Beyin lateralizasyonu, müzik yeteneği ve kişilik arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Geschwind ve Galaburda'nın 'Beyin Lateralizasyonu' teorisi doğrultusunda, müzik yeteneği, el tercihi ve kişilik arasındaki olası ilişkileri araştırmaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Müzik (35K.24E), Psikoloji (53K.15E), Bilgisayar Mühendisliği (13K.30E) ve Güzel Sanatlar Grafik (22K,13E) bölümlerinde eğitim görmekte olan toplam 205 üniversite öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Serebral dominansta cinsiyet farkı doğrultusunda Psikoloji Bölümü'nde daha çok kız öğrenciler, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü'nde daha çok erkek öğrenciler olduğu gözlenmiştir. Araştırmada MMPI (Minnesota Çok Yönlü Kişilik Envanteri), Edinburgh el tercihi envanteri ve tarafımızca oluşturulan alerji, göz bozukluğu, ailesel solaklık, sigara içme gibi kişisel bilgiler içeren bir Bireysel Bilgi Formu kullanılmıştır. Gruplar arası solaklık oranı beklenilen doğrultuda bulunmuştur (Müzik %20, Grafik %12, Mühendislik %11, Psikoloji %6). Müzik öğrencileri arasında Kompozisyon bölümünde solaklık oranı oldukça fazladır ve bu öğrencilerin çoğu erkektir; vokalistler arasında da solaklık oranı fazladır ve bunlann çoğu kız öğrencilerdir. MMPI puanlarına göre özellikle erkeklerde MF (Maskülenite/Femininite) ölçeği en yüksek olan grup Müzik Bölümü öğrencileridir. Müzik Bölümü öğrencileri arasında göz bozukluğu da fazladır. Araştırılan parametreler ile alerji arasında bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. MMPI puanları normal sınırlar dahilinde olmakla beraber örneğin Mühendislik Bölümü'ndeki erkek öğrencilerde; duygusal stabiiite, mantıklı düşünme, geleneksel erkek rolü sergileme ve tutuculuk; Müzik Bölümü'ndekierkek öğrencilerde estetik ilgiler ve geleneksel erkek rolünden sapma gözlenmiştir. Sigara içen ve içmeyen kız ve erkek öğrencilerin bazı kişilik özellikleri açısından farklılaştığı gözlenmiştir. Çalışmamızda öğrencilerin eğitim tercihleri biyopsikolojik yapıları ile uyumlu bulunmuştur
ABSTRACT The aim of the present study is to explore possible relations between musical talent, left handedness and personality, in association with Geswind and Galaburda's theory of cerebral lateralization. Subjects (total of 205) were college students studying music (35F, 24M), psychology (53F, 15M), computer engineering (13F, 30M) or art. As would be expected from cerebral organisational patterns, the majority of the students were female among psychology majors, while the opposite was true for computer engineering. Handedness was assessed by Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. Familial sinistrality, allergic disease, eyesight and smoking status were evaluated by self report. Composite MMPI profiles were used depict personality differences between the groups in association with cerebral lateralization. Our results indicate that the ratio of left handedness between groups of students are in the expected direction(Music %20, Art%12, Engineering %11, Psychology %6). Among students of music, left-handedness was more frequent in the composition major-male students, and female vocalists. The highest MF score was observed in music students, who also had a higher frequency of eyesight problems. No correlation was depicted between allergic disease and any of the parameters studied. Although, overall, the MMPI scores were within the normal range, there were some significant differences between the gorups. For example, emotional stability, logical thinking, conformity with the traditional male role and conservatism were prominent in male computer engineering students, whereasmale music students displayed increased aesthetic interests and deviation from the traditional male role. There were some sex differences between the personality profiles of male and female smokers. Our results suggest a concordance between the biopsychological features and career choices of students..rna
ABSTRACT The aim of the present study is to explore possible relations between musical talent, left handedness and personality, in association with Geswind and Galaburda's theory of cerebral lateralization. Subjects (total of 205) were college students studying music (35F, 24M), psychology (53F, 15M), computer engineering (13F, 30M) or art. As would be expected from cerebral organisational patterns, the majority of the students were female among psychology majors, while the opposite was true for computer engineering. Handedness was assessed by Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. Familial sinistrality, allergic disease, eyesight and smoking status were evaluated by self report. Composite MMPI profiles were used depict personality differences between the groups in association with cerebral lateralization. Our results indicate that the ratio of left handedness between groups of students are in the expected direction(Music %20, Art%12, Engineering %11, Psychology %6). Among students of music, left-handedness was more frequent in the composition major-male students, and female vocalists. The highest MF score was observed in music students, who also had a higher frequency of eyesight problems. No correlation was depicted between allergic disease and any of the parameters studied. Although, overall, the MMPI scores were within the normal range, there were some significant differences between the gorups. For example, emotional stability, logical thinking, conformity with the traditional male role and conservatism were prominent in male computer engineering students, whereasmale music students displayed increased aesthetic interests and deviation from the traditional male role. There were some sex differences between the personality profiles of male and female smokers. Our results suggest a concordance between the biopsychological features and career choices of students..rna
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikoloji, Psychology, Beyin lateralizasyonu, Brain lateralization, El tercihi, Hand prefecence, Kişilik, Personality, Lateralizasyon, Lateralization, Müzik, Music, Solaklık, Left-handedness, Yetenek, Ability