Bir huzurevinde yaşayan ve bilişsel bozukluğu olmayan yaşlıların uyku düzeni özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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Giriş: Bu araştırmanın amacı, huzurevinde yaşayan ve bilişsel bozukluğu olmayan yaşlıların uyku düzeni özelliklerini incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma İzmir Zübeyde Hanım Gürçeşme Huzurevinde 132 yaşlı birey arasında yapılmıştır. Veriler Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu ve Uyku Düzeni Özellikleri Soru Formu ile toplanmıştır. Bulgular: “Uykuya daldıktan sonra sık sık uyanma” (%58.3), “uyandıktan sonra kendini uykulu/ dinlenmemiş hissetme” (%56.1), “uyandıktan sonra şekerleme yapma” (%56.0), “uyandıktan sonra tekrar uyumakta güçlük çekme” (%49.3) ve “uykuya dalmakta güçlük çekme” (%47.8), yaşlıların sıklıkla yaşadığı sorunlar olarak saptanmıştır. Yaşlıların uyku düzeni özelliklerinin cinsiyet (t=4.643, p<0.01), fizik sağlık algısı (F=9.621, p<0.01), ruhsal sağlık algısı (F=9.045, p<0.01), fiziksel yakınmalar için ilaç kullanma durumu (t=2.776, p<0.05), uyku kalite algısı (F=63.540, p<0.01) ve huzurevinde isteyerek kalma durumuna göre (t=-2.468, p<0.05) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Huzurevinde yaşayan yaşlıların uykuya dalma, uykuyu sürdürme ve şekerleme yapma ile ilgili sorunları olduğu saptanmıştır.
Introduction: The aim of this research was to examine the sleep pattern characteristics of elderly individuals who live in a nursing home and who do not have a cognitive disorder. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted at Izmir Zübeyde Han&#8250;m Gürçeflme Nursing Home among 132 elderly individuals. Data were collected by a Descriptive Information Form and the Sleep Pattern Characteristics Questionnaire. Results: The sleep related problems frequently experienced by the elderly were &#8220;waking up frequently after falling asleep&#8221; (58.3%), &#8220;feeling sleepy/not well rested after waking up&#8221; (56.1%), &#8220;dozing off after waking up&#8221; (56%), &#8220;having difficulty going back to sleep after waking up&#8221; (49.3%), and &#8220;having difficulty falling asleep&#8221; (47.8%). It was determined that there were statistically significant differences in the elderly individuals' sleep pattern characteristics according to their gender (t=4.643, p<0.01), physical health perception (F=9.621, p<0.01), emotional health perception (F=9.045, p<0.01), status of using medications for physical complaints (t=2.776, p<0.05), sleep quality perception (F=63.540, p<0.01), medication use for staying in nursing home by choice (t=-2.468, p<0.05). Conclusion: Elderly individuals living in a nursing home were found to have difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep and dozing off.
Introduction: The aim of this research was to examine the sleep pattern characteristics of elderly individuals who live in a nursing home and who do not have a cognitive disorder. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted at Izmir Zübeyde Han&#8250;m Gürçeflme Nursing Home among 132 elderly individuals. Data were collected by a Descriptive Information Form and the Sleep Pattern Characteristics Questionnaire. Results: The sleep related problems frequently experienced by the elderly were &#8220;waking up frequently after falling asleep&#8221; (58.3%), &#8220;feeling sleepy/not well rested after waking up&#8221; (56.1%), &#8220;dozing off after waking up&#8221; (56%), &#8220;having difficulty going back to sleep after waking up&#8221; (49.3%), and &#8220;having difficulty falling asleep&#8221; (47.8%). It was determined that there were statistically significant differences in the elderly individuals' sleep pattern characteristics according to their gender (t=4.643, p<0.01), physical health perception (F=9.621, p<0.01), emotional health perception (F=9.045, p<0.01), status of using medications for physical complaints (t=2.776, p<0.05), sleep quality perception (F=63.540, p<0.01), medication use for staying in nursing home by choice (t=-2.468, p<0.05). Conclusion: Elderly individuals living in a nursing home were found to have difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep and dozing off.
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