Yaş grupları yüzücülerinde 12 hafta uygulanan yüzme antrenmanlarının ekokardiyografik parametreler üzerine olan etkilerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Yüzme, farklı yaş gruplarında yer alan bireylerin severek yaptığı oldukça popüler spor branşıdır. Düzenli yapılan yüzme antrenmanlarının yüzücüler üzerine etkilerini inceleyen birçok araştırma olmasına rağmen, yaş grubu yüzücüleri ile sedanter hayat yaşayan kontrol gruplarında kalp kası ve yapısı üzerine gerçekleşen değişimleri karşılaştıran araştırma sayısı oldukça sınırlıdır. Bu sınırlı sayıdaki araştırmaların bir kısmında ekokardiyografi kullanılmış olup yüzücüler kontrol grupları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Literatürde yaş grubu yüzücülerine uygulanan tekrarlı antrenmanlar sonucunda gerçekleştirilen ekokardiyografik ölçümlerinin kalp kası ve yapısına olan etkilerini araştıran bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 12 haftalık yüzme antrenmanın yaş grubu yüzücülerde kalbin yapısı ve işlevleri üzerine nasıl etki yapacağının ekokardiyografik olarak belirlenmesidir. Tekrarlı ölçümlerden oluşan tek kör tasarımına sahip çalışmaya 14 sporcu (5 erkek 9 kadın) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Yüzücüler ilk olarak yapılan ekokardiyografi ölçümlerinden sonra yüzme antrenmanlarında yüklenme şiddetinin hesaplanmasında kullanılan kritik hızın hesaplanması için maksimal şiddette 400 m ve 50 m serbest teknikte yüzdürülerek elde edilen dereceler kaydedilmiştir. Ardından iki hafta sürecek uyum seansına geçilmiş ve bu dönemde sporcular yüklenme şiddetinin %50-60 üzerinden hesaplanan yüklenmelerden oluşan ve beş gün üzerinden oluşturulan mikrosiklusta yüklenme kapsamı 5km olan antrenmanlar yapmışlardır. Esas evre antrenmanlarının 1-4 mikro yapılarında 6 gün %60-70yüklenme şiddetini kapsayan 4km, 5-8 mikro yapılarda ise 6 gün %70-80 yüklenme şiddetini içeren ve kapsamı 3.5 km olan antrenmanlara dahil edilmişlerdir. Esas evrenin 6. haftasında yüzme performansları ile ekokardiyografik 2.ölçümler yapılarak gerekli kayıtlar elde edilmiştir. İkinci ölçümleri takip eden 9-12 mikro yapılarda 6 gün %80-90 yüklenme şiddetini içeren şiddette kapsamları 3km olarak planlanan antrenmanlara dahil edilmişlerdir. Belirlenen protokollere göre yapılan antrenmanların sona ermesinin ardından yüzme performansları ve ekokardiyografik ölçümler tekrar edilmiştir. Çalışmanın istatistiksel analizleri JASP ve R paket programlarında yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, 12 haftalık yüzme antrenmanlarının yaş grubu yüzücülerde sol kalp boşluklarında genişlemeye neden olmaksızın kalp kasında hipertrofiye neden olduğu rapor edilmiştir.
Swimming is a very popular sport that is enjoyed by individuals from all age groups around the world. Although many studies are examining the effects of regular training on swimmers, the number of studies comparing the changes made on the heart muscle and structure of swimmers in the age group and control groups living a sedentary life is quite limited. Echocardiography was used in some of these limited studies, and in these studies, swimmers were compared with control groups, as well. In the literature, no study has been found on the echocardiographic effect of swimming training on the heart muscle and structure of age-group swimmers with repeated measurements. This study aims to determine echocardiographically how the 12-week swimming training will affect the structure and functions of the heart in swimmers in the age group. 14 athletes (5 men 9 women) voluntarily participated in the study, which had a single-blind design consisting of repeated measurements. After the first echocardiographic measurements, the degrees obtained by swimming the swimmers in the 400-50m free technique at maximum intensity were recorded to calculate the critical speed used in determining the loading intensity in swimming training. Then, a two-week adaptation session was started, and during this period, the athletes performed exercises with a loading scope of 5 km in a microcycle planned over five days, consisting of loads calculated over 50-60% of the load intensity. In the 1-4 microstructures of the main phase training, 4 km of 60-70% loading intensity for 6 days, and 6 days of 70-80% loading intensity in 5-8 microstructures and 3.5 km of coverage were included. In the 6th week of the main stage, swimming performances and echocardiographic second measurements were made and necessary records were obtained. Following the second measurements, 9-12 microstructures were included in the training, which included 80-90% loading intensity for 6 days and was planned as 3 km in scope. Measurements were repeated after the end of the training performed according to the determined protocols. JASP and R package programs were employed for the statistical analysis of the study. As a result, it was found that 12-week swimming training caused hypertrophy of the heart muscle without causing enlargement of the left heart cavities in swimmers in the age group.
Swimming is a very popular sport that is enjoyed by individuals from all age groups around the world. Although many studies are examining the effects of regular training on swimmers, the number of studies comparing the changes made on the heart muscle and structure of swimmers in the age group and control groups living a sedentary life is quite limited. Echocardiography was used in some of these limited studies, and in these studies, swimmers were compared with control groups, as well. In the literature, no study has been found on the echocardiographic effect of swimming training on the heart muscle and structure of age-group swimmers with repeated measurements. This study aims to determine echocardiographically how the 12-week swimming training will affect the structure and functions of the heart in swimmers in the age group. 14 athletes (5 men 9 women) voluntarily participated in the study, which had a single-blind design consisting of repeated measurements. After the first echocardiographic measurements, the degrees obtained by swimming the swimmers in the 400-50m free technique at maximum intensity were recorded to calculate the critical speed used in determining the loading intensity in swimming training. Then, a two-week adaptation session was started, and during this period, the athletes performed exercises with a loading scope of 5 km in a microcycle planned over five days, consisting of loads calculated over 50-60% of the load intensity. In the 1-4 microstructures of the main phase training, 4 km of 60-70% loading intensity for 6 days, and 6 days of 70-80% loading intensity in 5-8 microstructures and 3.5 km of coverage were included. In the 6th week of the main stage, swimming performances and echocardiographic second measurements were made and necessary records were obtained. Following the second measurements, 9-12 microstructures were included in the training, which included 80-90% loading intensity for 6 days and was planned as 3 km in scope. Measurements were repeated after the end of the training performed according to the determined protocols. JASP and R package programs were employed for the statistical analysis of the study. As a result, it was found that 12-week swimming training caused hypertrophy of the heart muscle without causing enlargement of the left heart cavities in swimmers in the age group.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yüzme, Ekokardiyografi, Antrenman, Çocuk ve Spor, Swimming, Echocardiography, Training, Child and Sports