Çanakkale ili Ayvacık bölgesinde zoonotik visseral leishmaniasisin serolojik ve entomolojik olarak araştırılması
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Çanakkale ili, Kepez Merkez'de, Kepez ilçesine bağlı Kalabaklı Köyünde ve Ayvacık ilçesi İlyasfakı Köyü'nde 2007 yılı Haziran ve Ağustos aylarında visseral leishmaniasisin (Kala-Azar, VL) epidemiyolojik durumunu belirlemek için saha çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Türkiye'deki VL etkeni Leishmania infantum'un rezervuarı olduğu için incelemek üzere 27 köpekten kan örnekleri alınmış ve fizik muayeneleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca hastalığın vektörlüğünü yapan kum sinekleri, ışıklı tuzaklar yardımıyla toplanmıştır. Çalışma bölgesinde 789 kum sineği örneği toplanmış ve Phlebotomus neglectus, P. tobbi, P. simici, P. papatasi, P. perfiliewi ve P. halepensis olmak üzere 6 Phlebotomus türünün ve 1 Sergentomyia türünün (S. theodori) bulunduğu saptanmıştır. Bu türlerden, P. neglectus'un İlyasfakı köyünde (%94,4), P. tobbi'nin ise Merkez'de (%50) ve Kalabaklı köyünde (%48,1) dominant türler olduğu belirlenmiştir. IFA testi ile 27 köpek serumu değerlendirilmiş ve hiçbir köpekte seropozitiflik tespit edilmemiştir. Sadece Kepez'den iki köpeğin serumlarında, eşik değerin altında 1/16 ve 1/64 sulandırımda seropozitiflik görülmüştür. Bölgede VL etkeni için uygun Phlebotomus türlerinin bulunduğu, köpeklerdeki durumun netleşmesi için daha fazla sayıda köpekle çalışmanın genişletilmesi kanısına varılmıştır.
The field studies were carried out in İlyasfakı village belonging to Ayvacık town, Kalabaklı village and center of Kepez town belonging to Canakkale province to determine the epidemiological situation of visceral leishmaniasis between June and August 2007. A total of 27 blood samples were taken from the dogs which are known as reservoir of Leishmania infantum causing visceral leishmaniasis in human and dogs. The dogs were also examined physically for clinical symptoms of the disease. A total of 789 sand fly specimens were collected using CDC miniature light traps and examined. Six Phlebotomus and one Sergentomyia species were identified as: Phlebotomus negletus, P. tobbi, P. simici, P. papatisi, P. perfiliewi, P. halepensis and S. theodori. Among these species P. neglectus, was found to be a dominant species in İlyasfakı village by the rate of 94.4%, while P. tobbi was also found to be a dominant species in city center (including Kepez) and Kalabakı village by the rate of 50% and 48.1%, respectively. No seropositive dogs were found by IFA test. Seropositivity below cut-off level was only observed in two dogs from Kepez, in dilutions of 1/16 and 1/64. The risk level for human and canine visceral is found to be high and it requires more field studies on canine leishmaniasis in and around the area.
The field studies were carried out in İlyasfakı village belonging to Ayvacık town, Kalabaklı village and center of Kepez town belonging to Canakkale province to determine the epidemiological situation of visceral leishmaniasis between June and August 2007. A total of 27 blood samples were taken from the dogs which are known as reservoir of Leishmania infantum causing visceral leishmaniasis in human and dogs. The dogs were also examined physically for clinical symptoms of the disease. A total of 789 sand fly specimens were collected using CDC miniature light traps and examined. Six Phlebotomus and one Sergentomyia species were identified as: Phlebotomus negletus, P. tobbi, P. simici, P. papatisi, P. perfiliewi, P. halepensis and S. theodori. Among these species P. neglectus, was found to be a dominant species in İlyasfakı village by the rate of 94.4%, while P. tobbi was also found to be a dominant species in city center (including Kepez) and Kalabakı village by the rate of 50% and 48.1%, respectively. No seropositive dogs were found by IFA test. Seropositivity below cut-off level was only observed in two dogs from Kepez, in dilutions of 1/16 and 1/64. The risk level for human and canine visceral is found to be high and it requires more field studies on canine leishmaniasis in and around the area.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
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