İzmir'deki hastane binalarında radon konsantrasyonları tayinleri ve doz hesaplamaları
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
4. ÖZET Başlıca binaiçi radon kaynaklan dışarıdaki hava,eviçinde kullanılan su. ve bina meteryallerindeki toprak ve kayaçlardır. Binaiçi radon konsantrasyonu bina materyallerinin radon solunum lirana, kullanılan bina meteryallerine, binanın karekterine ve ventilasyomma bağlıdır. Havadaki 222 seviyesinin ölçümleri için lucas hücresi kullanıldı.Hücre girişlerinden birine filtre kağıdı diğerine havadaki radon ürünlerini tutmak için vakum pompası yerleştirildi.Örnek 10 dakikalık peryotlarla 10 1 /dak akış hızıyle toplandıktan sonra filtre kağıdı ve vakum pompası hücre girişinden çıkarıldı. Herbir hücre radon ve ürünleri arasında denge oluşumu için 3 saat bekletildikten sonra ölçüm yapıldı. Yüzey gama ölçümleri için mikro-R -meter kullamıdı. İzmirdeki hastahaneierde binaiçi radon konsantrasyonları ve gama dozları sırası ile lucas hücresi ve mikro-R-meter ile ölçüldü. Hastalarm,ziyaretçilerin ve sağlık personelinin manız kaldığı dozlar tahmin edildi. 41
5. SUMMARY The main sources of indoor radon are the outdoor air.the domestic water supply,building materials and the soil or roch under the building. The indoor radon concentration depends on the radon exhalation rates of building materials/the used meterials.the building characteristics and the ventilation. Lucas ceil was used for the measurements of 222^ levels in air. A filter paper is placed in one of the entering valves of the cell for stopping the radon daughters in the air and the vacuum pump is connected to the other valf.The sampling was done at a flow rate of 10 liter min "1 for collection period of 10 minutes. After the sampling/the filter paper and the pump were taken away from the eell.The measurement of each cell is done after 3 hours waiting period for attainning the equilibrium between radon and daughters. The gamma surveying was realized using a micro-R- meter. The indoor 222$^ concentrations and gamma doses in the hospitals in Izmir were measured with Lucas cells and micro-R-meter respectively and the exposure doses of the patients,the visitors and the health personels were estimated. 42
5. SUMMARY The main sources of indoor radon are the outdoor air.the domestic water supply,building materials and the soil or roch under the building. The indoor radon concentration depends on the radon exhalation rates of building materials/the used meterials.the building characteristics and the ventilation. Lucas ceil was used for the measurements of 222^ levels in air. A filter paper is placed in one of the entering valves of the cell for stopping the radon daughters in the air and the vacuum pump is connected to the other valf.The sampling was done at a flow rate of 10 liter min "1 for collection period of 10 minutes. After the sampling/the filter paper and the pump were taken away from the eell.The measurement of each cell is done after 3 hours waiting period for attainning the equilibrium between radon and daughters. The gamma surveying was realized using a micro-R- meter. The indoor 222$^ concentrations and gamma doses in the hospitals in Izmir were measured with Lucas cells and micro-R-meter respectively and the exposure doses of the patients,the visitors and the health personels were estimated. 42
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Hastaneler, Hospitals, Radon, Radon, İzmir, Izmir