Çift kara delik sistemlerinde gravitasyonel dalgalar ve çerçeve sürüklenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu doktora tezinde; Genel Görelilik Kuramı'nın en önemli öngörülerinden biri olan gravitasyonel dalgalar teorisi, LIGO/Virgo dedektörlerinden elde edilen gözlemsel verilerin ışığında kuramsal ve nümerik olarak detaylı şekilde çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada ilk olarak konunun matematiksel temelleri verilmiştir. Daha sonra, çift kara delik sistemlerinin gravitasyonel dalga evrimlerinde kullanılan nümerik rölativite denklemleri ve "3+1 formalizm" olarak bilinen nümerik çözüm yöntemleri aktarılmıştır. Kara deliklerin tek ve çift sistem olma durumunda çerçeve sürüklenme etkisi araştırılmış ve ilgili yeni denklemler türetilmiştir. Tezin en kapsamlı bölümünde, çift kara delik sistemlerinin gravitasyonel dalga form model çalışmaları yer almaktadır. Bu bölümde, gravitasyonel dalga formlarının üretilmesinde kullanılan yaklaşım modellerinin, birbirleriyle ve gözlem veri setleriyle tutarlılık testleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan bu tutarlılık testlerinin ardından farklı fiziksel parametre setlerine göre çok sayıda olası çift kara delik sistemi için gravitasyonel dalga form modelleri oluşturulmuştur. Sistemlerin bileşenlerini oluşturan kara delikler, başlangıç spin parametrelerine göre gruplandırılarak LIGO/Virgo kataloğundan alınan gözlem verileri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma kapsamında yapılan çok sayıda model sayesinde, farklı başlangıç koşullarında çift kara delik sisteminde birleşme öncesi, birleşme anı ve birleşme sonrasında oluşan; gravitasyonel dalga genliği, sonuç kütle, spin/açısal-momentum ve kayıp kütle miktarları hesaplanmıştır. Yapılan nümerik hesaplamalar, gözlemsel olarak tespit edilen 10 adet çift kara delik sisteminin birleşme sürecini açıklamakta başarılı olmuştur. Ayrıca bu sistemler için alternatif koşullar da önerilmiştir.
In this doctoral thesis, gravitational waves (GWs) theory, one of the most important predictions of General Relativity, was studied in detail in the light of observational data obtained from LIGO/Virgo detectors theoretically and numerically. In the study, the mathematical foundations of the subject are given first. Then, numerical relativity equations used in GW evolutions of binary black holes (BBHs) and numerical solution methods known as "3+1 formalism" are described. In case of black holes (BHs) being single and binary systems, the frame dragging effect was investigated and related new equations were derived. The most comprehensive part of the thesis is the gravitational waveform model studies of BBHs. In this section, consistency tests of the approximation models used in the production of gravitational waveforms were performed with each other and observation datasets. Following these consistency tests, gravitational waveform models were created for many possible BBHs according to different physical parameter sets. The BHs forming the components of the systems are grouped according to the initial spin parameters and compared with the observation data from the LIGO/Virgo catalog. As a result, thanks to the many models made within the scope of this study, the GW amplitude, the final mass, spin/angular-momentum, and loss mass quantities that were formed before the merger, the moment of merger and the merger in the BBHs at different starting conditions were calculated. The numerical calculations made were successful in explaining the merger process of ten BBHs detected observationally. Alternative conditions have also been proposed for these systems.
In this doctoral thesis, gravitational waves (GWs) theory, one of the most important predictions of General Relativity, was studied in detail in the light of observational data obtained from LIGO/Virgo detectors theoretically and numerically. In the study, the mathematical foundations of the subject are given first. Then, numerical relativity equations used in GW evolutions of binary black holes (BBHs) and numerical solution methods known as "3+1 formalism" are described. In case of black holes (BHs) being single and binary systems, the frame dragging effect was investigated and related new equations were derived. The most comprehensive part of the thesis is the gravitational waveform model studies of BBHs. In this section, consistency tests of the approximation models used in the production of gravitational waveforms were performed with each other and observation datasets. Following these consistency tests, gravitational waveform models were created for many possible BBHs according to different physical parameter sets. The BHs forming the components of the systems are grouped according to the initial spin parameters and compared with the observation data from the LIGO/Virgo catalog. As a result, thanks to the many models made within the scope of this study, the GW amplitude, the final mass, spin/angular-momentum, and loss mass quantities that were formed before the merger, the moment of merger and the merger in the BBHs at different starting conditions were calculated. The numerical calculations made were successful in explaining the merger process of ten BBHs detected observationally. Alternative conditions have also been proposed for these systems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gravitasyonel Dalgalar, Birleşen Çift Kara Delikler Ve Simülasyonları, Nümerik Rölativite, Çerçeve Sürüklenme Etkisi, Gravitational Waves, Binary Black Hole Mergers And Simulations, Numerical Relativity, Frame Dragging Effect