İzmir Körfezi zooplanktonunda bazı ağır metallerin mevsimsel değişiminin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
22 7. ÖZET Planktonik organizmalar bilindiği gibi gıda zincirinin ilk basamağını oluşturmaktadır. Suda asılı halde bulunan ve oldukça büyük bir toplam yüzeye sahip olmaları nedeniyle, çok çeşitli yollarla denizel ortama ulaşan kirleticilerin, ilk önce bu organizmalar tarafından alınma olasılığının çok daha fazla olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Suda erimiş materyali direkt veya indirekt olarak alma özelliğine sahiptirler. Zooplanktonik organizmalar, karnivor türlerin ilk besin maddesini oluşturduklarından, bünyelerinde biriktirdikleri materyali gıda zinciri yolu ile insanlara ulaştırmaktadır. Bu nedenle zooplanktonik organizmaların kirlenmeden ne derece etkilendikleri ve bünyelerindeki kirleticilerin ne seviyede olduğunun belirlenmesi gerektiği inancı ile bu çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, evsel ve endüstriyel atıkların etkisinde olan izmir Körfezi' nde belirlenen 9 istasyondan bir yıl süresince zocplankton kepçesi ( 0,244 mm.) ile örnek toplanmış ve atomik absorbsiyon spektrofotometresinde ( Varian Techtran Model 1550 ) Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu içerikleri H9-g~l yas ağırlık olarak tayin edilmiştir. Analizlerin sonucunda, metal birikim düzeyleri arasında Fe> Zn> Pb> Cu> Cd> Hg seklinde bir ilişki çıkmıştır. Genelde yaz periyodunda metal konsantrasyonlarında bir artış olmakla beraber, özellikle Fe ve Cu konsantrasyonlarında içten dışa doğru bir artış olduğu gözlenmiştir. Zooplanktonda metal konsantrasyonlarının diğer denizel organizmalardan daha yüksek çıkmasına neden olarak, körfezdeki asılı yük miktarının fazla olması ve akuatik sisteme ulaşan kirleticilerin ilk olarak plakton tarafından absorb lanmasından dolayı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Sonuç olarak, insanlara kadar uzanan bu zincirin ilk25 kademesinde yer alan bu organizmaların, kirlenmeden ne şekilde etkilendikleri ve bünyelerindeki metal düzeyleri ciddi, düzenli ve periyodik çalışmalara gerek olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır
24- SUMMARY The planktonic organisms are known at the first step in the trophic levels of marine environment. It has been supposed that the pollutants comes to marine environment from different sources has been absorbed by planktonic organisms at first because of their wide total surface and being suspended in the medium. They have accumulated dissolved matters in sea water direct or indirect way. And they transfered the accumulated materials up to human being by food chain due to their speciality being the pray to the carnivorus organisms. Therefore, it has been decided to determine the levels of pollutants accumulated in purpose, the samples were collected from 9 stations in Izmir Bay effected by domestic and industrial discharges, in a year period 1989 all samples has been analysed for Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu using Atomic Absorbsion spectrophotometre ( Var i an Techtron Model 1250 ) and calculated as H9«g-1 wet weight basis. The analyses had shown that there was relations between accumulated levels of metal as Fe> 2n> Pb> Cu> Cd> Hg. This relation has a similar manner to the data of the other studies done in the same subject. In general, metal concentrations of planktonic organisms increased during summer and especially Fe and Cu concentrations increased in the samples collected from inner stations toward outers. On the other hand, the metal concentrations was considerably high in zooplankton and the result the pollutants are absorbed by plankton immidiately. As conclusion; it has been necessary to determine the accumulated metal levels in plankton wich are the first step of marine food chain longing up to the human beings continuosly and periodicaly.
24- SUMMARY The planktonic organisms are known at the first step in the trophic levels of marine environment. It has been supposed that the pollutants comes to marine environment from different sources has been absorbed by planktonic organisms at first because of their wide total surface and being suspended in the medium. They have accumulated dissolved matters in sea water direct or indirect way. And they transfered the accumulated materials up to human being by food chain due to their speciality being the pray to the carnivorus organisms. Therefore, it has been decided to determine the levels of pollutants accumulated in purpose, the samples were collected from 9 stations in Izmir Bay effected by domestic and industrial discharges, in a year period 1989 all samples has been analysed for Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu using Atomic Absorbsion spectrophotometre ( Var i an Techtron Model 1250 ) and calculated as H9«g-1 wet weight basis. The analyses had shown that there was relations between accumulated levels of metal as Fe> 2n> Pb> Cu> Cd> Hg. This relation has a similar manner to the data of the other studies done in the same subject. In general, metal concentrations of planktonic organisms increased during summer and especially Fe and Cu concentrations increased in the samples collected from inner stations toward outers. On the other hand, the metal concentrations was considerably high in zooplankton and the result the pollutants are absorbed by plankton immidiately. As conclusion; it has been necessary to determine the accumulated metal levels in plankton wich are the first step of marine food chain longing up to the human beings continuosly and periodicaly.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Çevre Mühendisliği, Environmental Engineering, Hidrobiyoloji, Hydrobiology, Metaller, Metals, Zooplanktonlar, Zooplanktons, İzmir Körfezi, İzmir Bay