Fare karaciğerinde çeşitli etkenler ile oluşturulan doku hasarlarında GSH, GST ve selenyum tayinleri
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, CCİ. ve AFB. 'in sıçan karaciğeri üzerin deki toksik etkileri GSH, GSH-S-transferaz ve selenyumun karaciğer dokusundaki düzeyleri incelenerek karşılaştırıl- mıştır. Ayrıca, fenobarbital (PB) gibi karaciğer ikinci faz enzimleri üzerinde (GSH-S transf erazlar gibi ) indüksi- yon etkisi gösterebilen bir bileşik bazı deney gruplarına uygulanmıştır. Deneyler beş grupta, dişi ve erkek Swiss-Albino türü sıçanlar kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gruplardan biri kontrol olarak seçilmiştir. Birinci gruba haftada iki kez sadece (1 ml/kg) CCİ-, ikinci gruba aynı dozdaki CCİ. ve %0.1 g PB, üçüncü gruba 1 ppm AFB,, dördüncü gruba ise AFB,' in yanısıra %0.1 g PB sekiz hafta süreyle, oral ola rak uygulanmıştır. Tüm gruplarda doku GSH analizi Ellman, GST aktivitesi Habig ve Selenyum analizi spektrofluoro- metrik yöntem ile yapılmıştır. AFB, miktar tayini ise HPLC ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. CCİ. uygulanan grupların patolojik incelemelerinde bu dokularda centrilobuler konjestiyon, nükleer vakuali- zasyon ve fokal yağlanma gözlenmiştir. Kontrol grubunda ortalama GSH düzeyi 6.09 + 0.18 pmol/g/g doku, GST akti vitesi 2944 + 3.87 nmol min mg protein. Selenyum 0.66 + 0.05 ng/g doku olarak saptanmıştır. CCİ. uygulanan bi rinci grupta ise sırasıyla 10.91 + 0.47 jjmol/g doku, 3747 + 8.74 nmol min mg protein, 1.20 + 0.15 ng/g doku dur. Bu grupta GSH ile GST arasında anlamlı ve n-ega-hf- bir korelasyon saptanmıştır (r= 0.383, p<0.05). CCİ. + PB uygulanan ikinci grupta ise GSH düzeyi 12.98 + 0.32, GST aktivitesi 4679 + 6.21, Se düzeyi ise 0.92 + 0.08 olarak saptanmıştır. Bu grupta kontrol ve birinci gruba göre GST aktivitesindeki artış ile PB'nin indüksiyon etkisi gözlenmiştir. Sıçanlarda hepatoselüler karsinomların indükleyicisi olan AFB.* in metabolizasyonunda GSH ve GST birlikte görev yaparlar. AFB, uygulanan gruplarda patolojik incelemelere göre minimal düzeyde toksik etkiler saptanmıştır ve bunun nedeni uyguladığımız dozun düşüklüğü olabilir. Sâdece AFB. uygulanan üçüncü grupta ortalama GSH düzeyi 13.35 + 0.73 jnmol/g doku, GST aktivitesi 3777 + 12.2 n mol / 0.86 + 0.1* min mg protein, selenyum ng/g doku olarak saptanmıştır. AFB. + PB uygulanan dördüncü grupta aynı ölçümler sırasıy la 12.72 +- 0.50 jımol/g doku' dur. GSH ile GST arasındaki korelasyonlar üçüncü grupta (r= 0.158, p<0.05), dördüncü grupta (r= 0.429, p
In this study, the toxic effects of CC14 and AFBj on rat hepatic tissue have been compared by investigating the levels of GSH, GSH-S-transf erase enzyme and selenium. Also, phenobarbital (PB), a compound inducing second phase hepatic enzymes (such as GSH-S-transf erase) was treated to some experimental groups. Male and female Swiss-Albino rats have been used and experiments were carried out the five groups. One of the group was selected as a control group. The first and the second groups were treated by CC1. (1 ml/kg) twice a week but PB was added to the second group (%0.1 g). The third and the fourth groups were treated by AFB, (1 ppm), but to the fourth group PB was added as the sane dose of the second group. All of the groups have been treated per oral for eight weeks period. The levels of GSH and GSH-S-trans- f erase have been measured by Ellman and by Habig methods, respectively. A spectrof luorometric method has been used for selenium, and AFB, has been quantitied by HPLC. Pathological investigations showed that centrilobular congestion, nuclear vacualisation and focal fatty accumu lation occurred in hepatic tissue obtained from CC1. treated groups. In the control group the mean levels were as GSH 6.09 + 0.18 u mol/g tissue, GSH-S-transf erase activity 2944 + 3.87 n tnol.min- rag protein and selenium 0.66 + 0.05 ng/g tissue. Same parameters were respectively, 10.93 + 0.47 mol/g tissue, 3472 + 8.74 nmol min mg protein, 1.20 + 0.15 ng/g tissue in the first group. In this group a pexspMve. and significant correlation between GSH and GSH-S-transf erase has been observed (r= 0.383, p<0.05). In the CC14 and PB treated second group GSH, GSH-S-trans- f erase and selenium mean levels has been found as follows, GSH 12.98 + 6.21 nmol min mg protein,, selenium 0.92 + 0.08 ng/g tissue. An induction which dealing with PB on GSH-S- transferase activity has been in the second group but not found the control and the first groups. AFB. is an effective inducer for hepatocellular car cinomas on rats and GSH and GSH-S-transf erase work together in its metabolisation. Histologically, the hepatic tissue damage has been found minimum level due to AFB, in the third and the fourth groups. The low treatment dose of AFB. might cause to this observation. In the third group the mean levels were as GSH 13.35 + 0.73 mol/g tissue, GSH-S-transf erase activity 3777 + 12.2 nmol min mg protein, selenium 0.86 + 0.18 ng/g tissue. The correlation coef ficients between GSH and GSH-S-transf erase were (r= 0.158, p<0.05) in the third group and (r= 0.429, p <0.05 ) in the fourth group. Selenium levels have been determined at higher values in CC1. and AFB, treated groups than the control. There was a positive and significant correlation between GSH and Selenium in AFB, treated groups. The corre lation coefficients were (r= 0.518, p<0.05) for the third group, (r= 0.487, p<0.05) for the fourth group. As a result, the increased levels of GSH, GSH-S- transferase activity and selenium in hepatic tissue damage due to CCl. and AFB, show that these parameters are measure of detoxication. And, selenium, as a trace element which metabolism is not known clearly, the function of it in detoxication of CC1. and AFB, is more related with GSH rather than GSH-S-transf erase.
In this study, the toxic effects of CC14 and AFBj on rat hepatic tissue have been compared by investigating the levels of GSH, GSH-S-transf erase enzyme and selenium. Also, phenobarbital (PB), a compound inducing second phase hepatic enzymes (such as GSH-S-transf erase) was treated to some experimental groups. Male and female Swiss-Albino rats have been used and experiments were carried out the five groups. One of the group was selected as a control group. The first and the second groups were treated by CC1. (1 ml/kg) twice a week but PB was added to the second group (%0.1 g). The third and the fourth groups were treated by AFB, (1 ppm), but to the fourth group PB was added as the sane dose of the second group. All of the groups have been treated per oral for eight weeks period. The levels of GSH and GSH-S-trans- f erase have been measured by Ellman and by Habig methods, respectively. A spectrof luorometric method has been used for selenium, and AFB, has been quantitied by HPLC. Pathological investigations showed that centrilobular congestion, nuclear vacualisation and focal fatty accumu lation occurred in hepatic tissue obtained from CC1. treated groups. In the control group the mean levels were as GSH 6.09 + 0.18 u mol/g tissue, GSH-S-transf erase activity 2944 + 3.87 n tnol.min- rag protein and selenium 0.66 + 0.05 ng/g tissue. Same parameters were respectively, 10.93 + 0.47 mol/g tissue, 3472 + 8.74 nmol min mg protein, 1.20 + 0.15 ng/g tissue in the first group. In this group a pexspMve. and significant correlation between GSH and GSH-S-transf erase has been observed (r= 0.383, p<0.05). In the CC14 and PB treated second group GSH, GSH-S-trans- f erase and selenium mean levels has been found as follows, GSH 12.98 + 6.21 nmol min mg protein,, selenium 0.92 + 0.08 ng/g tissue. An induction which dealing with PB on GSH-S- transferase activity has been in the second group but not found the control and the first groups. AFB. is an effective inducer for hepatocellular car cinomas on rats and GSH and GSH-S-transf erase work together in its metabolisation. Histologically, the hepatic tissue damage has been found minimum level due to AFB, in the third and the fourth groups. The low treatment dose of AFB. might cause to this observation. In the third group the mean levels were as GSH 13.35 + 0.73 mol/g tissue, GSH-S-transf erase activity 3777 + 12.2 nmol min mg protein, selenium 0.86 + 0.18 ng/g tissue. The correlation coef ficients between GSH and GSH-S-transf erase were (r= 0.158, p<0.05) in the third group and (r= 0.429, p <0.05 ) in the fourth group. Selenium levels have been determined at higher values in CC1. and AFB, treated groups than the control. There was a positive and significant correlation between GSH and Selenium in AFB, treated groups. The corre lation coefficients were (r= 0.518, p<0.05) for the third group, (r= 0.487, p<0.05) for the fourth group. As a result, the increased levels of GSH, GSH-S- transferase activity and selenium in hepatic tissue damage due to CCl. and AFB, show that these parameters are measure of detoxication. And, selenium, as a trace element which metabolism is not known clearly, the function of it in detoxication of CC1. and AFB, is more related with GSH rather than GSH-S-transf erase.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Aflatoksinler, Aflatoxins, Fareler, Mice, Glütatyon transferaz, Glutathione transferase, Karaciğer, Liver, Selenyum, Selenium