Beslenme eğitimi alan ve almayan ilkokul öğrencilerinin televizyon reklamlarından etkilenme durumlarının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu araştırma, İlkokul dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerine beslenmeye İlişkin verilen eğitimin, televizyon reklamlarından etkilenme durumu üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi. amacıyla planlanmıştır. Deneysel olarak hasırlanan araştırtırma, 8.3.1994 - 1.4. 1994 tarihleri arasında Bornova ilçesi ilk okullarından Malaagirt ilkokulu. Melih Tuncay ilköğretim oku- li ve Kars Halil Atilla ilköğretim okullarında yürütülmüştür Araştırma kapsamına 207 öğrenci, 182 anne, 174 baba olmak üsere toplam 563 ki.şi alınmıştır.. Deney ve kontrol gruplarına. tanıtıcı bilgileri ve ön teat sorularını içeren soru formu uygulanmıştır (Ek-11, Ek- IV, Ek-V, Ek-VI ). Deney grubu Öğrencilerine birer hafta ara ile iki aşa mada beslenme, eğitimi verilmiş, kontrol grubuna eğitim veril memiştir. Verilen elit imi izleyen bir hafta sonunda tüm öğrencilere sontest formu (Ek-IV, Ek V, Ek- VI) uygulanmıştır Annelerin %65.93'ünün televizyonun "Hem yararlı- hem za rarlı" olduğunu, %3. 85 "inin televizyonun "Hiç etkisi olmadı- ı âmı" düşündükleri saptanmıştır. Annelerin %70.88"i çocukların "Basen" televizyon reklam larından etkilendiklerini, %17.03"tt "Etkilenmediklerini", %12.09"u "Her saman" etkilendiklerini belirtmiştir. Annelerin %79. 87 "sinin reklamı yapılan yiyecek ve içecek leri "Basen aldıkları", %8.59"unun "Hiç" almadılı saptanmış-137 tır. Annelerin %54.40'x çocukların, anne-babanın isin verdiü Programlar' m islemelerinin doiru olduiurm düşündükler'! saptan.mistir. Babaların %59.77"8.i televisyonun "Hem yararlı hem sarar lı" 'olduğunu ?belirtmiştir. Babaların %78-.16'sı çocukla rın "Basen" televizyon reklamlarından etkilendiklerini belirt miat ir. Babaların %7S. 18 'sı reklamı yapılan yiyecek ve içecekle ri "Basen" aldıklarını, %5.75M. "Hiç" almadıklarını belirtmiş tir.. Babaların %55. 49 " unun çocukların anne babanın izin ver diği programları islemeleri gerektiğini düşündükleri saptan mıştır. Beslenme eğitimi alan ve almayan öğrencilerin, televis- t yon reklamlarını beğenme durumları, reklamı yapılan yiyecek ve içecekleri alma sıklıkları, reklamı yapılan yiyecek ve içecekleri alma nedenleri, reklam ürünlerinin alınmasına ili© kin düşüncelerine göre dağılımları arasında anlamlı fark bu lunamamıştır
SUMMARY This study was Intended to determlnethe effect of nutrition- education provided to 4th class of primary school pupils on their level of influence from television advertisement. Study wan carried out experimentally In Malazgirt, Melih Tuncay and. Kar» Halil Atilla primary schools in District of Bornova between 8. 3. 1994 and 1.4. 1994. Study included 563 samples in total of which 207 are students, 182 are mothers and 174 are fathers. A pre test questionnaire containing social demographic and pre test questions was administered to both experiment and control groups ( Addendum, 1 1, 1 V*, V, VI ). Experiment group pupils were given nutritional education in two phaoes with one week interval, while control group pupils were given no education. At the and of the week following completion of the education a past test questionnaire (Addendum IV,V,.VI > was admlniatered to whole pupils. It is found that 65.93% of mothers thought television was "both beneficial and hazardous", 3.05% thought that television had no influence" at aJI. 70.88% of mothers reported that their children were "sometimes" Influenced by television advertisements had no influence on their children 'while 12.09% expressed that their139 children were "always" influenced" by television advertisemennts. It is found that 79.67% of mothers "sometimes" purchased the advertised food and drik at 6.59% did not purchase those items "at all". 54*40% of mothers thought that children must watch the television programs allowed by their parents. 59.77% of fathers expressed that television was 'both benefical and hazardous" 78.16% of fathers reported that their children were "sometimes" influenced by television adve rt i sement s. 78.16% of fathers reported that they "sometimes" purchased advertised food and drink* while 5.75% reported that they did not purchase those items "at all". It is found that 55.49% of fathers thought children must only watch the television programs allowed by their parents* Distributions of pupils who receive nutrition education and those who did not according to effect of television advertisement techniques, frequency of purchasing advertised food and drink, reasons of purchasing advertised food and ' drink and their concerns about purchasing advertised food and drink revealed no statistically meaningful -difference.
SUMMARY This study was Intended to determlnethe effect of nutrition- education provided to 4th class of primary school pupils on their level of influence from television advertisement. Study wan carried out experimentally In Malazgirt, Melih Tuncay and. Kar» Halil Atilla primary schools in District of Bornova between 8. 3. 1994 and 1.4. 1994. Study included 563 samples in total of which 207 are students, 182 are mothers and 174 are fathers. A pre test questionnaire containing social demographic and pre test questions was administered to both experiment and control groups ( Addendum, 1 1, 1 V*, V, VI ). Experiment group pupils were given nutritional education in two phaoes with one week interval, while control group pupils were given no education. At the and of the week following completion of the education a past test questionnaire (Addendum IV,V,.VI > was admlniatered to whole pupils. It is found that 65.93% of mothers thought television was "both beneficial and hazardous", 3.05% thought that television had no influence" at aJI. 70.88% of mothers reported that their children were "sometimes" Influenced by television advertisements had no influence on their children 'while 12.09% expressed that their139 children were "always" influenced" by television advertisemennts. It is found that 79.67% of mothers "sometimes" purchased the advertised food and drik at 6.59% did not purchase those items "at all". 54*40% of mothers thought that children must watch the television programs allowed by their parents. 59.77% of fathers expressed that television was 'both benefical and hazardous" 78.16% of fathers reported that their children were "sometimes" influenced by television adve rt i sement s. 78.16% of fathers reported that they "sometimes" purchased advertised food and drink* while 5.75% reported that they did not purchase those items "at all". It is found that 55.49% of fathers thought children must only watch the television programs allowed by their parents* Distributions of pupils who receive nutrition education and those who did not according to effect of television advertisement techniques, frequency of purchasing advertised food and drink, reasons of purchasing advertised food and ' drink and their concerns about purchasing advertised food and drink revealed no statistically meaningful -difference.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Beslenme ve Diyetetik, Nutrition and Dietetics, Beslenme, Nutrition, Karbonhidratlar, Carbohydrates, Proteinler, Proteins, Psikolojik etki, Psychological effect, Televizyon reklamları, Television advertisements, İlkokul öğrencileri, Primary school students