electrolysis conditions,boric acid can be produced in anode section and NaOH in cathode,electrolysis of Na2B4Û7 which is the output of the reaction between colemanite and the mixture of NaHC03+Na2C03 is method which is likely to be applied whenthe conversition of trona into NaOH or Na2CÛ3 purified in denied,it provides more electricity input so thus boric acid can be produced in bulks from colemanite by use of CO2 and electricity. Keywords: Extraction of boron, Trona, Colemanite
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Bor, Boron, Kolemanit, Colemanite, Trona, Trona, Özütleme, Extraction