Bazı gübreli ara çapa makinalarında kullanılan gübre atma organlarının amanyum nitrat gübresi ile çalışmadaki performans değerleri üzerinde bir araştırma

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Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



90 O 7. E T Ekim zamanı gübrenin tüm sahaya verilmesi yerine şeritvari olarak verilmesi bitkinin gübreden yararlanmasını arttırır ve bitkinin büyümesi uyarılmış olur. Çapa bitkilerinde ekimde şeritvari gübrelemede en iyi sonuç gübrenin tohumun 5-6 cm aşağısına, 7-8 cm yanına verilmesi ile elde edilir. Başa gübrelemede en iyi sonuç gübrenin yüzeyden 10 cm aşağıya ve sıradan 20 cm yana nemli toprağa verilmesi ile sağlanır. Yukarıdaki istekleri karşılayabilmek için şeritvari gübrelemede kullanılan gübre atma organları Ege Bölgesinde imal edilmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı değişik çalışma koşullarının ve gübre materyali (amonyum nitratın) değişik nem içeriklerinin, şeritvari gübrelemede kullanılan gübre atma organlarının performansına etkisini bulmaktır. Bu çalışmada oluklu makaralı, kanatlı çarklı, dıştan kertikli çarklı ve helezon tipte değişik mineral gübre atma organları Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesinde, laboratuar koşullarında, denenmiştir. İki nem içeriğindeki amonyum nitrat gübresi (kuru ve nemli gübre) 1/2 depo doluluğunda ve 3,5,7 km/h ilerleme hızında kullanılmıştır. Gübre atma organları dört çalışma konumunda (helezon tipte beş konumda) ve üç gübre normunda denemeye alınmış tir. Deneme sonuçları aşağıdaki gibi özetlenebilir;93 Research results could be summarized as follows: a) When the amonium nitrat fertilizer was dry, the performance of fertilizer metering device was generally satisfactorly than moistured fertilizer. The fluted wheel type of fertilizer metering device is more successfull than other types of fertilizer metering devices. At working with finger type of fertilizer metering device, the application rate had been affected fro side ways and down hill working positions. The application rate has been affected from down hill working position with working starwheel type of metering devices. However the application rate of auger type of fertilizer metering device has been affected from side ways of working position. Transverse distribution of finger type of fertilizer devices were not good especially at side ways of working position. b) At working with amonium nitrat fertilizer. Which had been taken moisture from the air <%1 ± 0.2 moisture content), the performances of fertilizer metering devices could be explained as follows : The fluted wheel and auger types of fertilizer metering devices were more successfull than other types of fertilizer metering devices. The application rate of finger type of metering device decreases 65 percent, when it works with moistured fertilizer
92 SUMMARY Localized placement of fertilizers near the seeds at the time of planting (rather than uniform distribution over the entire area) favors early stimulation of the seedlings and results in more effective utilization of the plant nutrients. Best results with most row crops have been obtained when the bands were 5 to 6 cm below the level of the seed and spaced 7 to 8 cm. Laterally from the row on one or both sides. Fertilizers applied as side dressings are of most immediate benefit when placed in moist soil within the root zone 10 cm below the surface and 20 cm from the row. In order to meet the requirements mentioned above, metering devices used for band placement of fertilizer are constructed in Ege Region. The objectives of this research were to find the effects of working conditions and different moisture content of fertilizing material (amonium nitrat) on the performance of metering devices used for band placement of fertilizer. In this work, different types of mineral fertilizer feed devices, such as fluted whell, finger, star wheel and auger type were investigated at laboratory conditions in the Farm Machinery Department of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University. Amonium nitrat fertilizer which has two moisture content (=dry and moistured fertilizer) was used at 1/2 full hopper and at 3,5,7 km/h working speeds. Fertilizer feed devices were tested four working positions (for auger type five positions) and three application rates.93 Research results could be summarized as follows: a) When the amonium nitrat fertilizer was dry, the performance of fertilizer metering device was generally satisfactorly than moistured fertilizer. The fluted wheel type of fertilizer metering device is more successfull than other types of fertilizer metering devices. At working with finger type of fertilizer metering device, the application rate had been affected fro side ways and down hill working positions. The application rate has been affected from down hill working position with working starwheel type of metering devices. However the application rate of auger type of fertilizer metering device has been affected from side ways of working position. Transverse distribution of finger type of fertilizer devices were not good especially at side ways of working position. b) At working with amonium nitrat fertilizer. Which had been taken moisture from the air <%1 ± 0.2 moisture content), the performances of fertilizer metering devices could be explained as follows : The fluted wheel and auger types of fertilizer metering devices were more successfull than other types of fertilizer metering devices. The application rate of finger type of metering device decreases 65 percent, when it works with moistured fertilizer.


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Ziraat, Agriculture, Amonyum nitrat gübresi, Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, Gübre dağıtma makineleri, Fertilizer spreader, Performans, Performance, Tarım makineleri, Agricultural machinery, Çapa makineleri, Hoe machinery


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