Sezeryan sonrası ağrı kontrolünde ilaç dışı farklı iki yöntemin (masaj / dokunma ve müzik / gevşeme) etkililiğinin karşılaştırılarak incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma; sezaryen kararı verilmiş gebelerin sosyodemografik özelliklerini incelemek, sezaryen ile doğum yapan loğusaların postoperatif dönemde ağrılarını izlemek ve ağrı şiddetlerini ölçmek, bu loğusaların ağrılarını tanımlamak ve ağrıya verdikleri duygusal yanıtlarını belirlemek, loğusaları deney ve kontrol grubuna ayırarak 1. deney grubuna Masaj / Dokunma girişimi, 2. deney grubuna Müzik / Gevşeme girişimini uygulayarak her iki ilaç dışı yöntemin etkinliğini ölçmek, karşılaştırmak, araştırma dönemi sonunda deney ve kontrol grubu loğusaların; ağrılarını, ağrı şiddetlerini, ağrıya verdikleri duygusal yanıtlarını, kullandıkları analjeziklerin sıklık ve sayısını karşılaştırarak incelemek amacıyla planlanmıştır. Deneysel tipte; tanımlayıcı, kesitsel ve geriye dönük analitik bir araştırma olan çalışma, 14 Mayıs 1998 / 7 Haziran 1999 tarihleri arasında Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları Ve Doğum Ana Bilim Dalı Obstetri, Doğum Salonu Ve Yoğun Bakım Servislerinde yürütülmüştür. Belirtilen tarihler arasında obstetri servisi ve doğum salonuna yatışı yapılan 20-40 yaş grubu gebelerin tümü ile ( 1450 ) ön görüşme yapılmıştır. Bu gebelerin içinden; bilinci açık, sözel iletişim kurabilen, lise ve üzeri düzeyde eğitim almış, son iki yıl içinde herhangi bir operasyon hikayesi olmayan, genel anestezi ile sezaryen operasyonu yapılan, İve 2.sezaryen kararı verilmiş gebeler ( 45 gebe ) yaş, eğitim düzeyi gibi özellikler yönünden birbirini karşılayan eşleştirilmiş gruplara obstetri servisi, doğum salonuna yatışlarına ve uygunluk sırasına göre tesadüfi şekilde ayrılarak alınmıştır.Araştırma kapsamına alınan 1.deney grubu loğusalara; operasyondan iki saat sonra başlayarak, iki saat arayla ağrılarının olup olmadığı sorulmuş, ağrıları olan loğusaların ağrı esnasında ağrıları tanılanmış, ağrı şiddetleri ve durumluluk kaygı düzeyleri ölçülmüş ve araştırmacı tarafından yarım saat süreyle, ( karın bölgesi dışında ) omuz ve kollarına ( on dakika ), sırtlarına ( on dakika ) ve bacaklarına (on dakika ) Masaj / Dokunma girişimi uygulanmıştır. Girişimin bitiminden bir saat sonra loğusalara ağrılarının olup olmadığı sorularak, ağrısı olsun ya da olmasın ağrı şiddetleri ve durumluluk kaygı düzeyleri değerlendirilerek, ağrıları olan loğusaların ağrıları tanımlanmış, veriler postoperatif ağrı izlem formu, postoperatif ağrı tanılama formuna ve durumluluk kaygı ölçeğine araştırmacı tarafından kaydedilmiştir. Benzer bir biçimde 2. deney grubu loğusalara; iki saat arayla ağrılarının olup olmadığı sorulmuş, ağrıları olan loğusaların ağrı esnasında ağnlan tanılanmış, ağrı şiddetleri ve durumluluk kaygı düzeyleri ölçülmüş ve araştırmacı tarafından yarım saat süre ile Müzik / Gevşeme girişimi uygulanmıştır. Girişimin bitiminden bir saat sonra loğusalara ağrılarının olup olmadığı sorularak, ağrısı olsun ya da olmasın ağrı şiddetleri ve durumluluk kaygı düzeyleri değerlendirilerek, ağnlan olan loğusaların ağrıları tanımlanarak, veriler araştırmacı tarafından postoperatif ağrı izlem formu, postoperatif ağrı tanılama formu ve durumluluk kaygı Ölçeğine kaydedilmiştir. Kontrol grubunda bulunan loğusalara ise herhangi bir girişim uygulanmamış, iki saat arayla ağrılarının olup olmadığı sorulmuş, ağrıları olan loğusaların ağnlan tanılanmış, ağrı şiddetleri ve durumluluk kaygı düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. Deney ve kontrol grubu loğusalara girişim öncesi sorulan "ağrı var mı?" sorusuna loğusaların verdikleri "ağrı var" yanıtı puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğu saptanmıştır ( F= 14.88, p<0.01 ). Deney gruplarına uygulanan Masaj / Dokunma ve Müzik / Gevşeme girişimi sonrasında "ağrı var mı?" sorusuna 1. deney, 2. deney ve kontrol grubu loğusaların verdikleri "ağrı var" yanıtı puan ortalamaları arasında ki fark ise benzer biçimde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur ( F=19.49, p<0.01 ). Bu sonuç Masaj / Dokunma ve Müzik / Gevşeme girişimlerinin ağrı oluş sıklığı üzerinde etkili olduğunu göstermektedir.Deney ve kontrol grubu loğusaların girişim öncesi ağrı şiddet puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmıştır ( F=15.05, p<0.05 ). Masaj / Dokunma ve Müzik / Gevşeme girişimi uygulaması sonrasında ağrı şiddeti puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli bir fark saptanmıştır ( F=40.68, p<0.05 ). Bu sonuç Masaj / Dokunma ve Müzik / Gevşeme girişiminin ağrıyı hafifletmedeki etkinliğini göstermektedir. Deney ve kontrol grubu loğusaların girişim öncesi ağrı esnasında ölçülen kaygı puan ortalamaları arasında yapılan analizde anlamlı bir fark saptanmamıştır ( F=0.16, p>0.05 ). Masaj / Dokunma ve Müzik / Gevşeme girişimi sonrasında ağrı olduğunda veya olmadığında ölçülen kaygı puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmıştır ( F=1 1.82, p<0.01 ). Ağrı esnasında uygulanan girişimlerin loğusaların kaygılarını azalttığı bulunmuştur. Tüm bulgular sonucunda; sezaryen ile doğum yapan loğusaların, doğum sonrası ağrılarının kontrolünde; hemşirelerin, Masaj / Dokunma ve Müzik / Gevşeme girişimlerini uygulayarak loğusaların ağrı oluş sıklığını, ağrı şiddetini, kaygı düzeyini ve ilaç kullanımını azaltmada etkinlik sağlayabileceği söylenebilir. Bu bağlamda; hemşirelerin bu konuda eğitilmesi, araştırma sonuçlarının meslek çalışanlarına duyurulması ve meslek yaşantısına geçirilmesi önerilir
The study was planned; to investigate socio-demgraphic characteristics of postpartum women who would experience a planned cesarean birth, to observe women's pain in postoperative phase who had cesarean delivery, to measure intensities of their pain; to define their pain, and to determine their emotional responses to pain, to measure and to compare effectiveness of nonpharcologic procedures through assigning women to one control group and to two experimental groups - in the first experimental group by using the massage / touch intervention, and in the second experimental group by using the music / relaxation intervention; to investigate pain, intensity of pain, emotional responses to pain of postpartum women, by comparing the frequency and number of analgesics they received in both experimental and control groups at the end of study period. This experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective analytical study was carried out at the Gynaecological Diseases ( maternal health ) department of Ege University between 14th May 1998 and 7th June 1999. An interview was conducted with all expectant women ( 1450 ) aged 20-40 years after their hospitalization at obstetric service during this period. 45 patients who were conscious, capable for verbal communication, educatet high school or more, had no histories of sugical operation during last two years, had a cesarean delivery with general anesthesia, scheduled for 18* and 2nd cesarean delivery were randomly assigned to the matched groups having equivalence related to patients' age and aducational level ; according to their hospitalization at obstetric service and delivery room, and their convenience for study.In the 1st experimental group, postpartum women were asked if they had pain in every 2 hours, starting first two hours after surgery; patients' pain was diagnosed while they had pain; intensity of their pain and their conditional anxiety levels were measured, and the massage / touch intervention was applied by investigator for half an hour. In the first hour after the intervention/ by asking postpartum women if they had pain, and by assessing their pain intensities and conditional anxiety levels ( even though they had no pain ) patients' pain was defined, data was registered on the postoperative pain observation form, on the postoperative pain diagnosis form, and on the conditional anxiety scale by investigator. In similar way, postpartum women in the 2nd experimental group were asked if they had pain in every 2 hours; patients'pain was diagnosed while they had pain; intensity of their pain and their conditional anxiety levels were measured, and the music / relaxation intervention was applied by investigator. In the first hour after the intervention, by asking postpartum women if they had pain, and by assessing their pain intensities and conditional anxiety levels ( even though they had no pain ) patients' pain was defined, data was registered on the postoperative observation form, on the postoperative pain diagnosis form, and on the conditional anxiety scale by investigator. As for postpartum women in the control group were not applied any intervention, in every 2 hours they were asked if they had pain, patients' pain was diagnosed, their pain anxieties and conditional anxiety levels were measured, and data was registered on the postoperative pain observation form, on the postoperative pain diagnosis form, and on the conditional anxiety scale by investigator In the experimental groups and control group, the response of postpartum as "I have pain" when they were asked a question like "Do you have pain ?' before intervention indicated that there was a significant difference among the means of scores statistically ( F= 14.88, p<0.01 ). Similarly; in the experimental groups and control group, the response of postpartum women as "I have pain" when they were asked a question like "Do you have pain?" after the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions indicated that there was also a significant difference among the means of scores statistically ( F=19.49, p<0.01 ). This result shows that the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions are effective on frequency of pain.Before interventions, between the means of pain intensity scores of postpartum women in the experimental and control groups a significant difference was determined statistically ( F=15.05, p<0.05 ). After the application of the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions, between the means of pain intensity scores a significant difference was determined statistically ( F=40.68, p<0.05 ). This result shows the effectiveness of the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions in reducing pain. In an analysis made between the means of anxiety scores of postpartum women which were measured while they had pain in the experimental and control groups, a significant difference was determined ( F=0.16, p>0.05 ). After the application of the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions, between the means of anxiety scores measured when there was pain or when there was no pain, a significant difference was determined statistically ( F=11.82, p<0.01 ). It was found that the interventions applied during pain, reduced the anxieties of postpartum women. According to all these findings, it can be said that nurses can provide the efficiency in reducing pain frequency, pain intensity, anxiety level and the use of pharmacological analgesia of postpartum women in the management of postoperative pain after cesarean birth through using the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions. Finally, it is recommended that the nurses should be treained on this subject, the results of this study should be announced to the professionals and should be realized in the professional life.
The study was planned; to investigate socio-demgraphic characteristics of postpartum women who would experience a planned cesarean birth, to observe women's pain in postoperative phase who had cesarean delivery, to measure intensities of their pain; to define their pain, and to determine their emotional responses to pain, to measure and to compare effectiveness of nonpharcologic procedures through assigning women to one control group and to two experimental groups - in the first experimental group by using the massage / touch intervention, and in the second experimental group by using the music / relaxation intervention; to investigate pain, intensity of pain, emotional responses to pain of postpartum women, by comparing the frequency and number of analgesics they received in both experimental and control groups at the end of study period. This experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective analytical study was carried out at the Gynaecological Diseases ( maternal health ) department of Ege University between 14th May 1998 and 7th June 1999. An interview was conducted with all expectant women ( 1450 ) aged 20-40 years after their hospitalization at obstetric service during this period. 45 patients who were conscious, capable for verbal communication, educatet high school or more, had no histories of sugical operation during last two years, had a cesarean delivery with general anesthesia, scheduled for 18* and 2nd cesarean delivery were randomly assigned to the matched groups having equivalence related to patients' age and aducational level ; according to their hospitalization at obstetric service and delivery room, and their convenience for study.In the 1st experimental group, postpartum women were asked if they had pain in every 2 hours, starting first two hours after surgery; patients' pain was diagnosed while they had pain; intensity of their pain and their conditional anxiety levels were measured, and the massage / touch intervention was applied by investigator for half an hour. In the first hour after the intervention/ by asking postpartum women if they had pain, and by assessing their pain intensities and conditional anxiety levels ( even though they had no pain ) patients' pain was defined, data was registered on the postoperative pain observation form, on the postoperative pain diagnosis form, and on the conditional anxiety scale by investigator. In similar way, postpartum women in the 2nd experimental group were asked if they had pain in every 2 hours; patients'pain was diagnosed while they had pain; intensity of their pain and their conditional anxiety levels were measured, and the music / relaxation intervention was applied by investigator. In the first hour after the intervention, by asking postpartum women if they had pain, and by assessing their pain intensities and conditional anxiety levels ( even though they had no pain ) patients' pain was defined, data was registered on the postoperative observation form, on the postoperative pain diagnosis form, and on the conditional anxiety scale by investigator. As for postpartum women in the control group were not applied any intervention, in every 2 hours they were asked if they had pain, patients' pain was diagnosed, their pain anxieties and conditional anxiety levels were measured, and data was registered on the postoperative pain observation form, on the postoperative pain diagnosis form, and on the conditional anxiety scale by investigator In the experimental groups and control group, the response of postpartum as "I have pain" when they were asked a question like "Do you have pain ?' before intervention indicated that there was a significant difference among the means of scores statistically ( F= 14.88, p<0.01 ). Similarly; in the experimental groups and control group, the response of postpartum women as "I have pain" when they were asked a question like "Do you have pain?" after the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions indicated that there was also a significant difference among the means of scores statistically ( F=19.49, p<0.01 ). This result shows that the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions are effective on frequency of pain.Before interventions, between the means of pain intensity scores of postpartum women in the experimental and control groups a significant difference was determined statistically ( F=15.05, p<0.05 ). After the application of the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions, between the means of pain intensity scores a significant difference was determined statistically ( F=40.68, p<0.05 ). This result shows the effectiveness of the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions in reducing pain. In an analysis made between the means of anxiety scores of postpartum women which were measured while they had pain in the experimental and control groups, a significant difference was determined ( F=0.16, p>0.05 ). After the application of the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions, between the means of anxiety scores measured when there was pain or when there was no pain, a significant difference was determined statistically ( F=11.82, p<0.01 ). It was found that the interventions applied during pain, reduced the anxieties of postpartum women. According to all these findings, it can be said that nurses can provide the efficiency in reducing pain frequency, pain intensity, anxiety level and the use of pharmacological analgesia of postpartum women in the management of postoperative pain after cesarean birth through using the massage / touch and the music / relaxation interventions. Finally, it is recommended that the nurses should be treained on this subject, the results of this study should be announced to the professionals and should be realized in the professional life.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ağrı-postoperatif, Pain-postoperative, Sezaryen operasyonu, Cesarean section