Arayüz çürüklerinin radyografik olarak saptanmasında görüntü kalitesinin etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Arayüz çürüklerinin radyografik tanısında diagnostik doğruluk hedef alınarak Ektaspeed Plus film ve Sens-A-Ray görüntüleri karşılaştırmalı olarak incelendi. Ayrıca indirek olarak digitalize edilmiş radyografik görüntülerde görüntü istemli bir şekilde indirgenerek diagnostik olarak doğruluğu verebilen en alt sınırların belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma materyali olarak çekilmiş insan premolar ve molar dişleri seçildi. Dişler sağlam, doğal çürüklü ve yapay çürüklü olarak sınıflandırıldı. Doğal ve yapay çürüklü lezyonlar 3 ayrı derinlikte gruplandı. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde dişlerin 3 değişik ışınlama ile radyograflari alındı ve densitometrik inceleme sonucunda bu 3 değişik ışınlamaya ait densite değerleri saptanarak Sens-A-Ray ile ayni densite değerlerine uyan 3 set halinde görüntüler elde edildi. Doku eşdeğeri materyallerin arayüz çürüklerinin tanıdaki doğruluğuna etkilerini incelemek amacıyla, görüntülerin yarısı 2 cm su kullanılarak, yarısı da su kuilanmaksızın gerçekleştirildi. 7 son sınıf dişhekimliği öğrencisi, 7 akademisyen dişhekimi olmak üzere toplam 14 gözlemci bu iki farklı görüntü alıcıya ait görüntüleri, aynı gözlem koşulları altında, derinlikleri de belirleyerek, arayüzde çürüğün varlığı ya da yokluğunu ana kriter alarak değerlendirdi. Dişlerin horizontal kesitleri hazırlanarak çürüklerin gerçek varlığı yada yokluğu ile derinliğine ait dağılımı belirlendi. Gözlemcilerden elde edilen veriler ROC analizi kullanılarak istatistiksel olarakdeğerlendirildi. Gözlemciler çürüğe ait tanı koymada ulaştıkları performans açısından son sınıf öğrencisi ve asistan dişhekimleri olarak istatistiksel anlamda farklılık göstermediği saptandı. Yine doku eşdeğeri olarak kullanılan 2 cm su diagnostik doğruluğu anlamlı bir şekilde etkilemedi. Kullanılan 3 set ışın grubundan 1 ve 2 ile 1 ve 3 arasında her iki görüntü alıcı için de anlamlı farklılık bulunurken, 2 ve 3 arasında istatistiksel olarak bir fark yoktu. Gözlemciler sağlam yüzeyleri belirlerken her iki görüntü alıcısı arasında anlamlı bir fark oluşturmaksızın yüksek performanslı sonuçlar verdiler. Fakat doğal ve yapay çürüklü lezyonların belirlenmesinde Ektaspeed Plus film ve Sens-A-Ray arasında filmin üstünlüğü yönünde bir farklılık ortaya çıktı. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde, ilk bölümden elde edilen sonuçların ışığında, digital görüntünün tanı doğruluğundaki yararlılık sınırları değerlendirildi. Bunun için önce, ilk bölümde aralarında anlamlı bir fark bulunmamış olan 2. ve 3. grup ışınlamalara ait Ektaspeed Plus film görüntüleri indirek olarak digitalize edildi. Doku eşdeğeri olarak kullanılan 2 cm suyun tanı doğruluğu üzerine bir etki yapmamış olması nedeniyle su kullanılmış olan grup çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Digital görüntüler 3 değişik matriks boyutu ve 2 değişik gri tonlama sayısını içeren 6 değişik resoiüsyonda hazırlandı ve en tepedeki görüntünün dosya boyutu 8 kat indirgendi. Ayrıca aynı digitalize görüntüler iki farklı boyutta setler halinde print edildi. Böylece gözlemciler rastgele bir dizilim içerisindeki, farklı oranlarda indirgenmiş görüntüleri bilgisayar ekranı, slayt, büyük ve küçük yazıcı çıkışları üzerinde değerlendirdiler. Objektif bulgularda, gri tonlamanın 1 6 olduğu görüntü setlerinde diagnostik doğruluk daha düşüktü fakat bu düşüklük 8 kat indirgenmiş bir görüntü için, şaşırtıcı bir biçimde beklenilenin altındaydı. Dört set görüntü içerisinde, yalnızca küçük yazıcı çıkışlarında film ve 6değişik görüntü kalitesi arasında anlamlı farklılıklar vardı. Bunların dışında bilgisayar ekranı ve büyük yazıcı çıkışlarına ait sonuçlarda, sadece 4 ve 6 numaralı görüntü kalitesine uyan sette filmle karşılaştırıldığında bazı parametrelerde farklar bulundu. Yine, slaytlara ait değerlendirmede de, yalnızca en fazla indirgenmiş set olan 6 numaralı görüntü kalitesine uyan grupta istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklar bulundu
59 6. SUMMARY The images of a dental radiographic film (Ektaspeed Plus) and the Sens- A-Ray direct digital imaging system were assessed comparatively by considering the diagnostic accuracy on proximal caries. Also, we aimed at determining the minimum limit that gives the diagnostic accuracy on the deliberately-degraded images. Extracted human premolars and molars were selected as materials of the work. The teeth were classified into sound, natural caries and artificial caries. The natural and the artificial carious lesions were grouped into three different depths. In the first part of the study, the teeth were exposed by three different exposures and obtained density values. Then, 3 sets of images which were the same as the densities of radiographs performed on Sens-A- Ray. In order to examine the effects of scattering medium on diagnosis of proximal carious lesions, half of the image were taken by using 2 cm water, whereas half of them were taken without water. A total of 14 observers, 7 senior students and 7 general dentists, interpreted the images to identify the presence or obsence of the caries with the extension of the lesion in proximal surface under the same viewing condition for both receptors. Distribution of the presence or absence of the caries and their extensions were achieved by the sectioning of the teeth horizontally. The data that obtained from the observers were60 evaluated using ROC analysis. There was no statistically difference between the dentists and students. Also, water that was used as a scattering medium did not affect the diagnostic accuracy significantly. There was a significant difference between exposures 1 and 2 and 1 and 3 for both receptors whereas there was no statistically difference between exposures 2 and 3. Determining the sound surfaces, the observers presented the results of high-performance with no significant differences the both receptors. In determining the natural and artificial carious lesions, there appeared. a difference between Ektaspeed Plus film and Sens-A-Ray in terms of the film superiority. In the second part of the study, the minimum limit of the diagnostic accuracy on digital images were evaluated in the light of the data from the first part of the study. The images of Ektaspeed film of the 2. and 3. group of exposures between which there were no significant differences in the first part were digitalized indirectly. Because of the fact that the 2 cm water used as a scattering medium had no effect on the diagnostic accuracy, the group in which the water was used was left out. The digital images were prepared in 6 different resolutions having 3 different matrix sizes and 2 different grey shades and the file size of the highest quality image was degraded 8 times. Also, the same digitalized images were printed in 2 different sizes. Thus, the observers evaluated the randomly-ordered, differently degraded images on the computer screen, slide, big and small print outs. In objective findings, the diagnostic accuracy was lower in the sets of images in which the grey shades were 16, but this value was surprisingly below that expected. Among the 4 sets of images, there was significant difference between the film and the 6 different image qualities, only in small print61 outs. In the results of the computer screen and the big print outs, we found differences among some parameters when the film was compared only with the sets of 4 and 6 film image qualities. Again, in the evaluation of the slides, there were statistically significant differences only in 6. group which was the most degraded set.
59 6. SUMMARY The images of a dental radiographic film (Ektaspeed Plus) and the Sens- A-Ray direct digital imaging system were assessed comparatively by considering the diagnostic accuracy on proximal caries. Also, we aimed at determining the minimum limit that gives the diagnostic accuracy on the deliberately-degraded images. Extracted human premolars and molars were selected as materials of the work. The teeth were classified into sound, natural caries and artificial caries. The natural and the artificial carious lesions were grouped into three different depths. In the first part of the study, the teeth were exposed by three different exposures and obtained density values. Then, 3 sets of images which were the same as the densities of radiographs performed on Sens-A- Ray. In order to examine the effects of scattering medium on diagnosis of proximal carious lesions, half of the image were taken by using 2 cm water, whereas half of them were taken without water. A total of 14 observers, 7 senior students and 7 general dentists, interpreted the images to identify the presence or obsence of the caries with the extension of the lesion in proximal surface under the same viewing condition for both receptors. Distribution of the presence or absence of the caries and their extensions were achieved by the sectioning of the teeth horizontally. The data that obtained from the observers were60 evaluated using ROC analysis. There was no statistically difference between the dentists and students. Also, water that was used as a scattering medium did not affect the diagnostic accuracy significantly. There was a significant difference between exposures 1 and 2 and 1 and 3 for both receptors whereas there was no statistically difference between exposures 2 and 3. Determining the sound surfaces, the observers presented the results of high-performance with no significant differences the both receptors. In determining the natural and artificial carious lesions, there appeared. a difference between Ektaspeed Plus film and Sens-A-Ray in terms of the film superiority. In the second part of the study, the minimum limit of the diagnostic accuracy on digital images were evaluated in the light of the data from the first part of the study. The images of Ektaspeed film of the 2. and 3. group of exposures between which there were no significant differences in the first part were digitalized indirectly. Because of the fact that the 2 cm water used as a scattering medium had no effect on the diagnostic accuracy, the group in which the water was used was left out. The digital images were prepared in 6 different resolutions having 3 different matrix sizes and 2 different grey shades and the file size of the highest quality image was degraded 8 times. Also, the same digitalized images were printed in 2 different sizes. Thus, the observers evaluated the randomly-ordered, differently degraded images on the computer screen, slide, big and small print outs. In objective findings, the diagnostic accuracy was lower in the sets of images in which the grey shades were 16, but this value was surprisingly below that expected. Among the 4 sets of images, there was significant difference between the film and the 6 different image qualities, only in small print61 outs. In the results of the computer screen and the big print outs, we found differences among some parameters when the film was compared only with the sets of 4 and 6 film image qualities. Again, in the evaluation of the slides, there were statistically significant differences only in 6. group which was the most degraded set.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Diş çürükleri, Dental caries, Radyografi, Radiography