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Kurmacanın tanımı ve ayırt edici özellikleri, kurmaca-gerçek ayrımı, kurmaca-tarih ayrımı ve tarihî romanın statüsü her ne kadar antik çağdan günümüze kadar araştırma konusu olmuşsa da, ortaya tatmin edici ve üzerinde uzlaşmaya varılmış sonuçlar çıkmamıştır. Mantıkçılar, filozoflar ve dilbilimciler meseleye kendi perspektiflerinden bakmış, edebiyat teorisyenleri ise semantik temelli yaklaşımları savunanlar ile pragmatik temelli yaklaşımları savunanlar şeklinde ikiye bölünmüştür. Son dönemde ise daha bütüncül bir bakış içeren retorik yaklaşımın şemsiyesi altına girme eğilimi dikkat çekmiştir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle kurmacanın tanımı, kurgusallık teorileri ve kurgusallık göstergeleri üzerinde durulacak, daha sonra ise kurmaca-gerçek ilişkisi, kurmaca-tarih ayrımı ve tarihî romanda "doğruluk" meselesi irdelenecektir. Çalışmanın amacı, bahsedilen meselelerle ilgili ortaya atılan yaklaşım ve teorileri ana hatlarıyla betimlemek ve tartışmaların günümüzde ulaştığı son noktayı göz önüne sermektir
Although the definition and distinctive features of fiction, fictionfact distinction, fiction-history distinction and the status of historical novel have been the subject of much research from the ancient age to the present day, there have been no satisfactory and reconciled conclusions related to these issues. While logicians, philosophers and linguists have each looked at the subject from their own perspectives, literary theorists are divided into those who defend semanticbased approaches and others who defend pragmatic-based approaches. In the recent period, the tendency to enter under the umbrella of the rhetorical approach, which has a more holistic view, has attracted attention. In this study, the definition of fiction, the theories of fiction and the signposts of fictionality will be emphasized first, and then the relation between fiction and fact, fiction-history distinction and the problem of truthfulness in historical novel will be discussed. The aim of this paper is to outline the approaches and theories that have been put forward in relation to the mentioned issues and to present current debates on the subject
Although the definition and distinctive features of fiction, fictionfact distinction, fiction-history distinction and the status of historical novel have been the subject of much research from the ancient age to the present day, there have been no satisfactory and reconciled conclusions related to these issues. While logicians, philosophers and linguists have each looked at the subject from their own perspectives, literary theorists are divided into those who defend semanticbased approaches and others who defend pragmatic-based approaches. In the recent period, the tendency to enter under the umbrella of the rhetorical approach, which has a more holistic view, has attracted attention. In this study, the definition of fiction, the theories of fiction and the signposts of fictionality will be emphasized first, and then the relation between fiction and fact, fiction-history distinction and the problem of truthfulness in historical novel will be discussed. The aim of this paper is to outline the approaches and theories that have been put forward in relation to the mentioned issues and to present current debates on the subject
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Yeni Türk Edebiyatı: Hakemli Altı Aylık İnceleme Dergisi
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