Güneş pili tahrikli model bir güneşli kurutucunun geliştirilmesi ve kurutulmuş domates üretiminde teorik ve deneysel incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ill ÖZET Kurutma işlemi için ülkemizde genellikle tarlada "güneşe serme" olarak tanımlanan yöntem kullanılmaktadır. Bu tip bir kurutma yönteminin özellikle ihracata yönelik getirmiş olduğu olumsuz birçok etkileri vardır. Ürüne, her ne kadar tarladan toplandıktan sonra yıkanma işlemi uygulansa da bu işlemler maliyeti arttırmakta ve ürünün kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir.Ülkemizde sebze ve meyvelerin kurutulması genellikle toprak ve beton sergi yerlerinde; bez, kağıt vb. gibi örtüler üzerinde veya tenteler altında yapılmaktadır. Açık alanda yapılan kurutmada ürün; iklim ve çevre koşullarının etkisi altında kalmakta, böcek vb. hayvanların zararına uğramaktadır.Kapah hacimlerde yapılan kurutmada ise bu tip sakıncalar ortadan kalkmakta, daha iyi kalitede ürün alınabilmektedir.Bu nedenlerle güneş enerjisinin kontrollü kullanımını sağlayacak güneşli kurutucular tercih edilmektedir.Bu çalışmada güneş pili destekli bir kurutucu imal tasarlanmış ve denenmiştir. Kurutucu; kabin, fotovoltaik sistem, hava kanalları ve havalı düzlemsel kollektörden oluşmaktadır. Materyal olarak domates kullanılmıştır. Deneme sonuçlan, grafik ve tablolar halinde sunulmuştur. Sonuçta sistemin verimliliğinin oldukça yeterli olduğu ancak kapasitesinin geliştirilmesi gerektiği düşüncesine varılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Kurutma, güneşli kurutma, domates kurutma
IV ABSTRACT Dried products have large percent of the all exports of the fruits in Turkey. Generally drying is achieved by spreading out of the material on the ground. But this method has many disadvantages (quality deterioration on the material, hygienic problems). So to prevent the deterioration of the material, different types of drying methods have been improved. In this research, an improved cabinet drying method is given. Our improved active solar drier system consists of an air collector, a drying chamber and air circulation system. Power for circulation of the drying air is produced by the photovoltaic panels. The system is a combined type drier which has an air collector of 2.750 m2 area and a cabinet with 8 ( each shelve has 2.8 m2 ) shelves.The absorber is made of different type black painted aluminium wire fibers. The capacity of the drier is 25 kg fresh tomatoes, so the load ratio is approximately 9 kg/m2. The mean temperature and the air flow rate were measured as 50 °C and 1.1 m/s in the cabinet. In the system, material was dried from 95 % to 17 % moisture content in five days during the drying season.The objective of this research is to obtain high quality products and minimum energy consumption. According to the experimental results this objective is achieved. Keywords: Drying, Solar drying, Tomatoes drying.
IV ABSTRACT Dried products have large percent of the all exports of the fruits in Turkey. Generally drying is achieved by spreading out of the material on the ground. But this method has many disadvantages (quality deterioration on the material, hygienic problems). So to prevent the deterioration of the material, different types of drying methods have been improved. In this research, an improved cabinet drying method is given. Our improved active solar drier system consists of an air collector, a drying chamber and air circulation system. Power for circulation of the drying air is produced by the photovoltaic panels. The system is a combined type drier which has an air collector of 2.750 m2 area and a cabinet with 8 ( each shelve has 2.8 m2 ) shelves.The absorber is made of different type black painted aluminium wire fibers. The capacity of the drier is 25 kg fresh tomatoes, so the load ratio is approximately 9 kg/m2. The mean temperature and the air flow rate were measured as 50 °C and 1.1 m/s in the cabinet. In the system, material was dried from 95 % to 17 % moisture content in five days during the drying season.The objective of this research is to obtain high quality products and minimum energy consumption. According to the experimental results this objective is achieved. Keywords: Drying, Solar drying, Tomatoes drying.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Domates, Tomato, Güneş enerjisi, Solar energy, Güneş pilleri, Solar cells, Kurutma, Drying