Avrupalı kimliği ve Avrupa Birliği vatandaşlığı
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Avrupa Birliği, dünyada siyasal birlik amacı taşıyan tek uluslararası örgüttür. Önceleri ekonomik ve bölgesel amaçlarla kurulmasına rağmen, bugün sosyal bir yapıya doğru ilerlemektedir. Özellikle soğuk savaş sonrası ve Maastricht Antlaşmasından sonrası dönemin koşullan ile birlikte kimlik konusu ciddi bir şekilde önem kazanmıştır. Buna bağlı olarak Avrupa Birliği vatandaşlığı ve Avrupalı kimliği bütünleşme sürecini etkileyecek olgulardır. A.B. vatandaşlığı konusu birliğin meşruiyet ve demokrasi sorunu bağlamında tartışılmaktadır. Diğer taraftan Avrupalı kimliği ise kıtanın kendini tanımla süreciyle ilgilidir. Bu nedenle AB vatandaşlığı, Avrupalı kimliği evriminde yeni bir aşamayı ifade etmektedir.Bireysel aidiyetlerin alacağı şekil hem AB projesine yön verecek hem de ulus üstü bir kimlik yapısının habercisi olacaktır. Bunun sonucu olarak geleneksel devlet-toplum ilişkisi değişecektir. Ayrıca AB vatandaşlığının birliğin gelecekteki en önemli gündem maddesi olacağım tartışmak Türkiye için de önemlidir. AB projesinin sosyal ve kültürel niteliğini anlamak Türkiye'nin entegrasyonu ve Türk kimliği açısından da irdelenmesi gereken bir konudur. Özetle bu çalışmada, AB kimliği özelinde devlet-toplum ve ulus üstü örgüt formlarının kimlik kavramına getireceği yeni boyut incelenmektedir. Çünkü AB kimliğin gelişimi tarihsel bir gelişimin habercisidir. 137
ABSTRACT European Union is an unique international organization which have pursued a political union goal in the world. At first although European Union have established to reach an economic and regional goal, It have progressed through a social construction recently. In particular conditions of after The Cold War and Maastricht Agreement have been taken 'subject of identity' seriously. In addition both European Union citizenship and European Identity are important events which will effect process of integration European Union. European Union citizenship is argued with legitimacy and problem of democracy ; on the other hand, European Identity is interested in self- definition process of the continent. Because of the fact that European Union citizenship is a new stage in evoluation of European Identity. Belonging to individual to will be taken shape is going to direct the project of European Union and annouence the structure of supranational identity. Therefore, relation of traditional state-society will change. Morever, disputing the citizenship of European Union which will be the most important agenda in the future is a significant event also for Turkey. Besides understanding social and cultural structure of European Union project is very remerkable subject for participation of Turkey and also Turkish Identity. Summary, this project have been examined - in particular identity of E.U.- a new situation about identity which will be appeared by state-society and forms of supranational organization. Because It is "developing of E.U identity" that have announced the historical transformation. 138
ABSTRACT European Union is an unique international organization which have pursued a political union goal in the world. At first although European Union have established to reach an economic and regional goal, It have progressed through a social construction recently. In particular conditions of after The Cold War and Maastricht Agreement have been taken 'subject of identity' seriously. In addition both European Union citizenship and European Identity are important events which will effect process of integration European Union. European Union citizenship is argued with legitimacy and problem of democracy ; on the other hand, European Identity is interested in self- definition process of the continent. Because of the fact that European Union citizenship is a new stage in evoluation of European Identity. Belonging to individual to will be taken shape is going to direct the project of European Union and annouence the structure of supranational identity. Therefore, relation of traditional state-society will change. Morever, disputing the citizenship of European Union which will be the most important agenda in the future is a significant event also for Turkey. Besides understanding social and cultural structure of European Union project is very remerkable subject for participation of Turkey and also Turkish Identity. Summary, this project have been examined - in particular identity of E.U.- a new situation about identity which will be appeared by state-society and forms of supranational organization. Because It is "developing of E.U identity" that have announced the historical transformation. 138
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations