Bir topraksız tarım şekli olan torba kültüründe farklı direnç yükseltici preparatların sera marul yetiştiriciliğinde verime etkisi üzerine bir çalışma
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ÖZET BİR TOPRAKSIZ TARIM ŞEKLİ OLAN TORBA KÜLTÜRÜNDE FARKLI DİRENÇ YÜKSELTİCİ PREPARATLARIN SERA MARUL YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE VERİME ETKİSİ ÜZERİNE BİR ÇALIŞMA Bu çalışma torba kültüründe farklı direnç yükseltici preparatlarm sera marul yetiştiriciliğinde verime etkilerini saptamak amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Denemede 3 farklı direnç yükseltici preparat (1) Maxicrop, (2) Cifamin BK, (3) Mikrom, 8 litre hacimli plastik torbalar, ortam olarak besin katkılı pomza ve bitkisel materyal olarak " Bounty " çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Bitkiler Adamson ve Maaş (1981) tarafından önerilen besin solüsyonu ile sulanmışlardır. Direnç yükseltici preparatların verime etkisini belirlemek için hasat sonrası ortalama bitki ağırlığı, ortalama kök ağırlığı, toplam yaprak sayısı ve göbek bağlama oranlan belirlenmiştir. Denemede kullanılan direnç yükseltici preparatlarm marullarda verime etkisinin önemli olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Marul, topraksız kültür, direnç yükseltici preparat
ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT ENDURANCE INCREASING COMPOUNDS ON GREENHAUSE LETTUCE GROWING IN SOILLESS CULTURE TUNÇ, Levent MSC in Department of Horticulture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ayten SEVGÎCAN September 1997,34 pages This study was carried out to search the effects of different endurance increasing compounds on greenhause lettuce in soilless culture. Three different endurance increasing compaunds, (1) Maxicrop, (2) Cifamin BK, (3) Mikrom, were used in 81itre pots with nutrient added pomza and plant material lettuce (cv. Bounty). The plants were irrigated with the nutrient solution recommended by Adamson and Maas (1981). Average plant weight, average root weight, total leaf count, and proportion of hearted lettuce were used as criteria of successfulness It's observed on the study that, endurance increasing compounds has no effect on lettuce Keywords: Lettuce, soilless culture, endurance increasing compounds
ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT ENDURANCE INCREASING COMPOUNDS ON GREENHAUSE LETTUCE GROWING IN SOILLESS CULTURE TUNÇ, Levent MSC in Department of Horticulture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ayten SEVGÎCAN September 1997,34 pages This study was carried out to search the effects of different endurance increasing compounds on greenhause lettuce in soilless culture. Three different endurance increasing compaunds, (1) Maxicrop, (2) Cifamin BK, (3) Mikrom, were used in 81itre pots with nutrient added pomza and plant material lettuce (cv. Bounty). The plants were irrigated with the nutrient solution recommended by Adamson and Maas (1981). Average plant weight, average root weight, total leaf count, and proportion of hearted lettuce were used as criteria of successfulness It's observed on the study that, endurance increasing compounds has no effect on lettuce Keywords: Lettuce, soilless culture, endurance increasing compounds
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Marul, Lettuce, Seralar, Greenhouses, Topraksız kültür, Soilless culture