Retinanın vazoproliferatif tümörü: İki olgu sunumu
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İntraoküler amelanotik tümörlerin ayırıcı tanısında yer alan, oldukça yeni tanımlanmış olan ve nadir görülen vazoproliferatif retina tümörü mevcut 2 olguyu sunmak. Kliniğimize koroid melanomu ön tanısıyla yönlendirilen 43 yaşındaki bayan olgunun sağ gözü (Olgu 1) ve 40 yaşındaki erkek olgunun sol gözü (Olgu 2) değerlendirildi. Yapılan oftalmolojik muayenede en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği tutulan taraftaki gözlerde bir metreden parmak sayma ve 0,3 düzeyinde (sırasıyla Olgu 1, Olgu 2) bulundu. Göz dibi bakısında her iki olgunun tutulan gözlerinde temporal kadranda turuncu-kırmızı renkli, üzerinde kanamaların yer aldığı retinal kitle ve çevresinde bol miktarda eksuda ile sığ eksudatif dekolman saptandı. Yaygın eksudasyon ve retinal ödem iki olguda da fovea alanına da yayılıyordu. Göze travma öyküsü bulunan her iki olguda yapılan tetkikler sonucu vazoproliferatif retina tümörü tanısı konularak tek seans kriyoterapi uygulandı. Kriyoterapi sonrası birinci ayda lezyonların küçüldüğü ve görme keskinliğinin 0,9 ve 0,7 (sırasıyla Olgu 1, Olgu 2) seviyesine çıktığı gözlendi. Toplam 18 (Olgu 1) ve 10 (Olgu 2) aylık izlemde nüks saptanmadı. Vazoproliferatif retina tümörü koroid melanomu, metastatik tümörler gibi amelanotik olabilen malign intraoküler tümörlere benzer klinik tablo sergiler. Nadir görülen bu tümörün karakteristik özellikleri turuncu-kırmızı renkte olması ve eşlik eden eksudasyonlardır. Çoğunlukla idiopatik olmakla birlikte üveit ve nadir de olsa travma öyküsü mevcuttur. İyi huylu ve tedavi edilebilir doğası nedeniyle malign amelanotik intraoküler tümörlerin ayırıcı tanısında dikkate alınmalıdır.
To report two cases of vasoproliferative retinal tumor, which is rare, newly described and important in the differential diagnosis of amelanotic intraocular tumors. We evaluated the right eye of a 43-year-old female (Case 1), and the left eye of a 40-year-old male (Case 2), who were diagnosed to have malignant melanoma of the choroid. on ophthalmological examination, the best corrected visual acuity of the affected eyes were counting fingers at 1 metre and 0.3, respectively (Case 1, Case 2). on fundoscopy, orange-red mass in the temporal retina with subretinal hemorrhages, surrounded by exudates, and shallow exudative retinal detachment were observed in the two cases, as well as diffuse exudation and retinal edema extending to the fovea. the diagnosis of vasoproliferative retinal tumor was established in the two patients who had history of eye trauma; one session of cryotherapy was performed to both. One month after cryotherapy, the lesions were smaller, and the best corrected visual acuity increased to 0.9 and 0.7, respectively (Case 1, Case 2). During a follow-up time of 18 (Case 1) and 10 (Case 2) months, no recurrence was observed. Vasoproliferative tumor of the retina demonstrates a clinic similar to that of amelanotic intraocular tumors, such as choroidal malignant melanoma and metastatic tumors of the choroid. the characteristic features of this rare tumor are orange-red color and accompanying exudations. Although most of them are idiopathic, uveitis and rarely trauma history might be positive. Due to its benign and treatable nature, it should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of malignant amelanotic intraocular tumors.
To report two cases of vasoproliferative retinal tumor, which is rare, newly described and important in the differential diagnosis of amelanotic intraocular tumors. We evaluated the right eye of a 43-year-old female (Case 1), and the left eye of a 40-year-old male (Case 2), who were diagnosed to have malignant melanoma of the choroid. on ophthalmological examination, the best corrected visual acuity of the affected eyes were counting fingers at 1 metre and 0.3, respectively (Case 1, Case 2). on fundoscopy, orange-red mass in the temporal retina with subretinal hemorrhages, surrounded by exudates, and shallow exudative retinal detachment were observed in the two cases, as well as diffuse exudation and retinal edema extending to the fovea. the diagnosis of vasoproliferative retinal tumor was established in the two patients who had history of eye trauma; one session of cryotherapy was performed to both. One month after cryotherapy, the lesions were smaller, and the best corrected visual acuity increased to 0.9 and 0.7, respectively (Case 1, Case 2). During a follow-up time of 18 (Case 1) and 10 (Case 2) months, no recurrence was observed. Vasoproliferative tumor of the retina demonstrates a clinic similar to that of amelanotic intraocular tumors, such as choroidal malignant melanoma and metastatic tumors of the choroid. the characteristic features of this rare tumor are orange-red color and accompanying exudations. Although most of them are idiopathic, uveitis and rarely trauma history might be positive. Due to its benign and treatable nature, it should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of malignant amelanotic intraocular tumors.
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