Bazı cytozyme preparatlarında fitohormonal aktivite üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışma, bitkilerde büyüme ve gelişmeyi teşvik ede rek ürün artışı sağlayan Cytozyme preparatlarının fitohor- monal aktivite taşıyıp taşımadığını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Cytozyme Seed Plus ve Cytozyme Crop Plus 'tan uygun yçn- temler ile f itohormonlar ekstre ve izole edilmiştir. înce tabaka kromatograf isi ile saf laştırılan ekstraklarda: oksin ve absisik asit biyolojik aktivitesi buğday koleoptil dik büyüme biyolojik testi ile; Gibberellin biyolojik aktivitesi, marul hipokotil biyolojik testi ile; Sitokinin aktivitesi ise buğday yaprak yaşlanma biyolojik testi ile saptanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, her iki cytozyme preparatı zengin bir gibberellin ve sitokinin içeriğine sahiptir. Ay rıca bu preparatlar oksin de içermektedir. Bu preparatlarda, büyüme engelleyici absisik asitin bulunmadığı gösterilmiş tir. 16
SUMMARY This work has been dans with the aim of identification of phyto- hormonal activity of Cytozyme Crop Plus and Cytozyme Seed Plus which secure the praduct increasement by stimulating the growth in plants. The phytohormones have been extracted and isolated from Cytozyme Crop Plus and Cytozyme Seed Plus by appropriated techniques. In the extracts which have been purified with thin layer chromatography; the biological activity of auxine and ABA by biological tests of wheat co- leoptile straight growth; the biological activity of gibberellines by biological test of lettuce hypocotyle;and biological activity of cyto- kinine by biological test of wheat leaf senescesce have been defined. According to the obtained results, both preparations of cytozyme possess a rich contain of gibberelline and cytokinine. These prepara tions contain auxins, too. On the other hand, the presence of ABA which is a growth inhibitor was not defined in these preparations. 17
SUMMARY This work has been dans with the aim of identification of phyto- hormonal activity of Cytozyme Crop Plus and Cytozyme Seed Plus which secure the praduct increasement by stimulating the growth in plants. The phytohormones have been extracted and isolated from Cytozyme Crop Plus and Cytozyme Seed Plus by appropriated techniques. In the extracts which have been purified with thin layer chromatography; the biological activity of auxine and ABA by biological tests of wheat co- leoptile straight growth; the biological activity of gibberellines by biological test of lettuce hypocotyle;and biological activity of cyto- kinine by biological test of wheat leaf senescesce have been defined. According to the obtained results, both preparations of cytozyme possess a rich contain of gibberelline and cytokinine. These prepara tions contain auxins, too. On the other hand, the presence of ABA which is a growth inhibitor was not defined in these preparations. 17
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Absisik asit, Abscisic acid, Bitki büyüme düzenleyicileri, Plant growth regulators, Cytozyme, Cytozyme, Gibberellik asit, Gibberellic acid, Oksinler, Auxins