Steril çalışma masası kullanılmaksızın torba kültürü yöntemi ile Lentinula edodes yetiştiriciliği üzerine araştırmalar: Açık kanallarda oluşan kararsız akımların incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
m ÖZET STERİL ÇALIŞMA MASASI KULLANILMAKSIZIN TORBA KÜLTÜRÜ YÖNTEMİ İLE Lentinula edodes YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİ ÜZERİNE ARAŞTIRMALAR ERKİP, Neşe Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bahçe Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Kaya Boztok Eylül 2002, 53 sayfa Bu çalışmada, Lentinula edodes'in torba kültürü yöntemiyle yetiştiriciliğinde misel kültürü ekiminin normal laboratuar koşullarında yapılıp yapılamayacağı araştırılmıştır. Çalışma dört tekerrürlü, dört muameleli ve her muamelenin üç torbadan oluştuğu tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre kurulmuştur ve iki kez tekrarlanmıştır. Lentinula edodes' İn besin ortamlarına sterilizasyon sonrasında hava kaynaklı bulaşmaları engellemek amacıyla 0 mi, 5 mi, 10 mi ve 15 mi hidrojen peroksit uygulanmıştır. Misel gelişme dönemi boyunca, 1. denemede 3. tekerrürde tohumluk miselyumdan kaynaklanan bakteri bulaşması, 2. denemede 15 mi dezenfektan uygulanan bir torbada yeşil küf görülmüştür. Hasat sonrası meyvelerin ağırlıkları, şapka çapı ve sap uzunlukları ölçülmüştür. Her iki denemede muamelelerin toplam verime etkisi istatistiki açıdan farklı bulunmuştur. 5 mi hidrojen peroksit uygulamasından en yüksek verim elde edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Lentinula edodes, hidrojen peroksit, dezenfeksiyon, torba kültürü
V ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE CULTIVATION OF Lentinula edodes ON BAG CULTURE WITHOUT USING LAMINAR AIR FLOW CABINET ERKİP,Neşe MSc in Department of Horticulture Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Kaya Boztok September 2002, 53 pages In this study, posibility of spawning at normal laboratuary conditions in the cultivation of Lentinula edodes on bag culture was investigated. The investigation was designed in randomize blocks replicated four with four treatments each includes three bags and repeated twice. After sterilization, in order to eliminate air borne infections, 0 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml and 15 ml hydrogen peroxide were added to culture media of Lentinula edodes. During mycelial growth period, at the first trial, at the third repetition bacterial infection was detected which came from the spawn and at the second trial at one bag which was treated with 15 ml disinfection was infected with green mold were observed. After the harvest, fruit weights, diameters of caps and stipe lenghts were determined. In both trials the effect of treatments on total yield was statistically different. Total yield was the highest at the treatment in which 5 ml hydrogen peroxide were used. Key words : Lentinula edodes, Hydrogen peroxide, disinfection, bag culture.
V ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE CULTIVATION OF Lentinula edodes ON BAG CULTURE WITHOUT USING LAMINAR AIR FLOW CABINET ERKİP,Neşe MSc in Department of Horticulture Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Kaya Boztok September 2002, 53 pages In this study, posibility of spawning at normal laboratuary conditions in the cultivation of Lentinula edodes on bag culture was investigated. The investigation was designed in randomize blocks replicated four with four treatments each includes three bags and repeated twice. After sterilization, in order to eliminate air borne infections, 0 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml and 15 ml hydrogen peroxide were added to culture media of Lentinula edodes. During mycelial growth period, at the first trial, at the third repetition bacterial infection was detected which came from the spawn and at the second trial at one bag which was treated with 15 ml disinfection was infected with green mold were observed. After the harvest, fruit weights, diameters of caps and stipe lenghts were determined. In both trials the effect of treatments on total yield was statistically different. Total yield was the highest at the treatment in which 5 ml hydrogen peroxide were used. Key words : Lentinula edodes, Hydrogen peroxide, disinfection, bag culture.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Dezenfektanlar, Disinfectants, Hidrojen peroksit, Hydrogen peroxide, Torba kültürü, Bag culture