Vasküler sucul bitkilerin ekolojik özellikleri ve üretimi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde, şehir planlamacıları ve peyzajcılar, su bahçeleri ve bitkilerini şehir içi düzenlemeleri ve ev bahçelerinde kullanmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmamızda E.Ü. Botanik Bahçesindeki havuzlarda bulunan su bitkilerinin çeşitlerinin arttırılması, doğal havuzlar hazırlanması ve doğal sucul ortam bitkilerinin yetiştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamızda doğal sucul ortamlardan su bitkileri toplanmış ve havuzlara getirilmiştir. Toplanan örnekler gövde çeliği ve ayırma yöntemi ile çoğaltılmaya çalışılmıştır. Yurt dışındaki botanik bahçelerinden istenen 65 farklı türe ait tohum ile ilgili ekolojik çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Tohumlar kum, perlit ve torf gibi farklı çimlendirme ortamına dikilmiştir. Bu dikilen tohumlar, çimlendirme dolabı, sera içi ve dış ortam gibi ekolojik koşullarda incelenmiştir. Çalışmamız süresince ayrıca Botanik Bahçesi havuzlanndaki su bitkilerinin de üretilmesine çalışılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Su bahçesi, su bitkileri, havuz, tohum
Presently, city planners and landscape architects are using water gardens and plants in incity planning and house gardens. The aim of this study is to follow the growth of natural water plants in naturally prepared ponds and evaluate the potential of increasing the number of water plants in the Botanical Garden pools and ponds of Ege University. Water plants were collected from their natural habitats during this study and transplanted to the pools. These were propogated by stem cuttings and separation methods. In addition seed of 65 different water plants from Botanical gardens broadcast were procured. Ecological studies were undertaken of these 65 species. Seeds were grown in sand, perlit and turf and germination followed in germination cabinets, inside green house and outside greenhouse. Attempts were made to propagate water plants of Botanical Garden pools. Key words: Water Garden, Water plants, pool, seed.
Presently, city planners and landscape architects are using water gardens and plants in incity planning and house gardens. The aim of this study is to follow the growth of natural water plants in naturally prepared ponds and evaluate the potential of increasing the number of water plants in the Botanical Garden pools and ponds of Ege University. Water plants were collected from their natural habitats during this study and transplanted to the pools. These were propogated by stem cuttings and separation methods. In addition seed of 65 different water plants from Botanical gardens broadcast were procured. Ecological studies were undertaken of these 65 species. Seeds were grown in sand, perlit and turf and germination followed in germination cabinets, inside green house and outside greenhouse. Attempts were made to propagate water plants of Botanical Garden pools. Key words: Water Garden, Water plants, pool, seed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Ekoloji, Ecology, Su bitkileri, Water plants, Tohum çimlenmesi, Seed germination