Effect of different oxygenated compounds on gasoline octane number
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET DEĞİŞİK OKSİJENLİ BİLEŞİKLERİN BENZİNİN OKTAN SAYISINA ETKİSİ LEVENT, Nazmiye Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof.Dr.Jale YANIK EylüL2003,.... Sayfa Bu çalışmada, oksijenli bileşik kullanımının benzinin kalitesine etkileri araştırıldı. Bu amaçla, farklı konsantrasyonlarda oksijenli bileşik- benzin karışımları hazırlandı. Oksijenli bileşik olarak Metanol, Ethanol, Metil Tersiyer Butil Eter ve Suma alkolü kullanıldı. Oksijenli bileşiklerin en önemli etkisinin benzinin oktan sayısını artırması olduğu gözlendi. Bu katkı maddelerinin benzinin oktan sayısını artırmasının yanında diğer bazı özelliklerine de etki ettiği saptandı. Benzinde aranan kalite kriterleri göz önüne alınarak, her bir oksijenli bileşik için optimum karışım oram tespit edildi. Ayrıca yasal olmayan benzinler için (metanol içeren) kabul edilebilir bir standart oluşturma olanakları araştırıldı. Bu çalışmadaki önemli olan bir nokta da, oksijenli bileşik olarak bilinen alkol ve eterlerin yanı sıra Suma alkolünün kullanılmasıdır. Alaşehir Suma fabrikasının bir yan ürünü olan bu alkol, fazla bir ticari değeri yoktur. Oktan sayısını artırıcı olarak kullanılabilmesi, ekonomi ve çevre açısından önemlidir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Oksijenli bileşikler, Oktan Sayısı, MTBE, Etanol
vn ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT OXYGENATED COMPOUDNS ON GASOLINE OCTANE NUMBER LEVENT, Nazmiye MSc in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof.Dr Jale YANIK September,2003,....pages In this study, the effects of the use of oxygenated compounds(oxygenates) on the quality of gasoline was investigated. The blends with different oxygenates concentrations were prepared. Oxygenates used were Metanol, Ethanol, Methyl tertiary butyl-ether and Suma. Main effect of oxygenated compounds was to increased octane number of gasoline. These additives affected also some properties fuel, besides increasing of octane number For each oxygenated compound, the optimum ratio of oxygenates to gasoline was determined according to the fuel spesifications. Furthermore, an acceptable standard for "the illegal super gasolme'Xcontaining methanol) was also determined. One of the important points in this study is to use of Suma alcohol as oxygenates besides common alcohols and ethers. Suma is a by-product of Alaşehir - Suma Factory and it has no commercial demand. Use ability of this by product as octane enhancer is important from the viewpoint of both economy and environment. Keywords: Oxygenated compounds, Octane Number, MTBE, Ethanol
vn ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT OXYGENATED COMPOUDNS ON GASOLINE OCTANE NUMBER LEVENT, Nazmiye MSc in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof.Dr Jale YANIK September,2003,....pages In this study, the effects of the use of oxygenated compounds(oxygenates) on the quality of gasoline was investigated. The blends with different oxygenates concentrations were prepared. Oxygenates used were Metanol, Ethanol, Methyl tertiary butyl-ether and Suma. Main effect of oxygenated compounds was to increased octane number of gasoline. These additives affected also some properties fuel, besides increasing of octane number For each oxygenated compound, the optimum ratio of oxygenates to gasoline was determined according to the fuel spesifications. Furthermore, an acceptable standard for "the illegal super gasolme'Xcontaining methanol) was also determined. One of the important points in this study is to use of Suma alcohol as oxygenates besides common alcohols and ethers. Suma is a by-product of Alaşehir - Suma Factory and it has no commercial demand. Use ability of this by product as octane enhancer is important from the viewpoint of both economy and environment. Keywords: Oxygenated compounds, Octane Number, MTBE, Ethanol
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Benzin, Gasoline, Oksijenli bileşikler, Oxygenated compounds, Oktan, Octane