İnsan PMN lökosit glukozil seramid-Beta-glukozidaz aktivite tayini üzerinde bir çalışma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Lizozomal bir enzim olan glukozilseramid P - glukozidaz (P - Glc; E.C., seramid ve glukoz vermek üzere glukozilseramidin hidrolizini kataliz ler. Bu enzim ayrıca glukozüsfingozin, steroid. P - glukozidler ve lipit yapısında ol mayan bir grup yapay substratladaki P - glukozid bağlannm hidrolizi tepkimelerini de gerçekleştirir. P - Glc. eksikliğisonucunda başlıca karaciğer, dalak ve kemikiliği fagosi- tik hücrelerinde glukozilseramidin birikmesi sonucu kalıtsal depo hastalıklarından olan ve çeşitli klinik tipleri bulunan Gaucher hastalığı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu has talık hepatosplenomegali, anemi, trombositopeni ve kemik lezyonları ile karakteri- zedir. Gaucher hastalığında kesin tanı, doku P - Glc. aktivitesindeki azalmanın bi yokimyasal olarak gösterilmesi ile konulabilmektedir. Çalışmamızda sentetik bir substrat olan 4 - Metüumbelliferil - p - D - glu kozid (MU - Glc.) kullanarak lökosit P - Glc. aktivite tayini yöntemini kurmak üzere optimum deney şartlan araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla yapılan ön çalışmalarda lökosit P - Glc. aktivite tayini için laboratuvar şartlarımıza en uygun optimum de ney şartlarının % 0.6 g. Na taurokolat varlığında pH = 5.5 (asetat tamponu) ve 10 mM nihai MU - Glc. konsantrasyonu olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu koşullar altında nor mal lökosit P - Glc. ortalama aktivitesi 14.10 ± 0.35 (n = 30) / nmolMU/ mg pro tein/saat olarak bulunmuştur. -67-Hasta grubumuzu Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları ve Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dallarının kontrolünde olan 3 Gaucher hastası oluşturmuştur. Bu hastalarda lökosit {3 - Glc. ortalama aktivite değeri 3.36 ± 0.48 (n = 3) olup, bu hastaların normal grubun % 23.8'i düzeyinde enzim aktivitesi taşıdıkları gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca hasta grubumuzda olan olgu l'in kardeşleri olan olgu 4 ve 5'in lökosit P - Glc. aktiviteleri sırasıyla 8.32 ve 8.23 nmolMU/mg protein/saat olarak bulunmuş ve bu kişiler heterozigot olarak değerlendirilmişlerdir. Diğer kardeş olan olgu 6'da ise enzim aktivitesi 1 1.0 nmolMU/mg protein/saat olarak saptandığından taşıyıcı olarak değerlendirilememiştir. Bu çalışmada, Gaucher hastalarına kesin tanı konulabilmesi için uygulan ması gereken (3 - Glc. aktivite tayini yöntemi kurulmuş ve bu yöntemden Gaucher hastalarına kesin tanı konulmasında ve taşıyıcıların bir kısmının saptanmasında ya rarlanabileceği ortaya konulmuştur. -68-
SUMMARY Glucosylceramide P - glucosidase (P - Glc; E.C. is a lysosomal enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of glucosylceramide to ceramide and glu cose. This enzyme also hydrolyzes the p - glucosidic bonds of glucosyl sphingo- sine, steroid P - glucosides and several synthetic, nonlipid substrates. As a result of the deficiency of P - Glc. and of the accumulation of gluco sylceramide that occurs in phagocytic cells mainly in liver, spleen and bone mar row causes Gaucher disease which is one of the genetic storage disease and which has various clinical types. This disease is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia and bone lesions. The definitive biochemical test for the diagnosis of Gaucher's disease is the demonstration of the deficiency of tissue P - glucosidase. In our study, optimum assay conditions are investigated to establish leu kocyte P - Glc. assay procedure using 4 - methylumbelliferyl P - D - glucoside which is a synthetic substrate. In the pre - studies made on this purpose it has been determined that the optimum assay conditions suitable to our laboratory conditions for measuring leukocyte P - Glc. activity are pH = 5.5 (acetat buffer) and final 10 mM MU - Glc. concentration in the presence of 0.6% g Na taurocholat Under these circumstances, the mean value of "control" leukocyte P - Glc. activity has been found 14.10 ± 0.35 (n = 30) nmolMU / mg protein / hour. Our patients' group has been composed of three Gaucher patients which are under the care of EGE University Faculty of Medicine, Departments of Internal Disease and Pediatrics. The mean value of P - Glc. activity of these patients has been found; 3.36 ± 0.48 (n = 3), and it has been shown that these patients' enzyme activity level is 23.8 % of the mean control group's. -69-Additionally, leukocyte {3 - Glc. activities of case 4 and 5 who are the sistes of case 1 are; 8.32 and 8.23 nmol MU/mg protein/hour respectively, and these persons are evaluated as heterozygotes. Since the enzyme activity of the brother; case 6; has been found 11.0 nmolMU/mg protein/hour, he couldn't be evaluated as a carrier. In this study, the P - Glc. assay procedure which should be applied to be able to make diagnosis, has been established and it has been proved that this procedure can be used for making definitive diagnosis and the determining some of the carriers. -70-
SUMMARY Glucosylceramide P - glucosidase (P - Glc; E.C. is a lysosomal enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of glucosylceramide to ceramide and glu cose. This enzyme also hydrolyzes the p - glucosidic bonds of glucosyl sphingo- sine, steroid P - glucosides and several synthetic, nonlipid substrates. As a result of the deficiency of P - Glc. and of the accumulation of gluco sylceramide that occurs in phagocytic cells mainly in liver, spleen and bone mar row causes Gaucher disease which is one of the genetic storage disease and which has various clinical types. This disease is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia and bone lesions. The definitive biochemical test for the diagnosis of Gaucher's disease is the demonstration of the deficiency of tissue P - glucosidase. In our study, optimum assay conditions are investigated to establish leu kocyte P - Glc. assay procedure using 4 - methylumbelliferyl P - D - glucoside which is a synthetic substrate. In the pre - studies made on this purpose it has been determined that the optimum assay conditions suitable to our laboratory conditions for measuring leukocyte P - Glc. activity are pH = 5.5 (acetat buffer) and final 10 mM MU - Glc. concentration in the presence of 0.6% g Na taurocholat Under these circumstances, the mean value of "control" leukocyte P - Glc. activity has been found 14.10 ± 0.35 (n = 30) nmolMU / mg protein / hour. Our patients' group has been composed of three Gaucher patients which are under the care of EGE University Faculty of Medicine, Departments of Internal Disease and Pediatrics. The mean value of P - Glc. activity of these patients has been found; 3.36 ± 0.48 (n = 3), and it has been shown that these patients' enzyme activity level is 23.8 % of the mean control group's. -69-Additionally, leukocyte {3 - Glc. activities of case 4 and 5 who are the sistes of case 1 are; 8.32 and 8.23 nmol MU/mg protein/hour respectively, and these persons are evaluated as heterozygotes. Since the enzyme activity of the brother; case 6; has been found 11.0 nmolMU/mg protein/hour, he couldn't be evaluated as a carrier. In this study, the P - Glc. assay procedure which should be applied to be able to make diagnosis, has been established and it has been proved that this procedure can be used for making definitive diagnosis and the determining some of the carriers. -70-
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Glükozidaz, Glucosidase, Glükozilseramidaz, Glucosylceramidase, İnsan, Human