Osmanlı Devletinde esnaf teşkilatı ve İkinci Meşrutiyet Döneminde esnafa yönelik teşvik politikaları
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
İkinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi’nin yöneticileri, esnafa yönelik teşvik politikaları üzerine, eğitim ve ticari hayat başta olmak üzere birçok alanda çalışmışlardır.
İttihat ve Terakki, 1908 yılında Osmanlı devlet yönetiminde söz sahibi olmuştur. Onların ilk yaptığı işlerden birisi, Osmanlı toplumunda ve iktisadi yaşamında yıllarca ana unsur olan esnafı, eskiden olduğu gibi, ahi kültürü etrafında toplama düşüncesidir. Bu düşünceyle üç adet ahilik raporu hazırlatılmıştır. Hazırlatılan raporlar, ahiliğin araştırılması, tekrar canlandırılması ve esnaf teşkilatlanma pratiğinde uygulanmasına yönelik olmuştur.
Dersaadet esnafı ve diğer Anadolu şehirlerindeki esnaf arasındaki sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel yönden farklılıkları ortadan kaldırmak için çalışmalar yapılmış, yerli malı kullanılması için halk teşvik edilmiş, 1908 ve 1913 arasındaki yıllar, yabancı sermayeyle tasarruf dönemi, 1914’ten sonra da eldeki tasarruflarla milli atılımlar dönemi olarak planlanmıştır.
Esnafın kendini geliştirmesi, okuryazar olabilmesi için gece mektepleri açılmıştır. Bunun yanında esnaf çıraklarına yönelik de 1914’ten sonra mektepler kurulmaya başlanmıştır. Milli bankacılığın doğuş ve serpiliş yılları olarak tanımlanan 1908 ve 1918 yılları arasında, esnafa ticari olarak katkı sağlamak düşüncesi ile Ziraat Bankası kanalıyla kredi kolaylıkları sağlanmıştır. Yabancı esnafa müskirat satış izni verilerek, yabancı esnafın ticari hayatta, ayakta kalması sağlanmıştır. Hüviyet varakasından alınan vergi kaldırılmıştır. Şehremanetinin asli görevi olmasına rağmen, varakaları vergi karşılığında düzenlemesi uygun bulunmamış ve varakalar esnafa ücretsiz olarak verilmeye başlanmıştır. Ayrıca tekaüd maaşlarında da iyileştirmeler yapılmıştır.
Cami avlularında ve uygunsuz yerlerde satış yapan esnafın önüne geçmek ayrıca şehir planlamasına uygun bir görüntü oluşturmak amacıyla esnafa işini yapabileceği yerlerde barakalar ve uygun boş dükkânlar tahsis edilmiştir.
Üretimi arttırmak ve ürün kalitesini korumak için, işini iyi yapan esnaf korunmuş, hileli yollara başvuran esnaf ise cezalandırılmıştır.
Managers of the second constitutional period, on incentive policies for craftsman, especially education and commercial life, they have worked on incentive policies in many areas. Ittihat ve Terakki had a say in the Ottoman state administration in 1908. One of their first jobs, Shopkeepers, which were the main elements of Ottoman society and economic life for years, as before, there has been a thought of gathering around the ahi culture. With this in mind, three ahi community reports were prepared. The reports prepared, investigation of the ahi community, revitalization and in the practice of organizing craftsmen, it was directed towards its implementation. Studies have been carried out to eliminate social, economic and cultural differences between class craftsman and other craftsmen in Anatolian cities, the public is encouraged to use domestic goods. Years between 1908 and 1913, savings period with foreign capital, after 1914, there was a period of national breakthroughs with the savings at hand. Night schools were opened for the craftsman to improve themselves and become literate. Besides, schools started to be established for craftsman apprentice after 1914. Between 1908 and 1918, which were defined as the birth and fallout years of national banking, credit facilities were provided through Ziraat Bank in order to contribute to the craftsman commercially. Foreign craftsmen were allowed to survive in commercial life by giving them permission to sell alcoholic beverages. The tax on the identity sheet has been removed. Although the municipality has the primary duty, it was not found appropriate to issue sheets against tax and sheets have started to be given to craftsmen free of charge. Preventing craftsmen selling in mosque courtyards and in inappropriate places, also, for creating an image suitable for urban planning, sheds and suitable empty shops are allocated to the craftsmen where they can do their work. In order to increase production and maintain product quality, craftsmen who do their job well are preserved, while those who use fraudulent ways are punished.
Managers of the second constitutional period, on incentive policies for craftsman, especially education and commercial life, they have worked on incentive policies in many areas. Ittihat ve Terakki had a say in the Ottoman state administration in 1908. One of their first jobs, Shopkeepers, which were the main elements of Ottoman society and economic life for years, as before, there has been a thought of gathering around the ahi culture. With this in mind, three ahi community reports were prepared. The reports prepared, investigation of the ahi community, revitalization and in the practice of organizing craftsmen, it was directed towards its implementation. Studies have been carried out to eliminate social, economic and cultural differences between class craftsman and other craftsmen in Anatolian cities, the public is encouraged to use domestic goods. Years between 1908 and 1913, savings period with foreign capital, after 1914, there was a period of national breakthroughs with the savings at hand. Night schools were opened for the craftsman to improve themselves and become literate. Besides, schools started to be established for craftsman apprentice after 1914. Between 1908 and 1918, which were defined as the birth and fallout years of national banking, credit facilities were provided through Ziraat Bank in order to contribute to the craftsman commercially. Foreign craftsmen were allowed to survive in commercial life by giving them permission to sell alcoholic beverages. The tax on the identity sheet has been removed. Although the municipality has the primary duty, it was not found appropriate to issue sheets against tax and sheets have started to be given to craftsmen free of charge. Preventing craftsmen selling in mosque courtyards and in inappropriate places, also, for creating an image suitable for urban planning, sheds and suitable empty shops are allocated to the craftsmen where they can do their work. In order to increase production and maintain product quality, craftsmen who do their job well are preserved, while those who use fraudulent ways are punished.
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