Dala vilayetinin gazeti üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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?Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? [Dala Vılayatınıñ Gazeti] Rus 1888 ile 1902 yılları arasında Stepnoye General Gubernatorstvonun yani Dala Vilayetinin merkezi şehri olan Omsk şehrinde Rus idaresi tarafından Rusça ve Kazak Türkçesiyle çıkartılmış ilk gazetedir. O zamanki idarenin amacı yerel halkın hayat tarzını, örf ve ananelerini araştırmak ve kendi ferman ve emirlerini halka duyurmak idi.Diğer bir sebep de Orta Asya'da birlik içerisinde yaşayan Türk topluluklarını birbirinden ayırmak amacıyla her topluluk için yeni bir yazı dili oluşturma çabasıdır. Bunun diğer bir örneği 1870-1917 yılları arasında Taşkent'te yayımlanmış ?Türkistan Vilayetiniñ Gazeti?dir.?Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? Üzerine Bir Araştırma başlıklı çalışmamızda ancak 1888 ile 1893 yıllarında çıkan makale ve yazıların bibliyografik fihristini hazırladık. Araştırmamızda hiçbir yazı ve makaleyi atlamadan fihristi hazırlamış bulunuyoruz.Şimdiye kadar Türkiye'de bu konuda herhangi bir çalışma yoktu. Bundan dolayı ?Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? Üzerine Bir Araştırma başlıklı tezimiz, Kazak modernleşmesinin tarihi; yeni Kazak fikir ve edebiyat muhitinin oluşması ve modern Kazak yazı dilinin ortaya çıkışı konularında önemli bir kaynak olacaktır ümidindeyiz
?The newspaper of Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? [Dala Vılayatınıñ Gazeti] is the first newspaper published in Russian and Kazakh languages by Russian czardom administration between 1888 and 1902 in the region of Stepnoe General Gubernatorstvo in other words the central city of Dala Vilayeti Omsk. In those times the aim of the Russian czardom administration was to investigate the custom and usage of local nation as well as to announce her decree and commands.Another reason was the endeavor to decompose local Turkic nations that inhabited there in peace and unity by developing new written languages for each community. One another example of this is the ?newspaper of ?Turkistan Vilayetinin Gazeti? published in Tashkent between 1870 and 1917.In our research named as A Research on The Newspaper of ?Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? we have prepared a bibliographic catalog list which takes under the scope articles and writings published between 1888 and 1893. We have prepared the catalog without passing any of the articles.Up to this time there has not been any investigation done in such area. For this reason we believe that our thesis namely ?A Research on The Newspaper of Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? will be an important source for the history of Kazakh modernization; Development of new Kazakh Literature and Thoughts and also evolution of modern Kazakh written language.
?The newspaper of Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? [Dala Vılayatınıñ Gazeti] is the first newspaper published in Russian and Kazakh languages by Russian czardom administration between 1888 and 1902 in the region of Stepnoe General Gubernatorstvo in other words the central city of Dala Vilayeti Omsk. In those times the aim of the Russian czardom administration was to investigate the custom and usage of local nation as well as to announce her decree and commands.Another reason was the endeavor to decompose local Turkic nations that inhabited there in peace and unity by developing new written languages for each community. One another example of this is the ?newspaper of ?Turkistan Vilayetinin Gazeti? published in Tashkent between 1870 and 1917.In our research named as A Research on The Newspaper of ?Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? we have prepared a bibliographic catalog list which takes under the scope articles and writings published between 1888 and 1893. We have prepared the catalog without passing any of the articles.Up to this time there has not been any investigation done in such area. For this reason we believe that our thesis namely ?A Research on The Newspaper of Dala Vilayetinin Gazeti? will be an important source for the history of Kazakh modernization; Development of new Kazakh Literature and Thoughts and also evolution of modern Kazakh written language.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gazetecilik, Journalism, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Kazak edebiyatı, Kazakh literature, Türk edebiyatı, Turkish literature