Kanser tedavisinde hedgehog yolağı inhibisyonuna yönelik organometalik bileşiklerin sentezlenmesi, karakterizasyonu ve kanser tedavi potansiyelinin in vitro/in vivo/ex vivo araştırmaları
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Kanserde sürekli çoğalma özelliği metabolik yolaklar ile düzenlenmektedir. Ancak Hedgehog yolağı gibi bazı metabolik yolaklar özellikle kanserin agresif olması, invazyon, metastaz yapma ve rekürrens gösterme gibi yetenekler kazanmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Hedgehog metabolik yolağı normal koşullar altında embriyonik gelişim sürecinde ve kendini yenileyen dokularda aktif iken, bu yolak üzerindeki bir yeniden düzenlemenin kanser oluşumuna neden olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, Hedgehog metabolik yolağının kanser kök hücresinde aktivitesinin yüksek olması bu metabolik yolağa yönelik inhibitör arayışlarına önem katmıştır. Doktora tez çalışması kapsamında Hedgehog metabolik yolağına yönelik organometalik bileşik sentezlenmesi, karakterizasyonu, hücre kültürü çalışmaları, nüde farelerde ksenograft kanser modeli oluşturularak tedavi potansiyelinin incelenmesi ve ex vivo çalışmalarının gerçekleştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda %62 oranında bir verim ile cis-4-hidroksifenilplatinum(II)diamin bileşiği sentezlenmiştir. A549-luc ve SKOV3-luc hücre hatları üzerinde yapılan MTT denemesi sonucunda IC50 değerleri sırasıyla 13,44 ve 7,91 μM olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ksenograft modellerde i.v. ilaç uygulama ile tedavi grubunda iyileşme gözlenirken kontrol grubunda tümör büyümesi devam etmiştir.
Repeated growth feature of cancer is regulated by metabolic pathways. However, some metabolic pathways, such as the Hedgehog pathway, play an important role in acquiring abilities such as cancer aggressiveness, invasion, metastasis and recurrence. The Hedgehog metabolic pathway is normally active in the embryonic developmental process and in self-renewing tissues, however it has been identified that a de-regulation of this pathway leads to the cancer formation. In addition, the high activity of the hedgehog metabolic pathway in the cancer stem cell has contributed to the search for inhibitors for this metabolic pathway. In the scope of the doctoral dissertation study, it is aimed to synthesize organometallic compound for the Hedgehog metabolic pathway and its characterization, performing cell culture studies, investigate the treatment potential via xenograft cancer models in nude mice and achieve ex vivo studies. As a result, a cis-4-hydroxyphenylplatinum (II) diamine compound was synthesized with a yield of 62%. The MTT assay on the A549-luc and SKOV3-luc cell lines resulted in IC50 values of 13.44 and 7.91 μM, respectively. Tumor growth continued in the control group when healing was observed in the treatment group with i.v. drug administration in xenograft models.
Repeated growth feature of cancer is regulated by metabolic pathways. However, some metabolic pathways, such as the Hedgehog pathway, play an important role in acquiring abilities such as cancer aggressiveness, invasion, metastasis and recurrence. The Hedgehog metabolic pathway is normally active in the embryonic developmental process and in self-renewing tissues, however it has been identified that a de-regulation of this pathway leads to the cancer formation. In addition, the high activity of the hedgehog metabolic pathway in the cancer stem cell has contributed to the search for inhibitors for this metabolic pathway. In the scope of the doctoral dissertation study, it is aimed to synthesize organometallic compound for the Hedgehog metabolic pathway and its characterization, performing cell culture studies, investigate the treatment potential via xenograft cancer models in nude mice and achieve ex vivo studies. As a result, a cis-4-hydroxyphenylplatinum (II) diamine compound was synthesized with a yield of 62%. The MTT assay on the A549-luc and SKOV3-luc cell lines resulted in IC50 values of 13.44 and 7.91 μM, respectively. Tumor growth continued in the control group when healing was observed in the treatment group with i.v. drug administration in xenograft models.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Organometalik Ilaç, Hedgehog Yolağı, Platin Türevi, 4-Hidroksibenzoik Asit, Sisplatin, Organometallic Drug, Hedgehog Pathway, Platinum Derivative, 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid