İkinci ürün mısır bitkisinin su-verim ilişkileri ve ceres-maize bitki büyüme modelinin bölge koşullarına uygunluğunun irdelenmesi üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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V ÖZET H. ÜRÜN MISIR BİTKİSİNİN SU-VERIM İLİŞKİLERİ VE CERES-Maize BİTKİ BÜYÜME MODELİNİN BÖLGE KOŞULLARINA UYGUNLUĞUNUN İRDELENMESİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA PAMUK, Gülay Doktora Tezi, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof.Dr. Mustafa ÖZGÜREL Mayıs 2003, 141 sayfa Bu çalışma, ikinci ürün olarak yetiştirilen mısır bitkisinin, su- verim ilişkilerini, kısıtlı sulamanın verim ve verim parametrelerine etkisini belirlemek; bu bitkiye ilişkin geliştirilmiş olan CERES-Maize bitki büyüme modelinin bölge koşullarına uygunluğunu test etmek amacıyla ele alınmıştır. Sulama konuları her 10 günde bir 120 cm. lik toprak profilinde tüketilen suyun % 100 (Iıoo), % 70 (I70), % 50 (I50), % 30 (I30), % 0'nın (Io), uygulanması şeklinde oluşturulmuştur. En az ve en çok su uygulanan konulara denemenin birinci yılında 0-323.20 mm., ikinci yılında ise 0-466.61 mm. sulama suyu uygulanmıştır. Mevsimlik bitki su tüketim değerleri ise 1999 yılında 142.19-481.91 mm., 2000 yılında 136.25-599.45 mm. arasında değişmiştir. Ortalama en yüksek tane verimi, deneme yıllarına göre sırasıyla, tam sulanan konuda (Iıoo), 1063.90 - 1038.33 kg/da; en düşük tane verimi ise 374.37-213.64 kg/da ile Io sulama konusundan elde edilmiştir.VI CERES-Maize bitki büyüme modelinde en yüksek tane verimi her iki yıl içinde Iıoo konusunda gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca, modelin bazı verim ve verim unsurlarım tam olarak tahmin edemediği belirlenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Mısır, Sulama, CERES-Maize Bitki Büyüme Modeli
vn ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION ON EVALUATION OF WATER-YIELD RELATIONS IN SECOND CROP MAIZE AND VALIDATION OF THE CERES-MAIZE GROWTH MODEL AEGEAN PAMUK, Gülay Department of Agricultural Structure and Irrigation Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Mustafa ÖZGÜREL May 2003, pages 141 This study was carried out to determine water-yield relationships of the second crop maize and the effects of limited water on yield and yield components, and to test the CERES-Maize growth model under the Aegean region conditions. Irrigation management treatments were tested as 100 %, 70 %, 50 %, 30 % and 0% replenishment of water depleted at 120 cm. soil profile from the 100 % replenishment treatment at ten days intervals. Irrigation amount ranged between 0-323.20 mm in the first year and 0- 466.61 mm. in the second year of the experiment. Seasonal evapotranspiration values were between 142.19-481.91 mm. In 1999, and 136.25-599.45 mm. in 2000. Average maximum and minimum yields were 1063.90-1038.33 kg/da for fully irrigated treatment (Iioo) and 374.97-213.64 kg/da for dry treatment (Io) in 1999 and 2000, respectively. In the CERES-Maize growth model, maximum grain yield was obtained with Iioo irrigation treatment. It was observed that CERES-vm Maize growth model was not found to be very efficient in estimating the yield and yield components obtained from the tested irrigation treatments. Key words: Maize, Irrigation, CERES-Maize Growth Model
vn ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION ON EVALUATION OF WATER-YIELD RELATIONS IN SECOND CROP MAIZE AND VALIDATION OF THE CERES-MAIZE GROWTH MODEL AEGEAN PAMUK, Gülay Department of Agricultural Structure and Irrigation Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Mustafa ÖZGÜREL May 2003, pages 141 This study was carried out to determine water-yield relationships of the second crop maize and the effects of limited water on yield and yield components, and to test the CERES-Maize growth model under the Aegean region conditions. Irrigation management treatments were tested as 100 %, 70 %, 50 %, 30 % and 0% replenishment of water depleted at 120 cm. soil profile from the 100 % replenishment treatment at ten days intervals. Irrigation amount ranged between 0-323.20 mm in the first year and 0- 466.61 mm. in the second year of the experiment. Seasonal evapotranspiration values were between 142.19-481.91 mm. In 1999, and 136.25-599.45 mm. in 2000. Average maximum and minimum yields were 1063.90-1038.33 kg/da for fully irrigated treatment (Iioo) and 374.97-213.64 kg/da for dry treatment (Io) in 1999 and 2000, respectively. In the CERES-Maize growth model, maximum grain yield was obtained with Iioo irrigation treatment. It was observed that CERES-vm Maize growth model was not found to be very efficient in estimating the yield and yield components obtained from the tested irrigation treatments. Key words: Maize, Irrigation, CERES-Maize Growth Model
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki büyüme, Plant growth, Mısır, Maize, Sulama, Irrigation, İkinci ürün, Secondary crop