Bazı homojen ve izotrop relativistik evren modellerinin genelleştirilmesi
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IV. ÖZET Model yapmanın nedeni» evrenin geometrisini ve kütle dağılımını teorik olarak bulup bu modelleri gözlemlerle kar şılaştırarak evrenin yapısını en iyi yansıtan modeli tespit etmektir. Relativistik bazda evrenin geometrisini ve kütle dağı lımını bulmak için Einstein denklemi Rj4v - gn*R = ~ ^ T^v > kullanılır. Bu difransiyel denklemler elde edildikten sonra çözüm aranır. Fakat bu denklemleri doğrudan çözmek güçtür. Bu nedenle uzaya bazı simetriler (gözlemlerle desteklenen) getirilmiştir. Simetriye göre en basit ayırım uniform ve u- niform olmayan evren modelleridirler. Evreni büyük ölçekte homojen ve izotrop kabul ederek kü resel ve merkezcil simetrik bir kütle dağılımı varsayımıyla Einstein denkleminin iç ve dış çözümleri ilk defa Schwarzs- child tarafından elde edilmiştir. Böyle bir alanın metriği kısaca dsz = e"dt2 - r2(d92+sin2ed?S2) - e*dr2, ile verilir. Uniform olmayan (rotasyon yapan) modellerde ise metrik» ds2 = fdt2 - 2kdtdf* - ld?J2 - eH(dj>2+dZ2) ifadesini haizdir. Bu metriğin dış çözümü Kerr tarafından iç çözümü de Van Stockum tarafından verilmiştir (Kütle da- 39ğılımı için bazı varsayımlar yapılarak). SUMMARY The reason of modelling is to find the geometry and the mass distribition of universe teoriticaly. The comparing of those models whit observations would help to choose the best model representing the real universe. tn the relativistic base» to find the geometry of the universe and the distribition of mass, the Einstein equa tion Rpv ~ g v>v R = - '*. ^tav is used. After obtaining those differational equations, the solution is searched. But solving those equations directly is diffucult. For this reason » some symetries which is sup ported by observations is brought into space. The simplest classification depending of symetry are uniform and non-uni form space model. Assuming homogen and izotropic universe in a large sca le and. a centrally symetric mass distribition» the inte rior and exterior solution of Einstein Equation is obtained firstly by Bchwarzschi Id. Such a metric can be shortly by the following ds2 = evdtz - r2(de2+sin2ed(«52) - e^dr^. So the non-uniform models have this» ds2 = fdtz - akdtdjiS - ld?52 - eH
ğılımı için bazı varsayımlar yapılarak). SUMMARY The reason of modelling is to find the geometry and the mass distribition of universe teoriticaly. The comparing of those models whit observations would help to choose the best model representing the real universe. tn the relativistic base» to find the geometry of the universe and the distribition of mass, the Einstein equa tion Rpv ~ g v>v R = - '*. ^tav is used. After obtaining those differational equations, the solution is searched. But solving those equations directly is diffucult. For this reason » some symetries which is sup ported by observations is brought into space. The simplest classification depending of symetry are uniform and non-uni form space model. Assuming homogen and izotropic universe in a large sca le and. a centrally symetric mass distribition» the inte rior and exterior solution of Einstein Equation is obtained firstly by Bchwarzschi Id. Such a metric can be shortly by the following ds2 = evdtz - r2(de2+sin2ed(«52) - e^dr^. So the non-uniform models have this» ds2 = fdtz - akdtdjiS - ld?52 - eH
ğılımı için bazı varsayımlar yapılarak). SUMMARY The reason of modelling is to find the geometry and the mass distribition of universe teoriticaly. The comparing of those models whit observations would help to choose the best model representing the real universe. tn the relativistic base» to find the geometry of the universe and the distribition of mass, the Einstein equa tion Rpv ~ g v>v R = - '*. ^tav is used. After obtaining those differational equations, the solution is searched. But solving those equations directly is diffucult. For this reason » some symetries which is sup ported by observations is brought into space. The simplest classification depending of symetry are uniform and non-uni form space model. Assuming homogen and izotropic universe in a large sca le and. a centrally symetric mass distribition» the inte rior and exterior solution of Einstein Equation is obtained firstly by Bchwarzschi Id. Such a metric can be shortly by the following ds2 = evdtz - r2(de2+sin2ed(«52) - e^dr^. So the non-uniform models have this» ds2 = fdtz - akdtdjiS - ld?52 - eH
Anahtar Kelimeler
Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri, Astronomy and Space Sciences