Vakum mikrodalga kurutucu ile kurutulan Sultaniye çeşidi üzümlerindepolama boyunca kalite değişimlerinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu tez çalışması kapsamında, vakum mikrodalga teknolojisi kullanılarak bandırılmış ve bandırılmamış Sultaniye çeşidi kuru üzüm üretilerek, elde edilen kuru üzümlerin depolanma süresi boyunca kalite özelliklerindeki değişimin incelenmesi ve sonuçların geleneksel ve kombine (güneş-vakum mikrodalga kurutucu) yöntem ile üretilen kuru üzümler ile karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Tez çalışması kapsamında Sultaniye çeşidi yaş üzümler potasa çözeltisine bandırılmış (potasyum karbonat ve zeytinyağı içeren çözelti ile ön işlem uygulanmış) ve bandırılmamış olarak Işık Tarım Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. tarafından temin edilmiştir. Aynı şekilde bandırılmış ve bandırılmamış olarak üretilen iki farklı üzüm grubunun her ikisi de yarı kuru ve kurutulmuş olarak Işık Tarım Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. tarafından temin edilmiştir. Tez çalışması kapsamında bandırılmamış ve bandırılmış olarak temin edilen yaş ve yarı kuru üzüm örneklerinin vakum mikrodalga kurutma işlemi Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi'nde bulunan vakum mikrodalga kurutucu cihazı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tez çalışmasına başlarken literatürdeki çalışmalar incelenmiş ve ön denemeler sonucunda vakum mikrodalga kurutmada kullanılacak parametreler belirlenmiştir. Bu değerler kullanılarak sabit güç seviyesinde mikrodalga kurutma işlemi uygulanmıştır. Ön denemeler sonucunda vakum mikrodalga kurutucunun çalışma koşulları 70 oC sıcaklık, 690 mbar vakum miktarı ve 4 kW güç olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılmak amacıyla bandırılmamış ve bandırılmış olarak temin edilen Sultaniye çeşidi üzümler yaş ve yarı kuru olarak toplamda dört gruba ayrılmıştır. Her ürün grubunun belirlenen işlem koşullarında son nem içeriği %20' nin altına düşünceye kadar kurutulmasıyla kuru üzümler elde edilmiştir. Üç farklı yöntemle (güneş, güneş+vakum mikrodalga ve vakum mikrodalga) kurutulan bandırılmamış ve bandırılmış üzümlerin zamana bağlı olarak serbest nem içeriği, nem oranı ve kuruma hızı grafikleri çizilmiştir. Elde edilen grafikler incelendiğinde hem bandırılmamış hem de bandırılmış üzüm gruplarının, vakum mikrodalga kurutucu (VMD) ile kurutulmasının kuruma hızını arttırdığı ve kuruma süresini kısalttığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Kuru üzümlerin difüzyon katsayısı değerleri incelendiğinde, hem bandırılmamış hem de bandırılmış üzüm gruplarında en yüksek değere VMD ile kurutulan örneklerde ulaşılmıştır. Matematiksel modelleme sonucunda güneş, kombine ve VMD yöntemleri ile kurutulan bandırılmış kuru üzüm örnekleri için en uygun model denklemi sırası ile Logaritmik, Logaritmik ve Page; bandırılmamış kuru üzüm örnekleri için ise en uygun model denklemi sırası ile Logaritmik, Henderson ve Pabis ve Logaritmik modeller olduğu saptanmıştır. Kurutma işlemi sonunda elde edilen kuru üzümler polipropilen torbalarda (100 g) paketlenerek +4 °C'de 3 ay boyunca depolanmıştır. Üç farklı kurutma yöntemi (güneş, güneş-VMD ve VMD) kullanılarak elde edilen kuru üzümlerin depolama süresi boyunca (0., 1., 2. ve 3. aylarda) fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde, elde edilen tüm kuru üzüm örneklerinde hedeflenen nem içeriğine (%20) ulaşıldığı, vakum mikrodalga kurutucuda kurutulan üzümlerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerinin geleneksel yönteme ve kombine yönteme kıyasla daha iyi korunduğu belirlenmiştir. En iyi renk, toplam fenolik madde ve rehidrasyon oranı değerine her iki grup içinde vakum mikrodalga kurutucu ile kurutulan örneklerde ulaşılmıştır. Tüm bulgular değerlendirildiğinde vakum mikrodalga kurutucu ile kurutulan üzümlerin hem bandırılmamış hem de bandırılmış örnek gruplarında geleneksel yönteme kıyasla kuru üzüm kalitesinin daha iyi olduğu ve +4 °C'de depolama boyunca daha iyi korunduğu belirlenmiştir
This study aims to obtain dipped and undipped Sultaniye variety raisins by using vacuum microwave technology and to examine their quality characteristics during storage, and compare the obtained results with raisins produced by traditional and combined (sun-vacuum microwave dryer) method. In this study, fresh, semi-dried and dried Sultaniye variety grape dipped (pre-treated with a solution containing potassium carbonate and olive oil) and undipped were obtained from Işık Tarım Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. The vacuum microwave drying of fresh and semi-dried grape samples was carried out using a vacuum microwave dryer device at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences. The processing parameters of vacuum microwave drying were determined by preliminary trials taking into consideration of literature. By using these values, vacuum microwave drying was applied at constant power. As a result of the preliminary trials, the processing parameters of the vacuum microwave dryer were determined as 70 °C temperature, 690 mbar vacuum, and power of 4 kW. Sultaniye variety grapes, which were supplied as dipped and undipped for use in the study, were divided into four groups fresh and semi-dry. Each product group was dried under the determined processing conditions and raisins with final moisture content below 20% were obtained. Free moisture content, moisture ratio, and drying rate graphs of undipped and dipped grapes dried by three different methods (sun, combined, and vacuum microwave) were drawn depending on time. When the graphs obtained were examined, it was concluded that drying both undipped and dipped grape groups with a vacuum microwave dryer (VMD) increased the drying rate and shortened the drying time. When the diffusion coefficient values of raisins were examined, it was concluded that the highest value was reached in the samples dried with VMD. As a result of the mathematical modeling, the most suitable model equation for dipped raisin samples dried by the sun, combined (sun-VMD) and VMD methods are Logarithmic, Logarithmic, and Page, and the most suitable model equation for undipped raisin samples are Logarithmic, Henderson and Pabis, and Logarithmic models, respectively. The raisins obtained at the end of the drying process were packaged in polypropylene bags (100 g) and stored at +4 °C for 3 months. Physical, chemical, and sensory analyzes of raisins obtained by using three different drying methods (sun, sun-VMD, and VMD) were carried out during the storage period (0., 1., 2. and 3. months). When the results were examined, it was concluded that the targeted moisture content (below 20%) was reached in all raisin samples and the physical, chemical and sensory properties of the grapes dried in the vacuum microwave dryer were better preserved compared to the traditional method and the combined method. The best color, total phenolic content, and rehydration ratio values were obtained in the samples dried with a vacuum microwave dryer in both groups. When all the findings were evaluated, it was concluded that the quality of the dried grapes with the vacuum microwave dryer was better than the traditional method in both undipped and dipped sample groups, and it was better preserved during storage at +4 °C.
This study aims to obtain dipped and undipped Sultaniye variety raisins by using vacuum microwave technology and to examine their quality characteristics during storage, and compare the obtained results with raisins produced by traditional and combined (sun-vacuum microwave dryer) method. In this study, fresh, semi-dried and dried Sultaniye variety grape dipped (pre-treated with a solution containing potassium carbonate and olive oil) and undipped were obtained from Işık Tarım Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. The vacuum microwave drying of fresh and semi-dried grape samples was carried out using a vacuum microwave dryer device at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences. The processing parameters of vacuum microwave drying were determined by preliminary trials taking into consideration of literature. By using these values, vacuum microwave drying was applied at constant power. As a result of the preliminary trials, the processing parameters of the vacuum microwave dryer were determined as 70 °C temperature, 690 mbar vacuum, and power of 4 kW. Sultaniye variety grapes, which were supplied as dipped and undipped for use in the study, were divided into four groups fresh and semi-dry. Each product group was dried under the determined processing conditions and raisins with final moisture content below 20% were obtained. Free moisture content, moisture ratio, and drying rate graphs of undipped and dipped grapes dried by three different methods (sun, combined, and vacuum microwave) were drawn depending on time. When the graphs obtained were examined, it was concluded that drying both undipped and dipped grape groups with a vacuum microwave dryer (VMD) increased the drying rate and shortened the drying time. When the diffusion coefficient values of raisins were examined, it was concluded that the highest value was reached in the samples dried with VMD. As a result of the mathematical modeling, the most suitable model equation for dipped raisin samples dried by the sun, combined (sun-VMD) and VMD methods are Logarithmic, Logarithmic, and Page, and the most suitable model equation for undipped raisin samples are Logarithmic, Henderson and Pabis, and Logarithmic models, respectively. The raisins obtained at the end of the drying process were packaged in polypropylene bags (100 g) and stored at +4 °C for 3 months. Physical, chemical, and sensory analyzes of raisins obtained by using three different drying methods (sun, sun-VMD, and VMD) were carried out during the storage period (0., 1., 2. and 3. months). When the results were examined, it was concluded that the targeted moisture content (below 20%) was reached in all raisin samples and the physical, chemical and sensory properties of the grapes dried in the vacuum microwave dryer were better preserved compared to the traditional method and the combined method. The best color, total phenolic content, and rehydration ratio values were obtained in the samples dried with a vacuum microwave dryer in both groups. When all the findings were evaluated, it was concluded that the quality of the dried grapes with the vacuum microwave dryer was better than the traditional method in both undipped and dipped sample groups, and it was better preserved during storage at +4 °C.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Kuru üzüm, Raisin, Mikrodalga kurutma, Microwave drying