Giysilik derilerde yumuşaklığa etki eden faktörler
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
IV ÖZET GİYSİLÎK DERİLERDE YUMUŞAKLI?A ETKİ EDEN FAKTÖRLER KARADANIŞMAN,Özcan Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Deri Teknolojisi Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Prof.Dr.Özcan San Eylül 1996, 48 sayfa Bu tezde giysilik derilerde kaliteyi belirleyen en önemli kriterlerden biri olan yumuşaklık üzerinde durulmuş ve farklı özellikteki yağlama maddelerinin deride meydana getirdiği yumuşaklık değişiklikleri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla denemelerde; doğal ve sentetik esaslı sulfite, sulfate, sülfone yağlama maddeleri yağlama aşamasına kadar aynı işleme tabi tutulmuş derilere tatbik edilmiş ve bu şekilde elde edilen derilerde BLC ST 300 Softness Tester cihazı ile yumuşaklık değerleri tesbit edilmiş, ayrıca kopma mukavemeti, yırtılma mukavemeti ve sırça dayanım testleri yapılmıştır. Testlerden elde edilen veriler SAS paket programında Duncan karşılaştırma tekniği ile incelenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Yumuşaklık, yağlama maddeleri, yağlama aşaması
V ABSTRACT FACTORS AFFECTING THE SOFTNESS OF THE CLOTHING LEATHERS KARADANIŞMAN,Özcan MSc in Department of Leather Tech. Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Özcan San Semtember 1996, 48 pages In this thesis, softness that one of the most important criteria to affect the quality of clothing leathers and, affectsof different types of fatliquors on softness is reviewed. For this aim, in experiments sulphited, sulphated and, sulphonated fatliquors which are grouped as natural and synthetic are used. They are used on the leathers which are treated same way until the fatliquoring step. Yield leathers tested with BLC ST 300 Softness Tester device. Beside it tensile strength, tear strength and, surface tension tests are applied. Data obtained have evaluated under SAS software with Duncan comparing technique. Keywords: Softness, fatliquors, fatliquoring step.
V ABSTRACT FACTORS AFFECTING THE SOFTNESS OF THE CLOTHING LEATHERS KARADANIŞMAN,Özcan MSc in Department of Leather Tech. Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Özcan San Semtember 1996, 48 pages In this thesis, softness that one of the most important criteria to affect the quality of clothing leathers and, affectsof different types of fatliquors on softness is reviewed. For this aim, in experiments sulphited, sulphated and, sulphonated fatliquors which are grouped as natural and synthetic are used. They are used on the leathers which are treated same way until the fatliquoring step. Yield leathers tested with BLC ST 300 Softness Tester device. Beside it tensile strength, tear strength and, surface tension tests are applied. Data obtained have evaluated under SAS software with Duncan comparing technique. Keywords: Softness, fatliquors, fatliquoring step.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Deri ve Kürk Teknolojisi, Leather and Fur Technology, Deri üretimi, Leather production, Kumaşlar, Fabrics, Yumuşaklık, Softness