Sürdürülebilir bir üretim için çeşitli adsorbanların reaktif boya banyolarının renginin giderilmesinde kullanımı
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasında tekstil atık sularından Reaktif Red 141 boyasının adsorpsiyon yöntemiyle uzaklaştırılması üzerine çalışılmıştır. Adsorpsiyon ile renk giderimi, kesikli sistem ve sabit yataklı bir kolon düzeneğinin kullanıldığı sürekli sistem olmak üzere iki bölümde ele alınmıştır. Adsorban olarak montmorillonit esaslı ancak farklı özelliklerdeki ticari organokil bileşikleri kullanılmıştır. Organokillerin adsorpsiyon mekanizmalarının anlaşılması ve yorumlanması için kinetik ve izoterm modellemeleri; adsorpsiyona etki eden parametrelerin uygun değer aralıklarının belirlenmesi için ise istatistiksel modellemeler yapılmıştır. Organokiller ve seçilen model boyanın karakterizasyon çalışmaları tamamlanmıştır. Ayrıca adsorpsiyonda kullanılan organokiller, renk giderim kapasiteleri bakımından karşılaştırılmış ve sabit yataklı kolon sisteminde en hızlı ve adsorpsiyon yeteneği en yüksek organokil ile çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Kesikli ve sürekli sistem kullanılarak adsorpsiyon deneyleri tamamlandıktan sonra sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir.
In this thesis, the removal of Reactive Red 141 from textile wastewater by adsorption method was studied. Color removal by adsorption method was discussed in two separate sections that were continuous system had a fixed bed column and batch system. Commercial organoclay compounds with different properties based on montmorillonite were used as adsorbents. Kinetic and isotherm modeling for the understanding and interpretation of organoclay adsorption mechanisms were performed. In addition, the results were statistically modeled to determine the appropriate range of the parameters affecting the adsorption. Characterization studies of organoclays and selected model dye were completed. Organoclays used in adsorption were compared in terms of their color removal capacities andstudies were performed in the fixed bed column system using organoclay with the highest adsorption ability. The results were evaluated after completion of adsorption experiments with batch and continuous systems.
In this thesis, the removal of Reactive Red 141 from textile wastewater by adsorption method was studied. Color removal by adsorption method was discussed in two separate sections that were continuous system had a fixed bed column and batch system. Commercial organoclay compounds with different properties based on montmorillonite were used as adsorbents. Kinetic and isotherm modeling for the understanding and interpretation of organoclay adsorption mechanisms were performed. In addition, the results were statistically modeled to determine the appropriate range of the parameters affecting the adsorption. Characterization studies of organoclays and selected model dye were completed. Organoclays used in adsorption were compared in terms of their color removal capacities andstudies were performed in the fixed bed column system using organoclay with the highest adsorption ability. The results were evaluated after completion of adsorption experiments with batch and continuous systems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Reaktif Boya, Tekstil Atık Suyu, Adsorpsiyon, Organokil, Sabit Yataklı Kolon, Kinetik, İzoterm, Reactive Dye, Textile Waste Water, Adsorption, Organoclay, Fixed Bed Column, Kinetic, İsotherm