Kompütasyonal geometri üzerine
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Ege Üniversitesi
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rx ÖZET KOMPÜTASYONAL GEOMETRİ ÜZERİNE YÜZÇELİK, Yeliz Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Matematik Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Ali Çalışkan Eylül 2002, 105 sayfa Kompütasyonal geometri, şekil bilgisinin sentezi, analizi ve bilgisayar temsilidir. Bu tez de, difarensiyel geometride bazı temel bilgileri ve vektörlerin kullanımını dikkate aldık. Daha sonra üç-boyutlu eğriler ve yüzey yamalarının parçalı yaklaşım tanımıyla birleştirilmiş çok basit problemlerini dikkate alarak devam ettik. Çoğu kez kütlenin geometrisini hesaplamak isteriz. Bu yüzden, eğriyi anlamak amacıyla koordinat sistemini üçlü dik eksen içinde dikkate aldık. Daha sonra eğri yaklaşım tekniklerini, orantılı gelişmeleri, doğrusal yüzeyleri ve sayısal temel geometriyi inceledik. İkinci bölümde, mimar ve mühendislerin kullandığı çok sayıdaki izdüşüm tekniklerinin bilgisayar destekli grafikler sisteminde nasıl uygulandığım verdik. İlk şart nesneyi bilgisayarın anlayabileceği bir şekilde tanımlamaktır. Daha sonra, bu nesnelerin yönlendirilmesi, yerini dönüştürme uygulamaları, nesneye doğru ve nesne etrafında hareket eden gözlemcinin alternatif bir yaklaşımı üzerinde çalıştık. Bilgisayar grafikleri resminden saklı detayların yok edilmesini inceledik. Son olarak tezi üç-boyutlu katı cisimlerin interaktif modellemesi ile bitirdik. Anahtar sözcükler : Bilgisayar destekli geometric tasarım, kübik eğriler, Coons yamalan, dönüşümler, koordinat sistemleri, saklı detay yok etme
XI ABSTRACT ON COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY YÜZÇELÎK, Yeliz Msc in Science Fac. Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Ali Çalışkan September 2002, 105 pages Computational geometry is the computer representation, analysis and synthesis of shape information. In the beginning of this thesis, we considered the more elementary informations and formulations of differential geometry and uses of vectors. Then, we go on to consider the more elementary problems associated with the piecewise definition of three dimensional curves and surface patches. We often need to calculate the geometry of body. Because of this, we need to consider a system of coordinates in which an orthonormal triad of axes follow the curve. Later, we considered curve fitting techniques, proportional developments, linear surface and numerical master geometry. In the second unit, we consider how these numerous picture projection techniques which used by the architect and engineer can be executed by a computer aided graphics system. The first requirement is a means of defining an object in terms that the computer can understand. Than, we studied to transform the position, orientation of these objects, the alternative approach of manoeuvring the observer about and around the object. We examined the elimination of hidden detail from a computer graphics picture. At last part, we finished the thesis with interactive three dimensionsal solids modeling. Key words : Computer aided geometric design, cubic curves, Coons patches, transformations, coordinate systems, hidden detail removal.
XI ABSTRACT ON COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY YÜZÇELÎK, Yeliz Msc in Science Fac. Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Ali Çalışkan September 2002, 105 pages Computational geometry is the computer representation, analysis and synthesis of shape information. In the beginning of this thesis, we considered the more elementary informations and formulations of differential geometry and uses of vectors. Then, we go on to consider the more elementary problems associated with the piecewise definition of three dimensional curves and surface patches. We often need to calculate the geometry of body. Because of this, we need to consider a system of coordinates in which an orthonormal triad of axes follow the curve. Later, we considered curve fitting techniques, proportional developments, linear surface and numerical master geometry. In the second unit, we consider how these numerous picture projection techniques which used by the architect and engineer can be executed by a computer aided graphics system. The first requirement is a means of defining an object in terms that the computer can understand. Than, we studied to transform the position, orientation of these objects, the alternative approach of manoeuvring the observer about and around the object. We examined the elimination of hidden detail from a computer graphics picture. At last part, we finished the thesis with interactive three dimensionsal solids modeling. Key words : Computer aided geometric design, cubic curves, Coons patches, transformations, coordinate systems, hidden detail removal.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Matematik, Mathematics, Diferensiyel geometri, Differential geometry, Dönüşüm, Transformation, Eğriler, Curves, Koordinat dönüşümü, Coordinate transformation