Üst gastrointestinal kanama nedeniyle acil servise başvuran hastalarda AİMS65, glascow blatchford ve erken rockall skorlamalarının taburculuk ve mortalite üzerine etkisinin ileriye yönelik araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş: Üst gastrointestinal sistem kanamaları yaklaşık %10 mortalite değerine sahip, uzun yatış süresi ve, bakım maliyetleri olan sık görülen acil bir durumdur. Mortalitesi bu kadar yüksek olan medikal bir acil duruma erken endoskopi yapmak, erken cerrahi/girişimsel radyolojik işlem yapmak, yoğun bakım gibi bakım ve tedavi seviyesini erken belirlemek önemlidir. Bu çalışmada amacımız literatürde acil serviste az yapılmış olan acil servis izlemindeki hastada Glaskow Blatchford (GBS), Erken Rockall ile hatırlanması ve hesaplanması daha kolay olan AİMS65 skorlama sistemlerinin taburculuk/yatış, eritrosit transfüzyon gereksinimi, tekrar kanama ve mortaliteyi öngörmedeki başarılarını kıyaslamaktır. Yöntem: Çalışmamız prospektif gözlemsel tanısal değerlilik olarak tasarlanandı. Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakiltesi Hastanesi Acil Servis'İne Ağustos/2016 –Ocak/2017 tarihleri arasında başvuran, çalışmaya alınma kriterlerini karşılayan 181 olgu değerlendirildi. Tüm skorlar her hasta için ayrı ayrı hesaplandı. Risk skorlarının karşılaştırılırken karar vericinin etkinlik eğrisi (ROC) her skor için düzenlenerek primer ve sekonder sonlanım ilişkileri değerlendirildi. Mortalite, yeniden kanama, eritrosit transfüzyon ihtiyacı ve hastaneye yatış gibi sonlanımlar için her skor sisteminin maksimum sensitivite ve spesifiteye göre cut-off değeri belirlendi. Veriler gruplandırıldı ve kategorik değişkenlerin karşılaştırılması pearson's ki-kare testi ile yapıldı. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda 40 hastanın yatırılarak tedavi edildiği, 97 hastaya eritrosit transfüzyonu yapıldığı belirlendi. Hastalarımızın 30'unda bir ay içerinde mortalite görüldü. Tekrar kanayan hasta sayısı ise 29 hastada 1 ay içinde görüldü. Yüksek riskli hastayı belirlemede GBS skor sisteminin (AUC:0,824) ERS(AUC: 0,691 ) ve AİMS65'den(AUC:0,612) üstün olduğu saptandı (p<0.05). Mortaliteyi öngörmede ERS'nin(0,725±0,46) AUC değeriyle daha başarılı olduğu görüldü. Cut-off değerinin 2 olması ERS için %83,3 sensitif ve %48,3 spesifiklik sağladığı görüldü. AIMS65 skoru için ise 1 cut-off değeri %60 sensitif, %74,8 spesifikti AUC: (0,687±0,58). GBS skorunun mortaliteyi öngörmede en az başarılı olduğu görüldü.(AUC: 0,628±0,52) . GBS, 11 cut-off değeri ile %86,7 sensitivite, %40,4 spesifite değeri hesaplandı. Tekrar kanamayı öngörmede tüm sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. (p<0,05) fakat AUC değeri birbirine çok yakın olmakla beraber en başarılı skor AUC: 0,699±0,48 ile ERS' idi. ERS için 3 cut-off değerinin sensitivitesi %72.4, spesifitesi 64,5 olarak bulundu. AİMS65 skoru için ise cut-off değeri 1 alındığında %58,6 sensitivite, %74,6 spesifite dğeri hesaplandı. GBS skorunda 11 cut-off değerinde sensitivite %89.7, spesifite %22.4'idi.Eritrosit transfüzyonu ihtiyacını öngörmede GBS(AUC: 0,833±0,30) en başarılı skor sistemiydi. AİMS65 (0,618±0,41) için 0 cutoff değerinin sensitivitesi %74.2, spesivitesi %42.9' du (p<0.05). ERS (AUC: 0,652±0,40) için 0 cut off değeri ise %97.9 sensitifti fakat spesifitesi düşüktü(%13.1)(p<0.05). GBS'de 11 cutoff değeri %87.6 sensitif, %63.1 spesifikti (p<0.05). Tartışma: Çalışmamızda yüksek riskli hastaları ( hastaneye yatanlar, eritrosit transfüzyon ihtiyacı olanlar, 30 gün içinde tekrar kanayan, 30 gün içinde mortalite görülen hastalar) ve ayrı ayrı değerlendirildiğinde eritrosit transfüzyonu ihtiyacını ve hastaneye yatış gereksinimini öngörmede GBS skoru en başarılıydı. Hastaların30 gün içerisindeki tekrar kanamasını öngörmede ise skorların hepsi başarılıydı ama aralarında anlamlı fark yoktu. Literatürden farklı olarak mortaliteyi en iyi ERS öngördü fakat AİMS65 skorlamasına göre ciddi üstünlüğü yoktu. GBS skor sistemi mortalite öngörüsünde başarılı değildi. Risk skorlarının genel olarak iyi cutoff değerleri yoktu. Sonlanımlara göre cutoff değerlerinde yüksek sensitivite , düşük spesifite ve yüksek negatif prediktif değerler görüldü. Bu cutoff değerlerinin risk değerlendirilmesinden daha çok mortalite değerlendirilmesi için kullanılması daha yararlı olacaktır.
Introduction: Upper gastrointestinal system hemorrhages are a common emergency to a value of approximately 10% mortality, length of hospital stay duration, maintenance costs. Due to high mortality, early endoscopy, early surgical or radiological procedures, intensive care management and treatment metods are essential to decide In this study, our aim is recognise and also comparising GBS, early Rockall and Aims 65 and determine to decision of discharge or hospitalization, erythrocytes transfusion requirement, rebleeding and mortality in emergency department patients. Metods: In prospective observational study 181 cases were evaluated between August 2016 to January 2017 in Ege University School of Medicine Emergency Department. All scores were calculated separately for each patient. When comparing scoring systems the primary and secondary outcome determine with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) for each score. A new cut-off value identified for each scores with a maximum sensitivity and specifity in mortalitity, re-bleeding, eritrosyte requirement and hospitilization. Data was grouped and comparison of categorical variable was tested with pearson's Chi-square. Results: In this study, 40 patients was treated in hospital, 97 patients was need erythrocyte transfusion. A month mortality was determined in 30 patients, 29 had seen re-bleeding within a month. Determining high risk patient the GBS score system (AUC: 0,824) ERS (AUC: 0.691) proved to be superior AİMS65 (AUC: 0,612) (p ≤ 0.05). The success of ERS in the predict of mortality (0,725 ± 0.46) proved to be more successful with the AUC value. ERS's cut-off value of 2 for the sensitive 48.3 and % 83.3 specific.In AIMS 65 scores (0,687 ± 0.58) cut-off value was received 1of sensitive was 60%, spesifity was74.8%. GBS score for predicting mortality of at least proved to be successful. (AUC: 0,628 ± 0.52). Cut-off value of 11 sensitivity % 86.7% and specificity rate %40.4 was shown. Predicting the re-bleeding all the results were statistically significant. (p≤ 0.05) but the AUC value very close to each other, although most successful AUC score: 0,699 ± 0.48 with ERS '. In ERS' cut-off value 3 sensitivity %72.4 and specificity %64.5 was determined. AİMS65 scores cut-off value was received 1 sensitivity 58.6% of 74.6% specificity were calculated. GBS score was received 11 cut-off sensitivity was 89.7% and specificity was 22,4 %. Predicting needs of erythrocyte transfusion GBS (AUC: 0,833 ± 0,30) was the most successful score system. GBS's cutoff value was received 11 sensitivity was % 54.4 and specifity was % 39.2 (p≤ 0.05). Disscusion: In this study, the need for high risk patients, need of erythrocyte transfusions and for predicting the hospitalization, most successful score was GBS. Predicting the re-bleeding within 30 days all score was successful but there was no significant difference between them. Unlike the literature ERS predicted mortality best but had no serious superiority according to AİMS65 scoring. GBS wasn't successful predicts mortality. Risk scores in generally had no good cutoff values, individually the outcome some of cut-off values had high sensitivity, low specificity and high negative predictive value was determined. It is more useful to use these cutoff values for mortality than risk assessment.
Introduction: Upper gastrointestinal system hemorrhages are a common emergency to a value of approximately 10% mortality, length of hospital stay duration, maintenance costs. Due to high mortality, early endoscopy, early surgical or radiological procedures, intensive care management and treatment metods are essential to decide In this study, our aim is recognise and also comparising GBS, early Rockall and Aims 65 and determine to decision of discharge or hospitalization, erythrocytes transfusion requirement, rebleeding and mortality in emergency department patients. Metods: In prospective observational study 181 cases were evaluated between August 2016 to January 2017 in Ege University School of Medicine Emergency Department. All scores were calculated separately for each patient. When comparing scoring systems the primary and secondary outcome determine with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) for each score. A new cut-off value identified for each scores with a maximum sensitivity and specifity in mortalitity, re-bleeding, eritrosyte requirement and hospitilization. Data was grouped and comparison of categorical variable was tested with pearson's Chi-square. Results: In this study, 40 patients was treated in hospital, 97 patients was need erythrocyte transfusion. A month mortality was determined in 30 patients, 29 had seen re-bleeding within a month. Determining high risk patient the GBS score system (AUC: 0,824) ERS (AUC: 0.691) proved to be superior AİMS65 (AUC: 0,612) (p ≤ 0.05). The success of ERS in the predict of mortality (0,725 ± 0.46) proved to be more successful with the AUC value. ERS's cut-off value of 2 for the sensitive 48.3 and % 83.3 specific.In AIMS 65 scores (0,687 ± 0.58) cut-off value was received 1of sensitive was 60%, spesifity was74.8%. GBS score for predicting mortality of at least proved to be successful. (AUC: 0,628 ± 0.52). Cut-off value of 11 sensitivity % 86.7% and specificity rate %40.4 was shown. Predicting the re-bleeding all the results were statistically significant. (p≤ 0.05) but the AUC value very close to each other, although most successful AUC score: 0,699 ± 0.48 with ERS '. In ERS' cut-off value 3 sensitivity %72.4 and specificity %64.5 was determined. AİMS65 scores cut-off value was received 1 sensitivity 58.6% of 74.6% specificity were calculated. GBS score was received 11 cut-off sensitivity was 89.7% and specificity was 22,4 %. Predicting needs of erythrocyte transfusion GBS (AUC: 0,833 ± 0,30) was the most successful score system. GBS's cutoff value was received 11 sensitivity was % 54.4 and specifity was % 39.2 (p≤ 0.05). Disscusion: In this study, the need for high risk patients, need of erythrocyte transfusions and for predicting the hospitalization, most successful score was GBS. Predicting the re-bleeding within 30 days all score was successful but there was no significant difference between them. Unlike the literature ERS predicted mortality best but had no serious superiority according to AİMS65 scoring. GBS wasn't successful predicts mortality. Risk scores in generally had no good cutoff values, individually the outcome some of cut-off values had high sensitivity, low specificity and high negative predictive value was determined. It is more useful to use these cutoff values for mortality than risk assessment.