Agomelatin ve gallik asid'in streptozotosin (STZ) ile indüklenmiş diyabetik sıçan epididimisinde oksidatif stres üzerine antioksidan etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Oksidatif stres, Reaktif Oksijen Türlerinin (ROS) artışı ve antioksidanların miktarındaki azalmaya bağlı olarak vücutta serbest radikallerin oluşması demektir. Bu durum dokularda hasara yol açar. Diyabetli canlılarda da serbest radikallerin açığa çıkması sonucu oksidatif stres gözlenir. Oksidatif stresin birçok dokuda olduğu gibi epididimis fonksiyonunu da olumsuz etkilediği bilinmektedir. Bu bağlamda Oksidatif stres tedavisinde kullanılan maddelere antioksidan maddeler denir. Projede oksidatif strese antioksidan madde olarak Agomelatin (Ago;16 mg/kg) ve Gallik Asit (Gal; 20 mg/kg) gavaj uygulamasıyla verilmiş ve epididimis dokusu üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışma 21 günlük süreçte tamamlanmış olup 28 sıçan her grupta 7 sıçan olmak üzere rasgele şu 4 gruba ayrılmıştır: 1- Kontrol grubu, 2- Streptozotosin (STZ) (50mg/kg) ile indüklenmiş Diyabet grubu, 3- Diyabet + (16mg/kg) Agomelatin grubu, 4- Diyabet + (20 mg/kg) Gallik Asit grubu. Süre sonunda alınan epididimis dokuları rutin ışık mikroskop yöntemlerinde analiz edildi. H.E ve PAS ile yapılan boyamalarda epididimislerde, kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında diyabet grubunda stereosilyada dejenerasyon, bazal membran kalınlaşması ve interstisyel alanda yapısal değişiklikler gözlenmiştir. Tedavi grubundaki dokuların kontrole yakın düzeyde olduğu saptanmıştır. Diyabetli gruptaki dokuda iNOS, FN, Tnf-? ve Vegf ekspresyonunda kontrol grubuna göre artış olduğu görülmüştür. Tedavi gruplarında ise ekspresyonun diyabetli gruba göre daha zayıf ve kontrol grubuna yakın olduğu tespit edilmiştir. TUNEL boyama sonuçlarında da diyabetli grupta apoptotik hücre kontrol grubuna göre artış gösterirken, tedavi grubundaki apoptotik hücrelerde azalma olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, diyabetin epididimis dokusunda oluşturduğu yapısal dejenerasyona, Agomelatin ve Gallik Asidin koruyucu etikisi gözlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Diabetes Mellitus, Oksidatif Stres, Epididimis, Fibronektin, iNOS, TNF-?, VEGF
ABSTRACT ANTIOXIDANT ROLE OF AGOMELATINE AND GALLIC ACID ON OXIDATIVE STRESS IN STZ–INDUCED DIABETIC RAT EPIDIDYMIS Oxidative stress emerges from an imbalance between production of reactive oxygen species and reduiction in antioxidants. This leads to a damage in tissues. Oxidative stress also occurs in patients with diabetes. İt is known that oxidative stress affects epidiymis function in addoition to other tissues. Agents that are used to traet oxidative stress are called antioxidants. In this project, agomelatin (Ago; 16 mg/kg) and gallic acid (Gal; 20 mg/kg) are given by oral gavage as antioxidants and their effects on epidiymis have been investigated. We have completed this study in 21 days in which 28 rats were divided into 4 groups consisting of 7 rats: 1- control group; 2- streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) diabetes group, 3- Streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) + Agomelatin (16 mg/kg), 4- streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) + gallic acid (20 mg/kg). Tissues that are obtained from all experimental groups were examined via light microscopy. In daibetic animals degemeration in stereocilia, basal membrane thickening and structural changes in interstitial region have been observed. No statistical difference has been observed between controls and the treatment groups. In diabetic animal epidydmis the expressions of Fibronectin, iNOS, TNF-? and VEGF have been found to be increased. The expression of these parameters have been found to be weaker than controls and stronger than diabetic animals in treatment groups. The number of apoptotioc cells were shown to be significantly elevated in diabetic animals compared to both controls and treatment groups where treatment regimens appeared to decrease the apoptotoic cells as ascertained by TUNEL. As a result, Agomelatine and Gallic acid's protective effects was observed at the structural form of diabetes in the epididymis tissue degeneration. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Oxidative Stress, Epididymis, Fibronectin, iNOS, TNF-?, VEGF
ABSTRACT ANTIOXIDANT ROLE OF AGOMELATINE AND GALLIC ACID ON OXIDATIVE STRESS IN STZ–INDUCED DIABETIC RAT EPIDIDYMIS Oxidative stress emerges from an imbalance between production of reactive oxygen species and reduiction in antioxidants. This leads to a damage in tissues. Oxidative stress also occurs in patients with diabetes. İt is known that oxidative stress affects epidiymis function in addoition to other tissues. Agents that are used to traet oxidative stress are called antioxidants. In this project, agomelatin (Ago; 16 mg/kg) and gallic acid (Gal; 20 mg/kg) are given by oral gavage as antioxidants and their effects on epidiymis have been investigated. We have completed this study in 21 days in which 28 rats were divided into 4 groups consisting of 7 rats: 1- control group; 2- streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) diabetes group, 3- Streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) + Agomelatin (16 mg/kg), 4- streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) + gallic acid (20 mg/kg). Tissues that are obtained from all experimental groups were examined via light microscopy. In daibetic animals degemeration in stereocilia, basal membrane thickening and structural changes in interstitial region have been observed. No statistical difference has been observed between controls and the treatment groups. In diabetic animal epidydmis the expressions of Fibronectin, iNOS, TNF-? and VEGF have been found to be increased. The expression of these parameters have been found to be weaker than controls and stronger than diabetic animals in treatment groups. The number of apoptotioc cells were shown to be significantly elevated in diabetic animals compared to both controls and treatment groups where treatment regimens appeared to decrease the apoptotoic cells as ascertained by TUNEL. As a result, Agomelatine and Gallic acid's protective effects was observed at the structural form of diabetes in the epididymis tissue degeneration. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Oxidative Stress, Epididymis, Fibronectin, iNOS, TNF-?, VEGF
Anahtar Kelimeler
Histoloji ve Embriyoloji, Histology and Embryology, Agomelatin, Agomelatine, Diabetes mellitus, Diabetes mellitus, Epididimis, Epididymis, Fibronektinler, Fibronectins, Nitrik oksit, Nitric oxide, Oksidatif stres, Oxidative stress, Streptozotosin, Streptozotocin, Sıçanlar, Rats, Tanenler, Tannins, Tümör nekroz faktörleri, Tumor necrosis factors