The determination of organotin compounds levels in sediment samples from Turkish Aegean Sea Coast
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Bu çalışmanın amacı Ege Denizi kıyı şeridinden seçilmiş farklı marinalardaki organik kalay bileşiklerinin (OTC) seviyelerini ortaya koymaktır. Sediment örnekleri mevsimsel periyotta toplanmış ve sediment içerisindeki tributilkalay (TBT), dibutilkalay (DBT) ve monobutilkalay (MBT) konsantrasyonları gaz kromotografi (GC/MS) cihazı kullanılarak belirlenmiştir.Bu yolla Ege Denizi’nde denizcilik faaliyetleri açısından en önemli organik kalay giriş noktalarının etkileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma tüm Ege Denizi sahil şeridinin en kuzeyinden en güneyine kadar olan kıyıdan seçilmiş 8 istasyon ve referans noktaları ile birlikte toplam 16 örnekleme istasyonunu kapsamaktadır. Referans istasyonları deniz trafiğinden uzak olan ve plajlar ile iskeleler gibi daha çok insan aktiviteleri için kullanılan sahile yakın bölgelerden seçilmiştir. İstasyon 1, 4, 6,7 ve 8 Ege Denizi’nde bulunan en yoğun marinalardır. İstasyon 3 ve 5 küçük balıkçı barınakları iken, istasyon 2 ise Ege Denizi kıyı şeridi boyunca bulunan tek gemi söküm alanıdır. Kış örneklemesini takiben bütün istasyonlar için ortalama ?butilkalay konsantrasyonları 1.091,5 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. iken referans noktaları için ise ortalama ?butilkalay konsantrasyonları 495,9 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. idi. Yaz örneklemesinden sonra bütün istasyonlar için ortalama ?butilkalay konsantrasyonları 2.691,2 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. ve bütün referans istasyonları için ise ortalama ?butilkalay konsantrasyonları 1.343,9 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. olarak belirlenmiştir. Böylece Ege Denizi kıyılarında denizcilik faaliyetleri açısından en yoğun bölgelerde hem en yüksek hem de en düşük OTC düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonunda sediment örnekleri içerisindeki toplam OTC konsantrasyonlarının zamansal ve mekansal olarak belirgin bir şekilde değişiklik gösterdiği saptanmıştır.
The purpose of this study was reveal of organic tin compounds (OTC) levels at different marinas choose from Turkish Aegean Sea coastline. the sediment samples were collected in a seasonal period and tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) concentrations were detected at the ng $ g^{-1}$ within sediment using by GC coupled MS. in this way, effects of the most important organic tin entry points of maritime activities were try to determine in the coastal line along the Aegean Sea. This study includes from the north to the southern part of all the Aegean Sea coast line from 8 stations and 16 samples with references points. Reference stations were picked in sea shores where far away from maritime traffic and using for human activities like beaches and ports. Station 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8 are the most popular marinas located in study area. Station 3 and 5 are small fishing port, station 2 is the only ship breaking site. Following winter sampling, mean concentration of ?butyltin for all stations was 1,091.5 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. and average concentration of ?butyltin for all reference points was 495.9 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. After summer sampling, mean concentration of ?butyltin for all stations was 2,691.2 ng g–1 Sn. and mean concentration of ?butyltin for all reference stations was determined as 1,343.9 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. Thus, both the highest and lowest OTC levels from the most intense areas in terms of maritime activities along the coast of the Aegean Sea were determined. At the end of the study, we determined that the total OTC concentrations in the sediment samples showed the significant spatio– temporal changes.
The purpose of this study was reveal of organic tin compounds (OTC) levels at different marinas choose from Turkish Aegean Sea coastline. the sediment samples were collected in a seasonal period and tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) concentrations were detected at the ng $ g^{-1}$ within sediment using by GC coupled MS. in this way, effects of the most important organic tin entry points of maritime activities were try to determine in the coastal line along the Aegean Sea. This study includes from the north to the southern part of all the Aegean Sea coast line from 8 stations and 16 samples with references points. Reference stations were picked in sea shores where far away from maritime traffic and using for human activities like beaches and ports. Station 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8 are the most popular marinas located in study area. Station 3 and 5 are small fishing port, station 2 is the only ship breaking site. Following winter sampling, mean concentration of ?butyltin for all stations was 1,091.5 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. and average concentration of ?butyltin for all reference points was 495.9 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. After summer sampling, mean concentration of ?butyltin for all stations was 2,691.2 ng g–1 Sn. and mean concentration of ?butyltin for all reference stations was determined as 1,343.9 ng $ g^{-1}$ Sn. Thus, both the highest and lowest OTC levels from the most intense areas in terms of maritime activities along the coast of the Aegean Sea were determined. At the end of the study, we determined that the total OTC concentrations in the sediment samples showed the significant spatio– temporal changes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Balıkçılık, Zooloji
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri