Subkutan heparin uygulamasında farklı lokalizasyon ve uygulamaların hematom oluşumuna etkisi ile hematomun giderilmesinde buz uygulaması etkinliğinin incelenmesi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
145 öncesi ve sonrası toplam alan ölçüm ortalamaları arasındaki fark anlamlı (Ts=7.5, p<0.05, Tm=15.0, p<0.05) olarak bulunmuştur. Karın bölgesine standart ve modifiye teknik ile subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulanan hastalarda buz uygulama öncesi ve sonrası toplam alan ölçüm ortalamaları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (Ts=11, p<0.05, Tm=3.0, p<0.05). Gruplar göz önüne alınmaksızın standart ve modifiye teknik ile subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulanan hastalarda buz uygulaması öncesi ve sonrası toplam alan ölçüm ortalamaları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunamamıştır (T=0.56, SD=28, p>0.05). Kol ve karın bölgesine standart ve modifiye teknik ile subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulama öncesi ve sonrası aktive pıhtılaşma zamanı (ACT) ölçüm 4WvW\W^ sonuçlarının; modifiye teknik, standart teknik (buz), modifiye teknik (buz) grubunda farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı (Tm=1.40, SD=13, p>0.05, Ts(buz)=0.71, SD=13, p>0.05, Tm(buz)=1.06, SD=13, p>0.05) JT^ :3t20jp)Qö^etüm teknikler birarada (genel) değerlendirildiğinde subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu öncesi ve sonrası aktive pıhtılaşma zamanı (ACT) ölçüm sonuçları arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu saptanmıştır.(Tgenel=2.81 p<0.05).145 öncesi ve sonrası toplam alan ölçüm ortalamaları arasındaki fark anlamlı (Ts=7.5, p<0.05, Tm=15.0, p<0.05) olarak bulunmuştur. Karın bölgesine standart ve modifiye teknik ile subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulanan hastalarda buz uygulama öncesi ve sonrası toplam alan ölçüm ortalamaları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (Ts=11, p<0.05, Tm=3.0, p<0.05). Gruplar göz önüne alınmaksızın standart ve modifiye teknik ile subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulanan hastalarda buz uygulaması öncesi ve sonrası toplam alan ölçüm ortalamaları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunamamıştır (T=0.56, SD=28, p>0.05). Kol ve karın bölgesine standart ve modifiye teknik ile subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulama öncesi ve sonrası aktive pıhtılaşma zamanı (ACT) ölçüm 4WvW\W^ sonuçlarının; modifiye teknik, standart teknik (buz), modifiye teknik (buz) grubunda farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı (Tm=1.40, SD=13, p>0.05, Ts(buz)=0.71, SD=13, p>0.05, Tm(buz)=1.06, SD=13, p>0.05) JT^ :3t20jp)Qö^etüm teknikler birarada (genel) değerlendirildiğinde subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu öncesi ve sonrası aktive pıhtılaşma zamanı (ACT) ölçüm sonuçları arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu saptanmıştır.(Tgenel=2.81 p<0.05).143 6- Subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulamasında farkı teknik ve bölgelerin hematom oluşturmasında etkisi ile oluşan renk değişikliği ve hematomun giderilmesinde buz uygulaması etkinliği araştırmasının daha geniş hasta grubu ve değişik kliniklerde tekrarlanması, 7- Kol ve karın cildine düşük-moleküi ağırlıklı heparinler kullanılarak subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulamasının tekrarlanması önerilebilir. ÖZET Bu çalışma, subkutan heparin uygulamasında farklı lokalizasyon ve uygulamaların hematom oluşturulmasına etkisi ile hematomun giderilmesinde buz uygulaması etkinliğini saptamak amacıyla planlanmıştır. Araştırma, Ege Üniversitesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı yoğun bakın ünitesinde 9 Ağustos 1996-21 Temmuz 1997 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamına, EgeÜniversitesi Hastanesi Kardiyoloji yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatan ve her 12 saatte bir 7500 ünite subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulanan 60 hasta alınmıştır. Bu 60 hastanın 30'una standart teknik, 30'una modifiye teknik ile subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu uygulanmıştır. İlk 30 kişilik hasta grubu kendi içinde ikiye ayrıldıktan sonra hem standart hem de modifiye teknik ile her 1 5 hastanın karın ve üst dış koluna subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu 3 kez uygulanmıştır.İlk enjeksiyondan 72 saat, ikinci enjeksiyondan 60 saat, üçüncü enjeksiyondan 48 saat sonra bölgelerdeki renk değişikliği ve hematom ölçümleri yapılmış ve kaydedilmiştir. İkinci 30 kişilik hasta grubu da kendi içinde ikiye ayrıldıktan sonra hem standart hem de modifiye teknik ile her 15 hastanın karın ve üst dış koluna subkutan heparin enjeksiyonu 3 kez uygulandıktan sonra bölgelerde oluşan renk değişikliği ve hematomu gidermek için bölgelere buz masajı uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın amacına uygunlarak elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde yüzdelik, iki eş arasındaki farkın önemlilik testi, iki ortalama arasındaki farkın önemlilik testi, iki yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) farkın önemli çıkması durumunda, gruplar
SUMMARY This study is planned to aim the effect of different localization and application on formation of hematoma and the effect of ice application for the relief of hematoma while application of subcutaneous hepann. Research has been made between 9-August-1996 and 21 -July-1 997 dates in Ege University Research And Application Hospital's Cardiology Department Intensive care unit. The research included sixty patients who are staying at Cardiology intensive care unit of Ege University Hospital and who are applied 7500 units of subcutaneous heparin injection every twelve hours.Among these sixty patients, thirty of them are applied subcutaneous hepann injection with the standart technique and the other thirty with the modified tecnique. After the first patient group of 30 patients divided in to two among itself, subcu taneous heparin injeksion has been applied three times on the abdomen and upper lateral arm of each fifteen patients with both standart and modified technique.The color change and hematom measurement has been done and recorded 72 hours after the first injection, 60 hours afterthe second injection and 48 hours after the third injection. After the second patient group of thirty patients has been divided in to two among it self, after subcutaneus heparin injection has been applied three times on the abdomen and upper lateral arm of each fifteen patients with both standard and modified technique ice massage has been applied on these regions to releive the hematom and color change formation. Percentage, student t-test, two way ANOVA have been used on the evaluation of the research being appropriate for its aim and in case when the difference is important Newnian-Keute analysis has been used to determine the group which re-147 suits the difference between the groups. When the measurement of total area of hematom and color change formation after heparin injection on arm and abdomen region with the standard and modified technique is compared with the number of injections, it has been determined that the difference between the groups is not important. The difference between the standart and modified technique has been found out as significant by statistics with the color change formation and hematom total area points of the patients who have been applied subcutaneous heparin injection on the abdomen region (F = 4.801, SD = 3, p<0.05). It has been determined by using an advenced analysis (Newman-Keuls) that the difference results from the modified technique. The difference has been found out as significant by statistics with the total area measurements of the color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection with the application of the standard tech nique and the analysis made between the regions (F = 7.578, SD = 3.p<0.05). It has been determined by using on advanced analysis (Newman-Keuls) that the differ ence results from the subcutaneous heparin injection applied on the abdomen re gion. The difference has been found as significant by statistics with the total area measurements of the color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection with the application of the modified tech nique and the analysis made between the regions (F = 6.637, SD = 3, p<0.05). It has been determined by using and advanced analysis that the difference result from the subcutaneous heparin injection which is applied on the abdomen region. It has been determined that age and sex have no effect on total area measure ments of the color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection which is applied on the arm and abdomen region. The total area measurements of color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection which is applied on the abdomen and arm region with the application of the standard and modified tech-148 nique, have been determined aş non-significant on the basic of statistics, in accordance with the number of injections. It has been determined that age and sex have no effect on total area measure ments of color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection which is applied on the arm and abdomen region with the applications of the standard and the modified technique. The difference between the means of the total area measurements before and after the application of ice on the patients who have been applied subcutaneous heparin injection on the arm region with the application of the standard and the modi fied technique has been found out as significant (Ts= 7.5, p<0.05, Tm = 1 5.0, p<0.05) The difference between the means of the total area measurements before and after the application of ice on the patients who have been applied subcutaneous heparin injection on the abdomen region with the application of the standard and the modified technique has been found out as significant by statistics (Ts = 11, p < 0.05, Tm = 3.0, p< 0.05). Without taking into consideration of the groups, the difference between the means of the total area measurements before and after the application of ice on the patients who have been applied subcutaneous heparin injection with the application of the standard and the modified technique has not been significant by statistics (T = -0.56, SD = 28, p< 0.05). It has been determined that the activated doting time measurements results before and after the subcutaneous heparin injection applied on the arm and abdo men region with the application of the standard and modified technique; the differ- ence in the modified technique, standard technique (ice), modified technique (ice) groups is not significant by statistics (Tm = 1.40, SD = 1 3, p>0.05,T<;. 22^ Sö; 8 ^)q,kS Tg (ice) = 0.71, SD = 13, p> 0.05, Tm (ice) = 1.06, SD = 13, p>0.05), the difference between the activated clotting time measurements results before and after the sub cutaneous heparin injection is significant by statistics when and all techniquer (in general) have been considered all together (ringenera, = 2.81,p<0.05).
SUMMARY This study is planned to aim the effect of different localization and application on formation of hematoma and the effect of ice application for the relief of hematoma while application of subcutaneous hepann. Research has been made between 9-August-1996 and 21 -July-1 997 dates in Ege University Research And Application Hospital's Cardiology Department Intensive care unit. The research included sixty patients who are staying at Cardiology intensive care unit of Ege University Hospital and who are applied 7500 units of subcutaneous heparin injection every twelve hours.Among these sixty patients, thirty of them are applied subcutaneous hepann injection with the standart technique and the other thirty with the modified tecnique. After the first patient group of 30 patients divided in to two among itself, subcu taneous heparin injeksion has been applied three times on the abdomen and upper lateral arm of each fifteen patients with both standart and modified technique.The color change and hematom measurement has been done and recorded 72 hours after the first injection, 60 hours afterthe second injection and 48 hours after the third injection. After the second patient group of thirty patients has been divided in to two among it self, after subcutaneus heparin injection has been applied three times on the abdomen and upper lateral arm of each fifteen patients with both standard and modified technique ice massage has been applied on these regions to releive the hematom and color change formation. Percentage, student t-test, two way ANOVA have been used on the evaluation of the research being appropriate for its aim and in case when the difference is important Newnian-Keute analysis has been used to determine the group which re-147 suits the difference between the groups. When the measurement of total area of hematom and color change formation after heparin injection on arm and abdomen region with the standard and modified technique is compared with the number of injections, it has been determined that the difference between the groups is not important. The difference between the standart and modified technique has been found out as significant by statistics with the color change formation and hematom total area points of the patients who have been applied subcutaneous heparin injection on the abdomen region (F = 4.801, SD = 3, p<0.05). It has been determined by using an advenced analysis (Newman-Keuls) that the difference results from the modified technique. The difference has been found out as significant by statistics with the total area measurements of the color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection with the application of the standard tech nique and the analysis made between the regions (F = 7.578, SD = 3.p<0.05). It has been determined by using on advanced analysis (Newman-Keuls) that the differ ence results from the subcutaneous heparin injection applied on the abdomen re gion. The difference has been found as significant by statistics with the total area measurements of the color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection with the application of the modified tech nique and the analysis made between the regions (F = 6.637, SD = 3, p<0.05). It has been determined by using and advanced analysis that the difference result from the subcutaneous heparin injection which is applied on the abdomen region. It has been determined that age and sex have no effect on total area measure ments of the color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection which is applied on the arm and abdomen region. The total area measurements of color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection which is applied on the abdomen and arm region with the application of the standard and modified tech-148 nique, have been determined aş non-significant on the basic of statistics, in accordance with the number of injections. It has been determined that age and sex have no effect on total area measure ments of color change formation and hematom which has been formed after the subcutaneous heparin injection which is applied on the arm and abdomen region with the applications of the standard and the modified technique. The difference between the means of the total area measurements before and after the application of ice on the patients who have been applied subcutaneous heparin injection on the arm region with the application of the standard and the modi fied technique has been found out as significant (Ts= 7.5, p<0.05, Tm = 1 5.0, p<0.05) The difference between the means of the total area measurements before and after the application of ice on the patients who have been applied subcutaneous heparin injection on the abdomen region with the application of the standard and the modified technique has been found out as significant by statistics (Ts = 11, p < 0.05, Tm = 3.0, p< 0.05). Without taking into consideration of the groups, the difference between the means of the total area measurements before and after the application of ice on the patients who have been applied subcutaneous heparin injection with the application of the standard and the modified technique has not been significant by statistics (T = -0.56, SD = 28, p< 0.05). It has been determined that the activated doting time measurements results before and after the subcutaneous heparin injection applied on the arm and abdo men region with the application of the standard and modified technique; the differ- ence in the modified technique, standard technique (ice), modified technique (ice) groups is not significant by statistics (Tm = 1.40, SD = 1 3, p>0.05,T<;. 22^ Sö; 8 ^)q,kS Tg (ice) = 0.71, SD = 13, p> 0.05, Tm (ice) = 1.06, SD = 13, p>0.05), the difference between the activated clotting time measurements results before and after the sub cutaneous heparin injection is significant by statistics when and all techniquer (in general) have been considered all together (ringenera, = 2.81,p<0.05).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Hematoloji, Hematology, Hematoma, Hematoma, Heparin, Heparin