Siyasi iktidarların kazanılması veya kaybedilmesinde propagandanın rolü
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ABSTRAKT Günümüzde siyasal propagandanın artan önemi dikkate alınarak 'Siyasi iktidarların Kazanılması veya Kaybedilmesinde Propagandanın Rolü" konulu çalışma hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle iktidar, siyasi iktidar ve propaganda kavramı üzerinde durulmuştur. Propagandamının tarihsel gelişimi, kamuoyu ve propaganda ve siyasal reklamcılık ilişkileri ele alınmıştır. Propaganda faaliyetle¬ rinde kitle iletişim araçlarından yararlanma konusu irdelenirken, kitle iletişim araçlarının toplumsal yapı üzerindeki etkileri, popüler kültürün oluşumu incelenmiştir. Daha sonra kitle iletişim araçlarının siyasal davranış üzerindeki etkileri, siyasal kültürün oluşumu ve siyasal toplumsallaşma sürecinde kitle iletişim araçlarının etkileri ayrı ayrı ele alınmıştır. Bunların siyasal propaganda ile ilişkileri tartışılmıştır. Siyasal sistemlerin özelliğine göre propaganda biçimleri incelenmiş, demokratik ve demokratik olmayan sistemlerde propaganda biçimleri örnekleriyle ele alınmıştır. 24 Aralık 1995 tarihli Genel Seçiminde birinci parti olan Refah Partisi'nin başarısında yürüttüğü propaganda faaliyetinin önemi ve bu faaliyetlerin özellikleri incelenmiştir. ilk üç bölümde kuramsal bilgilerin aktarıldığı çalışma, 23-30 Ocak tarihleri arasında istanbul il sınırlan içinde yaşayan, seçme yeterliliğine sahip farklı sosyo-ekonomik düzeylerde 300 seçmenin katıldığı alan araştırmasıyla sulanmıştır
ABSTRACT The project, "The role of Propaganda In Gaining or Loosing the Political Power" has been prepared regarding to increasing importance of propaganda in todays world. In the project primarly; the concepts of power, political power and propaganda has been explained. Historical development of propaganda, the relations of public opinion and propaganda, political advertising and propaganda has been studied. In the explanation of the use of mass media in propaganda, the effects of mass media on social structure and popüler culture has been also studied. In the same chapter, the effects of mass media on political behavior, political socialization and political culture has been explained. At the end of the chapter, the relations of these concepts with political propaganda has been discussed. The types of propaganda, according to the characteristics of political systems has been explained. Then the types of propaganda in democratic and non-democratic systems has been studied by models. The success and the characteristics of propagandic activities of the Welfare Party, which has been the first party in December 24 1995 elections in Turkey has been explained. The first three chapters of the project has been prepared by theorical information. In the last chapter the project has been questioned by an Area Research which has been applied to 300 voters, from different social and economical status in Istanbul between January 23-30 1998.
ABSTRACT The project, "The role of Propaganda In Gaining or Loosing the Political Power" has been prepared regarding to increasing importance of propaganda in todays world. In the project primarly; the concepts of power, political power and propaganda has been explained. Historical development of propaganda, the relations of public opinion and propaganda, political advertising and propaganda has been studied. In the explanation of the use of mass media in propaganda, the effects of mass media on social structure and popüler culture has been also studied. In the same chapter, the effects of mass media on political behavior, political socialization and political culture has been explained. At the end of the chapter, the relations of these concepts with political propaganda has been discussed. The types of propaganda, according to the characteristics of political systems has been explained. Then the types of propaganda in democratic and non-democratic systems has been studied by models. The success and the characteristics of propagandic activities of the Welfare Party, which has been the first party in December 24 1995 elections in Turkey has been explained. The first three chapters of the project has been prepared by theorical information. In the last chapter the project has been questioned by an Area Research which has been applied to 300 voters, from different social and economical status in Istanbul between January 23-30 1998.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Gazetecilik, Journalism, Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science, Kitle iletişim araçları, Mass media, Propaganda, Propaganda, Siyasal propaganda, Political propaganda, Siyasal reklam, Political advertising, İktidar, Government